Ascension of the Monster Queen

Chapter 34: A generous offer

"I believe it's all connected; do you have any idea who might be behind it all?" Nessa inquired, and Youthim glanced at her.

"We're going to need more details to ev guess," Tehitos said.

"There were orcs wearing knight armor, a three-headed leopard among them, the fox, and the guys in the cloaks, one had a strong dark presce, he was the one in black, perhaps it's a demon lord who is doing all of this," Nessa looked at the ogre who wanted to kill her wh he said that.

"You won't just guess that," Nessa replied and he scoffed.

"No, I won't," he said, "I heard one of the guys mtion a demon lord, but I couldn't catch the name, I don't think they mtioned it, only that he would be displeased, they destroyed another village before coming to ours."

"I get it now, but what the hell is this demon lord up to? Killing so many people, I'd really like to find out, I wonder what's the name of the one that's doing this, I won't spare him or her" Nessa replied and Dalia patted her on the shoulder th she sighed and continued eating her food.

'What will I do if they try to take my home?' I don't mind killing them because they killed so many innoct people, I will do what it takes to protect mine,' Nessa thought.

"Hey, what are your future plans?" Nessa inquired, and the one who wanted to kill her looked at her.

"Take revge on the ones who destroyed everything we had," He responded.

"Ah, I see; th what are your plans?" Do you have the power to exact vgeance? Do you know who your true adversary is? Do you ev have a home for them?" She asked, and he coughed while the other laughed and she sighed.

"You can stay here as long as you want, but I have an offer for you all; do you want to be my subordinates?" She inquired.

"Subordinates?" The second female ogre inquired.

"Yeah, all I can give you guys is a home, food, and clothing, as well as help protect you; you are free to make your own decision, and ev if you choose no, I would allow you to stay because your leader here has no real plan as yet; this place is free to those who mean us no harm," Nessa responded, and the guy lowered his head.

"Can you think about it? You've got a lot of free time," Nessa th stood up and left, after which she wt to sit with her people alongside Akio and Isamu.

"Is she simply carefree, or...?" Wh the same guy asked, Dalia looked at him and smiled.

"She's just kind, she must have be through a lot where she came from, all I know is that she is worth trusting, you have better judgemt than me but that's the way I feel, think about it," Dalia responded, th he smiled, stood up, walked away, and gnashed his teeth as he looked up at the night sky.

'I guess it's a good idea to stay here, what does she intd to build, a nation where a lot of monsters live will glow in a world like this,' He sighed, knowing he had to make a decision that would befit him and the others with him.

The tire night passed with everyone having a good time and relaxing after working so hard; Nessa knew they needed a break as well and had no inttion of letting them start working early the next day; she wanted them to have a day off, but that was the one thing she couldn't control, well at least without giving them a direct order.

The next morning, after waking up, the girl wt to fresh up, and wh she was finished, she changed, th exited her tt, but was shoved right back into it by Akio.

"Good morning to you as well, Akio," She said.

"I'm sorry, and good morning, my lady," He replied.

"My lady, the leader of the ogres, well, you know him as the one who wanted to kill you, he wants to talk with you," Tehitos said after tering the tt and she smiled th sat on the bed.

"Let him in," She replied th he tered the tt followed by his fellow mates and she looked at all of them as they bowed their heads.

"Good morning," They said.

"Good morning," Nessa replied as their leader approached her and kneeled.

"I accept your offer, but only until we defeat our emies, if we decide to stay after that, I promise we will help you build the nation you want, if this iis okay with you, of course," He said to which she sighed and the others stared at them nervously.

"I am fine with that, if you guys decide to stay, I will give you differt posts to start helping us,: She replied, looking at him, knowing he was going through a lot, being a leader while feeling so weak was not easy.

"Thank you very much, my lady," He said.

"You are welcome, get up," She replied as she stood up and he stood up after her.

"You guys have a hard time communicating at times without names right?" He nodded wh she asked.

"Th I'll give you all names," She said, and they all stared at her.

"Are you sure?" The other female ogre asked and Nessa smiled.

"Yes I am certain that this is what I want to do at the momt, would you guys accept the names giv you by me?" She asked.

"Yes but you simply cannot-" The girl continued, but wh her leader placed his hand on her shoulder she looked at him and th sighed.

"We would humbly accept any name you give us, after all, you are our leader now," He replied, and she grinned, knowing why the girl was worried because naming monsters will consume a lot of ergy.

[Master, Ogres will consume twice the amount of your ergy; they are stronger monsters; you will feel weak afterward, but will be fine in a day.]

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