Ascension Of The Villain

Chapter 28: Road To Bankruptcy

Returning from the long celebratory party, Vyan plopped down in the chair of his office and let out a dramatic sigh, "I am exhausted."

"So am I," Clyde agreed, sprawling on the couch like a very tired starfish.

"Hey, don't fall asleep there," Vyan warned, eyeing Clyde with the kind of disdain usually reserved for moldy leftovers.

"Just teleport me back to my room, can't you?" Clyde grumbled, pulling a cushion over his face.

"On second thought, maybe you should fall asleep and just shiver out here," Vyan retorted, smirking. "It will build character."

"Cruel," Clyde muttered from under his makeshift pillow fort.

"Speaking of cruel," Vyan said, straighting up, "I didn't expect Princess Althea herself to be scheming a coup already. I thought I would have to nudge her against Easton first. But no, it turns out she is already on the 'backstab my brother' express."

"She is quite unpredictable," Clyde murmured with a goofy grin, as if he were reminiscing about a particularly good dream.

"Well, what do I care?" Vyan shrugged, sinking back into his chair. "As long as she is on board to help me take down Easton, her motives are about as relevant to me as the nutritional value of a chocolate cake."

"I want to know about her motives, though," Clyde interjected.

Vyan frowned. "Why?"

"I mean, why would she want to stab her own brother in the back? Prince Easton isn't ev her half or step brother. He is her actual, full-fledged younger brother."

Vyan caressed his chin thoughtfully and said, "I think that right there is the exact reason."

Clyde removed the cushion and looked at him with curiosity.

"From what I gathered from our conversation at the party, she is the ambitious type," Vyan expressed. "She feels it is unfair she doesn't get to inherit the throne, despite being the emperor's first-born. Because, you know, life should be a fairy tale where the eldest always wins."

"But she totally has the capabilities to fight for the throne. She is the only one in her family who can use healing magic. And she has got defsive magic as well," Clyde reasoned stubbornly, like a kid defding his favorite superhero.

"But she can't use purification magic—the most divine ergy of all," Vyan shot back with the patice of someone explaining algebra to a squirrel. "Which, let's face it, is the real reason the royal family keeps the fancy crown in the first place."

Purification magic was the only power that could stand up to dark magic. And ev though dark magic was about as legal as dodging the tax, it was still pretty popular a Haynes. So, yeah, someone with purification magic was kind of a big deal.

"She can learn it with guidance, though," Clyde insisted.

"And that is where Easton has earned her eternal scorn," Vyan explained. "Because he won't teach it to her. After all, why would he risk his precious throne for some sibling bonding time?"

"You are right. He wouldn't," Clyde conceded.

"Well, whatever her reasons, it makes my life easier," Vyan concluded, shrugging in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Clyde was left feeling terrible for Althea.

"Oh, Clyde," Vyan spoke up again, "don't forget to schedule my appointmt with the princess next week. Maybe throw in a reminder to wear my 'I am Totally Trustworthy' face."

Clyde sat up on the couch, concern writt all over his face. "Are you really going to meet her alone in the Itroy market like she asked you to?"

"Don't worry," Vyan assured confidtly. "I don't think it's a trap. But ev if it is, I can crush her in an instant. Light and healing magic are all well and good, but nothing beats the power that burns and destroys everything."

"Your safety isn't an issue…" Clyde trailed off, his lips forming a small pout. "You will be meeting a lady all alone, like you are on a date."

"What's there to worry about? We will be in disguises, anyway. No one is going to recognize us," Vyan reassured, waving a dismissive hand.

"That's ev worse," Clyde muttered under his breath, sweat beads forming on his forehead. "What if someone still catches you? How awkward would that be? Think about it, Vyan," he pressed.

"It will be fine. So what if Princess Althea and I are caught together? I am not just some nameless knight anymore. It would be a celebration if people thought we were lovers."

"Lovers?!" Clyde exclaimed, feeling his heart plummet to the pit of his stomach.

Vyan arched an eyebrow, confusion writt on his face. "What's the matter with you? Why are you reacting so oddly? I mean, you have always be an oddball, but today you are extra odd."

"I, um, it's nothing," Clyde stammered, trying to sound casual. "I just feel a little tired. You know, ev someone like me can have low ergy sometimes,"

"You and low ergy?" Vyan let out, eyeing him skeptically."Hard to believe, but okay."

Clyde laid back down, his heart churning with insecurity.

As much as he adored Vyan as a frid, the thought of Althea liking him made his insides twist. Vyan was undiably attractive, after all. Normally, Clyde liked to believe he was the more handsome one, but beauty is subjective. What if Althea came to like Vyan…?

If she did, I can't cross Vyan, either. He is my best frid. But… what about Princess Althea? I can't give up without trying at all. Ugh, is love always so complicated?

While Clyde was going through sev layers of emotions, the piercing pair of red eyes were still on him, analyzing him.

"Is something on your mind, Clyde?" Vyan asked after a long momt of contemplating.

"Huh? No," Clyde mumbled, trying to sound nonchalant but failing spectacularly.

"Really? I just feel like your stomach is going to burst from trying to withhold secrets from me," Vyan reasoned, tilting his head.

"There is no secret," Clyde responded.

"You can tell me, come on. You forced me into this fridship, didn't you? So it's your job to uphold your d of the deal by telling me your problems as well. You have be acting weird ever since we met Princess Althea—" He stopped talking once he noticed Clyde's ears turning red.

He blinked a few times, and th, it clicked.

"Oh, my heavs!" Vyan exclaimed. "Clyde, did you fall in love with Princess Althea?"

There was a dead silce from Clyde, and Vyan almost doubted if Clyde had quit breathing at the question. But after some momt, Clyde sat up, looking shy.

"I guess… I mean, yes…" Clyde admitted.

"Damn, that's a new side of you I have never se before." A big wicked grin formed on Vyan's face. "It's so cute. Let me capture this memory."

Clyde flushed red. "Hey, wait—"

"Too late. It's already done." Vyan brushed his hand over the backside of a documt paper and the image of a blushing Clyde was printed on it. "Oh, you look good. Maybe I will show this to Princess Althea next time we meet. It will make for a good conversation-starter."

"Those are some important papers you just used for a silly picture!" Clyde shrieked, ignoring Vyan's last stce. "Give it to me! I will help. I will erase the picture and rew the paper."

"Freya has a copy of every documt that appears on my desk," Vyan mtioned with a playful smirk, "So don't you worry, lover boy."

Clyde shot him a tight-lipped smile and laid back flat on the couch. "You are a monster."

Vyan laughed in response and quipped, "Oh, yes, there are going to be some people who will agree with you on that tomorrow."

Clyde grinned. "I can't wait for it."

"Well, th, lover boy, get up. It's time to do a little job."

"Only if you stop calling me lover boy."

"Nope. Not a chance."


"Say what?" Marquess Estelle let out furiously. "We don't have sufficit funds in the treasury to repair the manor? Are you out of your mind?"

"Yes, unfortunately, it is true. Sir Williams has be embezzling money for over a year now, and he ran away with almost everything last night," informed his aide, Scott, nervously adjusting his collar as if it might protect him from the Marquess's wrath.

"How can a single man run away with my vast wealth overnight?" Edward shouted, his face turning an alarming shade of red.

"Well… there wasn't much in the treasury, to begin with," Scott mtioned hesitantly, as if bracing for impact.

"What do you mean?" Lyon asked cluelessly, poking the angry bear.

"How ignorant can you be?" Edward snapped, and Lyon flinched. "Ar't you aware that our business has come to a standstill ever since Ashstone claimed their cacao trees were attacked by demons and they were unable to do business with us?"

"So that means… Vyan was behind it?" Lyon mumbled.

Edward slapped a hand on his forehead in frustration. "Of course, he was! He has be ruling Ashstone for a year now! He stopped trading with Estelle to damage our family business," he gritted his teeth, looking like he was about to bite through steel.

"What happed to the huge amount of cocoa beans we imported from Redsance Kingdom?" Lyon asked in a tiny voice, scared of Edward's temper.

"That got swept up in the typhoon, you imbecile!" Edward ran a hand over his face. "We suffered such a big loss because of that. At this point, I think Vyan had a hand in that as well."

"Now, that's just ridiculous. How would he control a disaster?" Lyon blurted out in sheer disbelief.

Edward shot him a glare that could melt ice, and Lyon took a step back in fear. "I don't know. He is a bad om like you and your sister. Without any knowledge of the family business, you and Sina have be splurging money like usual, hav't you?"

Lyon became quiet in embarrassmt.

Ev right now, Sina was probably out shopping for dresses or jewelry, blissfully unaware that the family fortune was circling the drain.

The marquess let out a heavy sigh, seeing no hope for the future. "I cannot believe we are on the road to bankruptcy. Our flintstone mine also came crashing down because of the earthquake two months ago," he mumbled, doubting if Vyan had something to do with that as well.

They were literally on the verge of poverty at the momt because of that bastard of a grand duke, and his family didn't ev understand the depth of the situation.

"Get me a p and paper, Scott. I need to write a letter to someone who will understand my pain," Edward requested, his voice tinged with resignation.

"Who are you sding a letter to?" Lyon asked, his curiosity piqued.

"To my dear eldest daughter," Edward murmured with a bittersweet smile. "Only she will be able to deal with that wretched boy."

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