Ascension of the Monster Queen

Chapter 18: Arrested

After hearing what the system said, Nessa sighed and looked at the confused dwarf.

'How can I produce a potion? I am a human too,' Nessa thought.

[It's simple; what you had was stored within your body which will never run out; all you have to do is think about what you want to do with it, and it will come out of your body as a red liquid, th form a solid magical ball containing the potion.]

"I see, th I better help the old man, thank you," Nessa mumbled.

"You are welcome," The system replied, and Nessa exhaled deeply.

"Old man, perhaps I can assist," She said as the dwarf came to a halt and th approached her.

"Can you really help me? I require a well-processed potion containing all of the exact ingredits." He said worriedly, and she smiled as her eyes glowed blue th she grew bigger, and the dwarf left staring at the taller fox before him as a small glass-like red ball appeared before her paw and he grabbed onto it before it fell.

"What exactly is this?" He inquired as she shrank back to her smaller size.

"Squeeze it, the potion is within the ball," She responded and he left staring at her.

"Is this your true form?" He inquired, and Aion grinned.

"Not quite, but go ahead and help your frids," She responded, and he smiled and rushed away, leaving her relieved.

"Now, now, we will go find our artisans," Nessa said as she looked a, remembering that goblins don't have access to normal food other than a lot of meat.

"Let's get some things to cook, I'll teach everything I know to those who can cook, I learned a lot in my world so," She said, and Aion smiled as he followed her a looking at differt things and buying a bunch of things that will be useful to all of them because Nessa planned to use her knowledge to make things better for everyone in her nation.

While shopping, Nessa had the impression that someone was watching her.

"A fox, shopping, this is new," Aion chuckled and she jumped up, th hit him in the head with her tail.

"Ouch," He said, rubbing the back of his head and she chuckled.

"I'm trying really hard here, thanks for assisting me, I can transform but I want to see how things are in this form," She replied, and he smiled as he picked up a jar of various types of seasoning and placed it in the bag that was magical and held everything they wanted without getting bigger or heavier.

"Aion, be careful and stay close, I have a feeling bad eyes are on us," She warned.

"Got it, my lady," He replied, and they wt on shopping wh Aion began floating in the air with a fire circle a him, and wh Nessa looked, she saw it was the same guy who had be bothering them earlier, and her eyes glowed red as he looked at her, and the red whip appeared a his feet, squeezing him so hard that he began screaming.

"Aion, are you okay?" She asked as he stopped floating and fell to the g, and the fire circle vanished.

"Yeah, my lady, I'm fine," He replied as the tip of the whip appeared under her paw.

"Hold the whip," She said and he held onto it.

"Lift it up and throw it like a ball," She instructed, and he did so, sding the guy crashing into a shop, and the people laughed as he stood back up with bruises on his body, and the whip disappeared.

"Y- You did it, didn't you?" He asked as he approached Nessa and Aion stood in front of her.

"Leave her alone," Aion said, causing Nessa to sigh.

'It appears that monsters are looked down on more than I thought,' She thought as the guards approached.

"You are the ones who have be causing problems here?" One of them asked, and Aion lowered his head as the guards apprehded both Nessa and Aion, as well as the troublemakers.

"Shackles? Really?" Nessa asked, looking down at her feet as the guard stared at her.

"Come on, all of you," He said as he walked away and they followed him to the dungeon where he placed Aion and Nessa in one cell and the troublemakers in the other.

"Why were we arrested?" Nessa inquired."We were a part of the fight so, according to the rules we are to be arrested, it's against the rules to start an unsanctioned fight," Aion responded.

'Miss notice, are the others okay? It's getting really late,' She thought.

"One minute," The system replied.

[Incoming thought communication from Akio.]

"Akio," She said and Aion turned to face her with a smile on his face.

"My lady, are you all right?" He inquired.

"Yeah, we are fine, we're just in jail for a fight, we'll be fine, don't worry about us, just stay where you are," She replied, and the wolf sighed.

"If you want to get out, I can shadow travel," He said, and she smiled.

"Nope, that's fine, I will cut the connection now, be careful," She replied.

"All right, you too," He said, and Nessa ded the communication.

"You can talk to him from here?" Aion asked.

"Yeah, I can, not all the time, though," She responded.

"You are quite strong, my lady, thank you for becoming our leader, I look forward to a wonderful future with you, and I am also very hungry!" He exclaimed, and she laughed.

"I am hungry, too," She replied, her stomach growling and the goblin laughed.

They sat in the cell for more than an hour, doing nothing but listing to their stomachs growl in hunger.

"The guard took the things we bought, right?" She asked.

"Yes, he said he'd give them back once the king decided on our punishmt," He replied, to which she scoffed.

"Good thing you helped us earlier, you guys won't be going to a trial, the king has decided to free both of you," The one she gave the potion to said as he oped the cell door, and she chuckled as Aion smiled while rubbing his stomach.

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