Ascenders Rift

Chapter 133: Evan Awakens, Meeting with Alan and Angeline

Chapter 133: Evan Awakens, Meeting with Alan and Angeline

An unknown amount of time had passed, as the world of memories soon faded, when Evan opened his eyes, they gleamed for a moment before returning to normal as he stared at the mechanical ceiling above him. If one were to pay attention, they would have noticed that the moment Evan opened his eyes, the Void Blood pendant glowed in a red light only for an instant before returning to normal.

Currently, the room was silent, as Evan was rested on a small bed, by his side was a sleeping Layla who had her head rested on the bedside, looking at her one could easily infer that she had guarded this position for a good amount of time.

Evan still feeling a little light-headed, grasped his head with his arm as he slowly sat himself up from the bed, his eyes flinching as he still felt a slight wave of pain. 

After sitting up, Evan looked at his other arm, staring at it deeply as he thought to himself, 'Another dream... no, another past I don't remember, what's going on here? That Amule, such a strange fellow, could he have something to do with my current circumstances?'

When Evan pondered to here, his head gave off a sharp wave of pain, forcing him to halt his line of thoughts before he shook his head and decided to ponder it no longer.

He glanced at Layla, whose gorgeous faces rested on the bedside with drool running from the corners of her reddish lips with a smile on his face as he thought, 'So cute, come now... it's your turn to get proper rest.'

As Evan said this, his eyes flowed in a transparent light that lifted Layla with the use of the chair. He then gently grasped her and tucked her into the bed before pulling the sheet over her. 

After kissing her on her forehead, Evan turned and left the room. While in the hallways, Evan looked around at the various military individuals walking about, some of them even giving him curious looks, as those with more status made way with respect on their faces.

'So, we did come to the headquarters, the only question is how long has passed? I can't afford to stay here for too long, as now that things have changed a bit from my memories, or rather... what I call my memories; I don't know what another variable might pop up next. The sooner I deal with our resources, and speak with Alan than better,' Evan thought to himself, his eyes now had a clearer look, not long shrouded by fog as he decided to focus on his current objectives rather than the unknown.

Now that he could think straight, his eyes shift to the watch on his arm; he noticed that it was 5 am of May 16, which meant that only a day had passed.

Evan felt better as he saw the details, he asked for a few directions after a few personnel pointed out were Alan and Angeline were, Evan then began to make his way towards their location. He took an elevator to the new RDF division, before walking for a few minutes as he arrived bat a central room. 

With a press of a button, the door scanned Evan before it opened itself, revealing a bright scene. Here, was an uncommonly large space with a blue ceiling, an many different superhuman tier fitness machines.

Evan looked around this room in surprise, as he noticed that most of these mechanical pieces of equipment had stats. He pondered, 'Interesting, so they found that Cline even had such uses, I never even thought of the idea, could this be used to improve stats without leveling?'

When Evan contemplated, his eyes flashed as he read the stats of a nearby weight. The information popped up in his eyes.

[Advance Dumbbell - Rank 1: Middle Grade | Specialized]

[Durability - 6]

[Details - This is a modified weight that can increase the stats of Level 4 to Level 6 Ascenders by a minor degree, dependent on effort. Higher Levels can still use it train, but they will only receive minimal effects.]

"Fascinating..." Evan said as he couldn't help but exclaimed at this discovery; it seemed that Cline was far handier than he'd imagine.

At this moment, both Alan and Angeline were busy exercising and had only now noticed that someone had entered their domain. They looked at Evan before they smiled as they saw where his eyes were fixed, Alan even felt a bit smug as he walked over and spoke.

"Evan, you're awake, it's good to see that you're feeling better. I was beginning to think that you'd gotten weak despite all your effort to train. Hmm, that's not a good trait, you know, especially for a man. Why don't you try giving that baby there a lift? It can help to give you a bit more... power," Alan said with a cheeky wink and a knowing look on his face.

Angeline slightly blushed as she knew what he was referring to she glared at him from the corner of her eyes while thinking, 'Hmph! Instructor Al, so brutish as always...'

Evan, unlike Angeline, was a man of a similar mental age to Alan, he nodded as if appreciating the treasure and replied, "It's good, but I still have enough power, my youth won't fail me yet, not like some others. Still, there's also another issue; this weight won't be of much use to myself."

Alan hearing Evan's previous words suddenly had a change in expression; he knew what he was referring to when he said 'some others,' as such, Alan's face turned dark when he cursed, "Little brat, are you mouthing off against me?"

Evan smiled as he heard this, he didn't give a direct reply but answered, "Eh? Alan, you're a bit mistaken, that was a general statement, it had no direct target, but... judging by your concern it seemed that it..."

Evan was about to say something, but Alan's head ran with sweat as he hurriedly spoke out cutting off his words, "Haha, little Evan, you're right, how could it have been for me? I know you're more respectable than that; by the way, you said that this wouldn't affect you. Are you sure? These weights are even capable of strengthening a Level 6, you know."

Listening to Alan changed the topic, Evan didn't bother to make things difficult for him as he replied with a mysterious smile, "Yes, it won't have much of an effect on me and my party. As for why you'll know later..."

"Oh..." Alan muttered while giving Evan an in-depth look, now that he stared at him more closely, he felt that Evan's aura was different as if he was a wolf, or rather... a tiger in a sheep's skin.

'Could it be that he's grown even beyond the realms of a Level 6? Such freaks, even Angeline, Nelly, and I, have only barely arrived at Level 6 with our crazy training routine, how the hell did they get so strong?' Alan thought with shock on his face.

Angeline, who was snickering to herself about Alan's previous scenario, was also surprised as she too realized Evan's hint. She gave him a deep look as she thought, 'This Evan... he's always so strange, I wonder, what kind of hell did he put my adorable sister through this time?'

Evan looked at the duo who were now pondering his methods with a smile on his face, he cleared his distracting thoughts and spoke, "So, Alan, Angeline, you could say that we've had a successful harvest in our previous training. We are also ready to venture off into these lands and seek more chances before we target the Mother Nest. If possible, we'd like to make a target of the other dangers in these lands as well, bolstering up our strength as much as possible. "

"Bolstering up your strength, you're talking about leveling?" Alan asked with puzzled eyes.

"....." Angeline also looked on in silence.

Evan shook his head ad replied, "True but not true, while leveling will always remain as our primary goal, one mustn't forget that personal power means nothing in the face of a horde of endless and strong enemies. The power of a nest comes from its horde. I aim to find the natives of these lands, and partner with them as I slowly whittle away a portion of the enemies forces, even though it might not be much in the end, it would at least lessen the casualties on the Earth Sector."

Alan and Angeline nodded their heads at Evan's plan, they looked at each other before looking at Evan and speaking.

"That's a good plan, Evan, but where will you find such people? Do they even exist?" Angeline asked.

"Indeed, this world should have already fallen to those flesh-eating bastards, how can there be surviving natives?" Alan asked with puzzlement.

Evan made a strange smile as he replied, "There are, but as for how I know, I can't tell you of the details, let's just say that I'm a bit knowledgeable about certain things."

Alan and Angeline were shocked; they looked at Evan even more seriously for a moment. However, they knew that this wasn't the time to over question things.

Evan nodded at their constrain, he knew they wanted to ask, but it would take too much time to explain. Plus, things will naturally unfold itself in time.

Having said what he wanted, Evan then looked at his watch, noticing the time, he then spoke, "Well, it's almost time for me to leave, I'll have to go and check with everyone before we get some gears and make our way. However, before we head off, I want to know one thing from you guys."

Alan, hearing this looked at Evan and spoke, "You want knowledge from us? Ha, this is something, ask away."

Evan's face grew solemn as he asked seriously, "Tell me everything about that Prince Elumar,"

The air grew cold, as Alan and Angeline's expression turned dark; the truth was everyone knew that the prince wasn't simple, especially after recent events. Soon, the duo had begun to speak to Evan of certain rumors and happenings as the room carried a dark atmosphere.

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