Ascension of the Monster Queen

Chapter 20: Lovely Elves

"Here, use this," The old man said passing Aion a tissue, which he took and wiped his nose and Nessa looked at his flushed cheeks.

"You're an elf," Nessa pointed out, and the girl smiled.

"Yeah, and you are a cute little fox," She replied, tightly hugging Nessa and the dwarfs laughed.

"Are you guys coming for dinner at the bar?" The elf asked.

"Yes, we want to treat our little fox here," The old man dwarf replied as they left the shop and wt to a fancy bar full of elves, both m and wom.

"Woah," Nessa exclaimed, and the girl holding her smiled as she handed her over to a dark-haired elf who patted her on the head.

'This is differt, being a girl being petted by another, nothing wrong with that, I guess,' she thought as she looked at the dwarfs as they sat by a table and the elf sat down with them.

"I see you brought new frids," The elf said.

"Yeah, she helped a lot, she as in the fox, also let's introduce ourselves, people know me as the scary one, my name is Youthim, I specialize in creating differt types of sword and other weapons," He said and Nessa sighed.

"I am Oson, an architect, and I can build anything I can imagine," The slim dwarf with black hair and a gtle smile said.

"Hello Miss, my name is Lumeck, and I am skilled in design." said the shy dwarf with brown hair.

"Hello, my name is Elloth, and I am skilled at using rune magic, which is quite useful." Nessa sighed as the last and muscular dwarf, similar to the first scary looking one, said.

"My name is Jeff, Nice to meet you, my lady," The dwarf with a gtle smile and long brown hair and a big beard said.

"Pleased to meet you all, my name is Nessa Styrmir," she replied, and everyone smiled.

"Nice to meet you as well," Youthim said, her eyes turning red for a split second before returning to normal.

'I noticed the dwarfs don't live up to the name short, why is it differt?' Nessa wondered.

[Dwarfs are a mixed race, a demi-human race, and they are quite skilled in craftsmanship, considered the best.]

'I see,' She thought wh the blonde elf brought them food. Nessa smiled as Youthiim placed a plate of food in front of her and sniffed in the pleasant aroma before transforming into her human form, leaving the elves staring at her.

"You are not a fox?" The blonde elf inquired.

"It's just a form I take to see what it's like to live as a monster, to better understand them," She replied, and the elf smiled brightly before Nessa began eating.

"Ah, this tastes good, thank you; I was starving," Nessa said.

"There's no need to thank us; you saved my life with your potion; it's the least I could do," The elf explained.

"So you were the injured elf?" She inquired.

"Yes, thank you once more," She replied, and Nessa smiled.

"You're welcome," Nessa said, sighing after she drank the glass of cold orange juice the girl had brought her, feeling a bit relaxed and fresher.

"Can you tell me your name?" Nessa inquired.

"My name is Dasyra Faezana," She responded.

"Nessa, nice to meet you Dasyra," She said as the elf sat beside her and hugged her tightly and Nessa looked th smiled.

"Dasyra, give her some space, she's a woman," Elloth said, and they all laughed.

"You know, we do see goblins and so on here, not this evolved, but we all talk and mix," Dasyra said. "What's differt is the way you guys are with each other, we are fridly towards each other, but it's like you guys are a family," Dasyra said.

"We are, we are all a family now, everyone in the village currtly and hopefully in the future we will get more, yet still love each other," Aion replied and Nessa left staring at him before patting him on the head.

"Am I correct, my lady?" Aion inquired.

"My lady?" Dasyra asked.

"Yeah, she's now our leader, goblins, direwolves, and the rogue gold foxes," Aion replied, and the elves' left jaw dropped.

"Wait, you tamed them?" Dasyra inquired.

"Did they hurt you?" Oson inquired.

"Nope, I took out their leaders," She responded and they all left staring at her and she smiled nervously.

"You said that as if it were something normal," Lumeck said, and Youthim chuckled.

"I'd like to live someplace where we can all laugh and get along just fine," Dasyra said, and Nessa smiled.

"I guess a lot of people want that," Nessa replied as Dasyra lowered her head and her blonde silky hair fell in front of her face, covering her big breasts, which were a little exposed.

"What's the matter, Dasyra?" Youthim inquired.

"Can I come and live with you guys in the future if things go well for you?" Dasyra inquired, and all of the elves smiled.

"If everything goes well, yes you can," Nessa replied, and the girl smiled brightly.

Wh Nessa was eating, Aion collided with someone and he grabbed onto Aion before he fell.

"Watch where you're going, you lowly monster," The guy warned, and Nessa gave him a stern look.

"He is the geral of the king's army," Youthim said.

"Sorry," Aion said as the guy shoved him to the g, and Nessa looked at him before getting up and helping Aion up wh Youthim got up in a rush and punched the guy into two other guys, sding them crashing into the bar door, causing it to collapse th they got back up and the geral smirked.

"How dare you harm that goblin wh he did nothing wrong? Are you abusing your authority here?" Youthim inquired, and as the geral was about to grab Aion, Nessa grabbed his hand, tightly squeezing it, and Aion looked at her.

"Who are you?" The geral asked.

"His leader, touch him and I will severely hurt you," Nessa responded.

"Not following your king's rules as his geral does not reflect well on you geral; it shows that you are indeed abusing your power," Youthim smirked, and the geral gnashed his teeth.

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