Ascension of the Monster Queen

Chapter 43: By midday

Wh Nessa awoke the next morning, she stretched off and saw Akio sleeping beside the bed, th she smiled as she got out of bed and at the same time, he woke up.

"Good morning, Akio," She said and he stood up and th looked at her.

"Good morning, my lady, I apologize for sleeping away," He replied, and she looked at him before patting him on the head.

"I told you, it's fine, there's no need to worry so much Akio, I am fine," She said.

"Alright, if you say so," He replied and she smiled.

"Yes, now I'm going to fresh up," She said before grabbing her clothes and heading to the bathroom.

While she was taking her bath, patty came to her room and rapped on the door which Akio oped.

"Oh, the cute little wolf," Patty said th patted him on the head.

'I don't like being patted by anyone except lady Nessa, you are lucky you're a nice person and helping her out or you'd have lost an arm,' Akio thought, his eyes sparkling.

"You are cute," Patty said before calling out to Nessa.

"Ah, Patty," Nessa said, "I'm taking a bath."

"I see, well, wh you're done, come down for breakfast," She replied.

"OK, thank you," Nessa said as Patty smiled th left the room and Akio closed the door.

After finishing her bath, Nessa dressed, grabbed Akio, and exited the room, heading to the lounge where Patty and her staff members were.

"Good morning, guys," Nessa said as she sat down.

They replied, "Good morning."

"Nessa, here," Patty said as she handed the girl her breakfast, which she took.

"Thank you, Patty," She replied gratefully, and the woman smiled.

"You are welcome, so Nessa, have you heard what's be going on lately in that great forest?" Patty inquired, capturing Nessa's atttion, and the young lady looked at her.

"About monsters, gathering?" Nessa asked.

"Yeah, is that ev a good thing?" Patty asked, and Nessa sighed.

"Yeah, not all monsters are bad; they are more similar to humans than we can possibly imagine," Nessa responded as she ate, and the woman left staring at her.

"I suppose that's correct; do you believe they can coexist, Nessa?" Patty asked.

"Yes, if people won't be so selfish th they can," She responded and Patty sighed.

"You are right, I guess some of us might not be that differt from each other, I intd to find out if we can live in peace, I think not every book should be judged by its cover," Patty said and Nessa smiled.

"I think the same," Nessa replied, th continued eating her food, wondering if she should just leave for Mascra, ev though it had not ev be a day since she and Skiro along with K arrived in the kingdom.

After a while, wh Nessa had finished her meal, she sighed and stood up.

"Patty, I'm going to look a the city," Nessa said, and Patty smiled.

"I'm glad, be careful," Patty replied, and Nessa nodded before leaving the inn and saw a bunch of people pass by and she sighed.

'I should be careful, this is still a place I don't know anything about,' Nessa thought as Akio rubbed his head against her and she looked down at him, th smiled and lifted him up in her arm and began walking down the street, admiring everything and how neatly it was built.

While looking a, someone called out to her and wh she turned a, she saw K standing in front of a building across the street and she approached him.

"Good morning, K," She said.

"Good morning, looking a?" He asked.

"Yeah, so far so good," She responded, and he smiled.

"Yes, it certainly is; however, we have another trip coming up in a few days; are you leaving today?" He inquired.

"I'm not sure," she replied, "but I'm surprised you guys have to leave so quickly, business must be booming." He nodded.

"Yes, there are a lot of changes happing in this world rectly, I now hear a few talking about a few monsters, gathering in that mysterious land," He said and she smiled.

"Perhaps that's a good thing," She replied, and he smiled.

"You are quite op-minded, but you are correct, maybe it's a good thing, maybe it's just what this world needs to change," He said and she smirked.

"Well, which is the best way to get to Mascra?" She asked.

"Hmm, there are a lot of ways to get there Nessa, but since you're traveling alone, make things easier for yourself by taking a ship, which will take at least two days to reach, minimum," He responded.

"I see, well, since it will take two days, I think it would be best to leave today," she said. "Besides, I have to get this tak care of as soon as possible, I have somewhere to return to," he smiled and patted her on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, I understand, if you want I can take you to the harbor," He replied.

"Really? But don't you have work to do?" He smiled wh she asked.

"Don't worry, I have the others to help with that, there are a lot of us, besides I think I know the work you have to do is more than just important, also there is a ship leaving for Mascra at midday, in case you were wondering," He responded, and she sighed as she lowered her head to think.

"I suppose that's my cue," She said.

"I suppose it is, well, that will be soon," He replied.

"I'll go get my things from the inn, and I'd like to say goodbye to Skiro," She said.

"You go get your things, he'll accompany us to the harbor, and I'll drag him by his tail if I have to," He replied, and she chuckled before heading back to the inn to get her belongings but Nessa wanted to stay a little bit longer but knew she didn't have much of a choice and needed to get her work tak care of since she didn't know how long it might take or ev if it will be possible yet her hopes were still in tack.

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