Ascending the Heavens as an Evil God

Chapter 261: Tower Dive

After successfully pocketing the kill for Star Ruler Mi Tian, Gu Nan's champion coins exceeded 1,000 again. Of course Wu Gui didn’t try to steal his kill, and it wasn’t like she would’ve been able to anyhow.

Although he didn’t have enough experience to rise to Level 3, Gu Nan already had enough to buy a skill point and learn the Evil God Physique ability.

In Champions World, a champion’s ability rank couldn’t exceed the champion’s level.

If Gu Nan had enough skill points, then he, who was currently Level 2, could totally rank up all his abilities to Level 2.

"Should we clean up the second minion wave before those two rush back?" Wu Gui asked upon seeing Star Ruler Mi Tian die.

Gu Nan glanced at her, knowing that all Star Ruler Realm existences had top-tier comprehension and learning abilities.

After merely watching him handle the battle a few times, her understanding of minion waves had already grown to the point where it wasn’t inferior to that of ordinary players.

Under normal circumstances, taking advantage of the enemy champions’ respawn time to swiftly push the wave was indeed the best choice, but the current situation clearly wasn’t normal.

Gu Nan, who possessed three abilities, was already fully capable of soloing two enemy champions.

"I’ll circle around them. You freeze the wave[1] near the city wall," Gu Nan gave Wu Gui such instructions.

Freeze the wave—this was another unfamiliar concept. Wu Gui stared blankly and asked, "What should I do?"

"Remember how I controlled the wave earlier?"


Yang Guang was very excited right now.

The second wave of White Base soldiers that he was part of had been winning battles ever since they came to the frontlines, especially after the death of Star Ruler Mi Luo.

‘As expected of an esteemed champion!’

After witnessing Gu Nan's heroic deeds, Yang Guang's impression of him changed greatly.

The originally heinous behavior of bullying his younger sister suddenly seemed like an esteemed champion's magnanimity in not bothering with trifling matters, and he even felt glad that he didn't try to rashly interrogate that champion.

"Ah Quan, you’re absolutely right!" Standing on the battlefield, Yang Guang beheaded another enemy while exclaiming to his younger brother Yang Quan, "After all, he’s an esteemed champion!"

A somewhat wry smile appeared on Yang Quan’s face. Of course he knew what his eldest brother meant, but it would be unreasonable to say that he had predicted this.

Compared to his eldest brother, Yang Quan had read more books and knew more about champions.

‘The past legends of champions’ deeds never mentioned anything like what this one did…’

While the two were conversing, a loud whistle came from the rear. The two brothers looked back in shock. That whistle came from the commander’s tent. To them, its meaning couldn’t be more clear.

Enemy attack!

To be able to launch a sneak attack directly on the commander’s tent… ‘Could it be that the enemy has a third champion?’

Yang Guang and Yang Quan wanted to rush back immediately, but in the military that valued strict discipline above all else, they couldn’t move freely without orders, so they could only wait anxiously.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long. A messenger soon arrived.

"Pass along the military order: everyone…" This messenger, whose voice was supposed to be in a cadence all the time, sounded somewhat helpless right now, "return to the base!"


On the other end of the black lane, the second minion wave had set off a long time ago, but Star Ruler Mi Luo, who came back after respawning, wasn’t in a hurry to move.

He’d been to Champions World several times. Although he wasn’t like Wu Gui, who had a "good teacher" like Gu Nan to study under, he was by no means stupid.

The other party was only able to instantly kill him by learning two abilities, and after killing him and his younger brother, the enemy would get another 1,000 champion coins.

‘In other words, now the other party already has three abilities…’ When he thought of this, Star Ruler Mi Luo suddenly felt a slight headache.

In order to stop continuously feeding the opponent coins from his death, Star Ruler Mi Luo wisely did not move forward immediately, instead choosing to wait for his younger brother.

Star Ruler Mi Tian was killed quite soon after him, so their respawn times were naturally close together. The two quickly set off from the base, heading for the city walls on the frontlines.

"Brother, that person probably has three abilities now. Should we wait by our own city wall first?" The young-looking Star Ruler Mi Tian didn’t handle matters in a youthful way at all. Instead, he was very cautious.

Star Ruler Mi Luo also nodded. "If the opposite side advances here and starts pressuring our city wall, we can take advantage of the chaos to level up and wait for the third wave of soldiers… Watch out!"

Star Ruler Mi Luo gave an explosive shout, but his hands couldn’t react in time. He could only watch Gu Nan appear instantly and then ruthlessly slash his younger brother's back with a sword.

Four strikes in an instant again! And it was four strikes with the strength bonus from the Evil God Physique ability!

Poor Star Ruler Mi Tian—he was chosen as Gu Nan’s first target because of his dash ability. His last thought was:

‘How can he appear here?’


On the white lane.

No matter which lane, minions spawned at the same rate. Ying Ge and Zi Dian had just finished taking advantage of the second wave to wear down a good chunk of the enemy’s city wall when two more white flashes lit up the crimson sky.

This time, it was clear that two champions had been killed in quick succession.

"Two more. This is really…" Ying Ge had slaughtered so many people that her eyes were scarlet, and even her pupils turned blood-red, but she was still so stunned by this scene that she turned around to look.

The third wave hadn’t even arrived, yet the enemy side had already died four times… This kind of speed really seemed like the other side was just throwing away their lives.

On the other hand, the most that Ying Ge and Zi Dian—who clearly had the geographical advantage—could do was to pressure their enemies and wear down the city wall slightly.

After all, they were all Star Rulers. Even if the enemy champions weren’t very familiar with the rules and couldn’t cooperate very effectively, it was still easy for them to not die.

"Looks like we can relax a little this time." Zi Dian, on the other hand, couldn’t care less; he was even happy to see this.

Compared with Mi Luo and Mi Tian, this uncle-and-loli combo clearly had a more distinct division of labor.

Ying Ge was responsible for keeping an eye out for enemy champions’ attacks, while Zi Dian put most of his energy into last hitting. Although he couldn’t kill every marked minion like Gu Nan did, his skills were still much better than the Mi duo.

Based on this speed, he only needed to farm two more waves to buy his first skill point.

Just when the two were methodically last hitting and suppressing their enemies, a voice suddenly sounded in their ears right as the third minion wave arrived:

"Clear all minion waves and prepare for a tower dive[2]."

Ying Ge and Zi Dian looked down in astonishment; even their movements froze. They found a familiar figure among the newly-arrived third wave.

"Gu Nan?! How can he be here?" Ying Ge almost forgot to throw out the crescent blade in her hand. This scene was truly too unexpected.

Although Champions World didn’t limit the number of champions on each lane, it was almost the default rule to have two people per lane.

The reason was very simple—because two people were more than enough to defend against three champions. They could always support each other and run away. However, it would be too difficult for a single person to defend a lane from two people’s bombardment; that person might even be killed if they weren’t careful.

So it was impossible for anyone with even a little common sense to assign three people to one lane.

However, Ying Ge quickly understood.

This time, they weren’t simply three people. The opponents had already fed them four champion kills. If this advantage was concentrated onto a single person…

Before she could think this through, when the last minion from the Black Base fell and the city wall began to attack the White Base’s troops, Gu Nan's figure had abruptly dashed out.


[1]Freezing the wave: Stall the wave in an area just outside the tower range and continue to maintain it in that state for a while

[2] Tower dive: An attempt to kill the enemy when they are under their own tower, without dying

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