Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 178 Uxtan Kingdom Vs The Kingdom Of Twilight (23)

"It seems this war is almost over," I say, glancing at the heroes who are struggling against my commanders.

It wasn't even worth watching the one-sided beatdown. There was only the Light Hero and Fire Hero struggling with all their might. I could even see my commanders toying with them, beating them back and forth.

When one commander smashed the hero to the ground, another launched him back into the air before the last commander created thousands of cuts on their body.

It was truly… truly…

"Pitiful," I mutter.

As I was about to help eliminate the human army to try and level up my title, I heard a faint voice from behind me.

"Master?" I hear Zehar mutter.

I looked back and saw that Zehar had just woken up. As he rubbed his eyes, he flinched in pain, grabbing and massaging his temples.

"Fuck… what happened to those pieces of shit?" Zehar asks after fully waking up.

"Shouldn't you be asking what happened to you?" I ask, my cold eyes emitting a slight glow.

Zehar doesn't reply but instead looks down in shame. He clearly remembers what happened before he passed out but chooses to deny it… though I can't say this myself since I'm a sore loser that uses any advantage possible, dirty or not; losing is a chance to learn… but he clearly has no intention of doing that.

"It must've been a fluke-"

"Hey, let me tell you the offer I had before you finish your excuses," I cut off Zehar.

"I thought it was a reward if I won?"

"Nah, that was just to give you an extra boost as I saw you are losing… but it seems that didn't do much in the end," I mutter.

"Tsk… Whatever…"

"Stupid kid… My offer is that I want to adopt you," I say blankly.

"... And why should I become your child? Why would you want me as your child?" Zehar asks, shocked but also disgusted by my offer.

That's to be expected as the ones who put him in this crazed state were none other than his own parents.

"You don't have to accept it as it's only an offer,"

"You didn't answer my questions," Zehar says, his eyebrows furrowing.

Hey, hey, hey… I'm still your Master as of now… but the reason why I offered for him to become my child?

"It's because you seem lonely. It's pretty obvious even right now… your eyes are lonely. You yearn for somebody actually to love you… and that's why you've been going to the brothels, right?"

"H-how did you-"

"Ava told me on the way here… it seems she's been spying on you without my permission… So I could only assume she thinks you're suspicious. And if it weren't for Ava being such a good girl, I wouldn't have let her off," I say, turning my head to Ava, who looked down in shame.

Ava didn't just tell me, but she confessed. It seems my maids were suspicious of Zehar as well, but as their loyalty is too strong, they didn't make a move… But Ava ended up doing exactly that.

"You know what… How about you get a punishment, and you do it with Alexas training… okay?" I ask Ava, tilting my head slightly.

Alexa was still visibly confused at what this training was, but Yin knew exactly what I was going to do. And for Ava, I needed to come up with a new form of punishment, so that's the reason I changed my mind.

I was in a good mood, so I decided to let Ava off earlier, but I guess that's not happening anymore.

"Master… Can I think about it?" Zehar asks.

"Sure. Also, let me tell you one thing, you aren't going to find somebody who loves you inside a brothel… well, maybe, but for the most part, you probably won't. And if you really want to find somebody who loves you in that way, try to go out to a restaurant… or something, I don't know,"

"Yes, Master,"

"Also, the love that I'll give you is different from a romantic partner… Oh, last thing, I promise… I don't love you as my child yet, and it might take a while for me actually to see you as my child.

This sounds harsh, but I'm pretty sure you can understand that I'm doing this for not only your benefit but my benefit as well,"

Zehar nods his head slightly.

This really makes me sound like an asshole, but it's the truth… plus, "my benefit" is really my children's benefit, especially Hades. He doesn't have anybody around his age that he truly sees as equals if I'm going off the maids' information... that's of course, not family.

And if I introduced Zehar, they wouldn't be able to see eye to eye as their personalities are the same… but that's the exact problem. They're both egotistical unless there is somebody above or at their level.

For Zehar, it would be me, and for Hades, it would be me, Aika, his sisters, Homura, and Kumo. I guess he is respectful to my subordinates, servants, and maids as well… But for somebody that looks as suspicious as Zehar, he would definitely avoid or argue with him.

So that's why if they become brothers, they would be on better terms or try to at least be on better terms.

"Can you still fight?" I asked Zehar, who continued to ponder my loaded question.

"Of course," Zehar says, trying to stand up but pathetically falls to the ground.

It seems he hasn't recovered the lost blood yet...

"You do seem a bit more pale than usual… Yin, bring him back. This war is almost over anyway," I order.

"As you wish," Yin says, bowing deeply and disappearing with Zehar before he could refute.

"You two, follow me," I ordered.

"As you wish," Both my pets said synchronously.

I took one more glance at the struggling heroes and smiled before dashing off.

"They're about to die," I say, a sadistic smile slowly creeping onto my face.


The sharp breath that I take in could be heard from a mile away. Even the raging battlefield had some humans and monsters turning towards me.

I hadn't activated my presence skill, but I knew that it would ruin the fun instantly if I did.

The distasteful humans would die too easily…

[Anapofeyktos Thanatos]

My 3 bladed scythe appeared in my hand, surprising both of my pets and making them shiver in fear. Just the presence of my weapon was almost god-like, which I assumed was why the great spirits tried to eradicate it.

But why didn't they try harder after? They are clearly much stronger, but they decided to back away after just one small attack? That's right, and the attack wasn't even that strong. For a great being that watches over us, the attack was almost pitiful.


Just one swipe of my blade ripped through thousands of soldiers, wiping out a large chunk of the massive human army.

The humans didn't even pose a challenge as they were already struggling to move from plummeting morale.

Actually, my current swings didn't do much to the human army's morale as they hit rock bottom ages ago. Plus, my savage soldiers who tore through the soldiers had done most of the work for me.


My scythe continued to rip through the human soldiers, but I also noticed my wives had jumped on in for some fun, as they as well ripped through thousands of soldiers.

The morale of my soldiers only kept increasing, wide smiles plastered across their faces.

[Immovable Army's Frozen Armor]

A frozen mist erupted from every monster I deemed part of my army. It even started to emit from my pet's and wife's bodies, but I quickly dispersed it with a wave of my hands. But since I didn't have much control over it, I ended up dispelling the slowly forming armor on one-third of my army as well.

On the other hand, the remaining two-thirds of my army was now coated in heavy white, and light blue armor made entirely of densely packed ice. And unlike my ice palace and the next Light Heroes ice palace, you couldn't see through it.

Two massive horns protruded from the icy helmet, and spikes were on the joints of the heavy battle armor.

"Master, is there anything you would like me to do?" Alexa asks.

The smile on my face immediately disappears. Still, hearing the voice of this elf disgusted me to the point of walking right up to her and pushing down on her shoulder.

She collapsed onto the murky blood-red water below, eyes filled to the brim with fear.

"You see Ava, she has been following my order exactly: 'Follow me.' I never said anything else, right? You should take after her... She hasn't even questioned my order once,"

"I-I'm sorry, I-I'll be better," Alexa apologized.


The elf had soured my mood as I boringly swung at the humans.

It seems Alexa noticed this as well, causing her to start questioning herself and hanging her head in shame. On the other hand, Ava just ignored the moping Alexa and continued to follow right behind me as I tore through waves of humans.

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