Ascenders Rift

Chapter 100: The Last Day, The First Barrier?

Chapter 100: The Last Day, The First Barrier?

Time passed quickly, and the briefing had finally ended, everyone in the world was now in a state of shock as they couldn't believe such a thing could have been headed their way. There was no one out on the streets, giving the very cities of the world a dead and somewhat lifeless vibe; it even seemed as if people were beginning to ponder their ultimate fate.

At this time, Evan and the others had already turned off the TV. They sat around a table eating lunch as they conversed with each other.

"Well, it's even worse than you've said Evan, I didn't think that we'd have to suffer from a horde like that when the rift arrives," Joe said while chewing on a burger, though he was eating, his arm which held it was slightly trembling.

"Yes, brother is right, Evan is what RADA said about their objectives true? How can we let them act ahead of us, claiming that they are acting in the benefits of humanity?" Emilia asked with a puzzled expression. Breya had a similar expression, while Layla and Rick seemed to be a bit distracted.

Evan looked at them and replied, "Fatty, once the rift arrives, we won't be suffering from an attack like that, If we've failed in our mission against any of the worlds in the rifts, I promise it will be a much more terrifying result. Once the rift arrives, our world will transform, becoming an entirely different place. We will be given an intermission period, where we can train in the Lesser Spaces before the First Calamity strikes. However, at that point, we'll be tossed into combat against not only the beings from the world connected to the Ascenders Rift but monsters that will escape from the unconquered spaces to build domains around them. As for the question about their group acting as the lead, it is naturally not for our benefit, as you heard that Mister One's words, they are helping us for this so-called 'selection' to God's Army. It merely means that they only see us as disposable soldiers, some with potential and the others without potential. If anything, the ones who will stand at the front of humanity is us, we will be the vanguard that acts with humanity's core interest."

Joe, hearing this showed a look of understanding while Emilia and the other's eyes flashed when they heard Evan's plan to have them act as the vanguards.

Soon, Joe seemed to have recalled something, he started to sweat when he spoke, "E-Evan... when you say that we're the vanguard you didn't mean m.."

Evan hearing his words smiled and cut him off with a direct reply, "Of course, if not for you, Joe, then who else would it be? We are the vanguards of humanity, and you are the hero of our group. In a way, you could be considered as humanity's first line of defense. Don't worry, even if you fall, I'll be right behind you to pick up and push you forwards again."

'This bastard... I knew it, shit!' Joe inwardly cursed as he said nothing in reply, his face crumpling in distress.

Evan seeing his look smirked, even Breya seemed to find it fun when Joe was stressed out. Emilia giggled as she saw this, her eyes then shifted towards Rick, seeing that he was still in a daze.

'Is he thinking about his brother again?' Emilia thought to herself as she looked at him.

Not only Emilia, but Evan also noticed that both Rick and Layla were a bit silent. He knew that Rick was still feeling hatred for Elumar as Layla was feeling more distressed about her father's appearance during the meeting, especially as he had decided to directly work with RADA. Though she knew of his decision from beforehand, seeing it left a bad taste in her mouth.

Rick seeing that he was ruining the mood, rose to his feet and spoke, "I'm going out for a bit, we still have a day right... I need to visit somewhere."

Evan hearing this looked at him and nodded as he spoke, "Sure, just be safe out there,"

Rick, hearing this waved his hand and walked off, Joe and the others looked at his back before shaking their heads, they knew that he wasn't feeling well at this time.

Layla seemed as if she wanted to leave as well, noticing this, Evan looked at her and spoke, "Want to go out too?"

Layla hearing this nodded, Evan seeing this rose to his feet and grabbed her hand as he spoke, "Well, I also wanted to make a trip somewhere, I'll accompany you on my way there."

Layla's faced turned slightly red when her hand was grabbed; she looked at Evan and replied, "You really don't have to, you know."

"Haha, but I want to, you can't stop me from doing what I want, now can you," Evan said with a cheeky smile.

"No, I certainly cannot... not for now, at least," Layla replied in a soft tone as if mumbling.

Evan pretended as if he didn't hear it; he asked with a confused expression, "Huh? What was that?"

Layla blushed as she heard him, she stuttered while replying, "It's n-nothing!"

With that said she ran from the room towards the elevator, Evan looked at her with a smile before he stared at Joe and everyone else as he spoke, "I'm going out for a bit guys, we'll meet back later. Try an take this chance to relax for now, because tomorrow our world will forever change."

"Right," Joe and the others replied.

Evan soon after left the room, leaving behind Joe, Emilia, and Breya with an uncertain expression on their faces.

Joe shifted his eyes towards the window as he spoke, "So it will change forever, huh? I suppose I need to inform dad of these details; it's best to have him stay close to us for protection..."

Joe was about to call his father, but suddenly, he heard his phone ringing; when he took out and looked at the caller ID he noticed that it was his father Gregory Goldsmith that was calling.

"Looks like I spoke too soon..." Joe murmured as he rose from his seat and went to the distant area to answer the phone, as he moved he noticed that Emilia had left the room as well, he knitted his brows before sighing turning a blind eye to her actions.

At this time, only Breya was left alone in the room; she rested on the sofa with a bored look as she thought, 'It's so boring without anyone here, I'll just go out as well. Hmm, wait, it's only us here...'

When Breya thought this, her mind flashed as she thought back to Angeline's 'sisterly' advice, as she pondered, 'That's right, this is the perfect chance to try it.'

As she thought here, she quickly sprang up from the sofa like a rabbit and ran towards the bathroom for a quick bath. After a good while, the lights in the room dimmed as a flexible shadow appeared on the sofa again, turning on the TV, which cast a vague light on her body.

Not long after, the door of the nearby room opened as Joe entered the living room. His face didn't look so good as he complained to himself, 'That darn old man, why the hell is so stubborn about staying by himself? I've even warned him about the potential dangers, and yet he only tells me, to take care of my sister... sigh... I will never understand my father.'

Joe was in a bad mood, but soon he found it odd that he was smelling a fresh fragrance in the air, and the room was even a bit darker than usual.

He was about to leave the area, but when he turned his eyes to the sofa, he noticed a wondrous sight. The view of a beauty curled up like a cat, resting on the couch with only a towel covering her sumptuous flesh. Her red skin was well lit under the lights of TV, giving her an unusually seductive aura as if one even looked closer, they saw droplets of water flowing down her smooth skin, flowing in and out of ambiguous quarters.

Joe's mind went blank when faced with such a sight; his arms trembled as his brain flashed with many complex symbols as if he were a machine in thought as he pondered, 'This... what? There's no way she could be this careless, a trained soldier like her, no way! This... yes that's right, it has to be deliberate, it's most definitely a trap!'

Having arrived at this conclusion, Joe didn't dare to make a mistake, he went to a separate room and grabbed a blanket and wore the noblest and naive expression he could conjure upon his face.

Looking no different from an innocent and inexperienced dense anime protagonist, he looked at Breya and spoke in an honest tone, "She's all wet and out in the open, must be tired, don't worry Breya, I'll cover you up from the wind."

After he gently but the blanket over her body, while stubborn trying to control the rising heat from his chest and trousers. Joe then hurried walked away with cramped legs.

After Joe left the room, Breya, who was pretending to sleep, bit her lips as she sat herself up, causing the blanket to slide down her body. She looked at the direction Joe left with a strange expression on her face as the words of her sister sounded in her mind.

'The way to test a man's heart is to test his will; if he can't overcome a moment's desire, then he mustn't be allowed entry to our nest.'

As Breya recalled those words, her lips curved into a smile as she licked her lips and spoke her thoughts out loud, "Sister, he's passed the first barrier, hmm... I'm looking forward to seeing how he fares against the rest..."

As Breya said this, her eyes shone in an even strange light as right now. Her appearance and mood were vastly beyond that of her typical form.


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