Apocalypse: The Hotel She Runs Is the Only Paradise

Chapter 109: How Can One Call Them Unscrupulous Merchants

Chapter 109

What they didn't know was that their inability to launch an attack wasn't due to anything Cong Ying or the other demons had done, but because Gu Wanyin and Gu Han were up there.

At this moment, Cong Ying was still flying in the air, with Gu Wanyin, Gu Han, and the other demons hiding in his feathers, which provided shelter from the wind and was quite comfortable.

"Where are we going now?" Gu Han asked.

The Flower Demon said, "Master Cong Ying has an apartment in the town center. The rebels don't know it belongs to him, so we can hide there temporarily."

Gu Han: "...Town center? An apartment? Why does this demon realm feel so different from what I imagined?"

"I know a place that's absolutely safe," Gu Wanyin said.

"Where?" the Flower Demon asked eagerly.

"My hotel, of course!" Gu Wanyin grinned.

The Flower Demon was stunned for a moment. Just then, Xiong Tao chimed in, "That's right! Why didn't I think of that earlier? The rebels would never imagine we'd take the Demon King to a hotel in the human world!"

"But... what if they do think of it and follow us to the hotel?" the Flower Demon asked hesitantly.

"You don't need to worry about that," Gu Wanyin said with a smile. "I can temporarily blacklist those rebels from the hotel. And even if they did manage to get to the hotel, they wouldn't be able to harm the Demon King as long as he's inside."

"Really?" The Flower Demon's eyes lit up. "That's a perfect hideout then! Thank you, Manager Gu!"

"Ahem, wait, don't thank me just yet," Gu Wanyin quickly added. "To stay at my hotel, you'll need to exchange spirit flowers or precious metals and jewels for points to check in. Given the Demon King's current condition, you might want to book a family room or a presidential suite. We happen to have vacancies."

Gu Wanyin had a vague feeling that she might be coming across as a bit of a swindler.

But that wasn't right - this was just normal hotel promotion, and she was offering the Demon King an absolutely safe sanctuary. How could that be considered swindling? Hehe...

"That's no problem! Spending some gold and silver is nothing if it ensures the Demon King's safety. Spirit flowers might be hard to find right now though..."

At this point, Xiong Tao whispered, "But will Master Cong Ying agree? I remember hearing other demons say that Master Cong Ying thinks hotels are just places for fun and distract demons from their cultivation, so he really dislikes them..."

"Hotels are places for fun, but they also have many pills that can increase demons' cultivation and magical power," Gu Wanyin said with a smile. "Most importantly, there are pills that can stop bleeding and help demons recover quickly, which we can use for the Demon King. Oh, and Moon Eagle is still at the hotel. He's injured too, and isn't Cong Ying worried about him? It's perfect timing to go check on him."

The Flower Demon's eyes lit up. "That's perfect! I'll go tell Master Cong Ying right away!"

With that, the Flower Demon got up and ran to the eagle's head to speak with Cong Ying.

After a while, Cong Ying changed direction, heading towards the portal that led to the hotel.

Gu Han whispered in Gu Wanyin's ear, "This Cong Ying claims to hate hotels, but he seems to know the way to the portal perfectly! Looks like he's quite interested in the hotel too, just putting on an act."

Gu Wanyin nodded in agreement.

Soon, Cong Ying landed at the entrance of the portal.

After everyone had dismounted from his back, Cong Ying transformed back into his human form.

"When you get there, just ask for a hotel attendant," Gu Wanyin instructed. "Have them give you a room big enough for several demons so you can take care of the Demon King easily. There's also an apothecary with pills suitable for the Demon King's recovery. If you can't find it, ask an attendant to show you the way."

Cong Ying looked at her sincerely and said, "I'm sorry, Manager Gu. I shouldn't have thought that your hotel was..."

"It's fine!" Gu Wanyin waved dismissively. "You weren't entirely wrong. The hotel is indeed a place for food, drink, and entertainment, but it's not just that. You'll see when you get there!"

Moreover, with new business coming in, she couldn't care less about what Cong Ying had said before.

The hotel had been open for a while now, and people outside said all sorts of things.

If she got upset over every comment, wouldn't she just drive herself crazy?

Cong Ying looked at her admiringly and asked, "What about you two?"

"We still need to go rescue Nine-Tails and the others," Gu Wanyin said. "To be honest, that's the most important reason we came to the demon realm. Do you know where they might be held?"

Cong Ying hesitated for a moment before saying, "The rebels are very strong and have been planning this for a long time. Our reinforcements won't arrive for a while. Are you sure you want to go? If..."

"Don't worry!" Gu Han said rather proudly. "We'll be fine."

Reassured, Cong Ying gave them detailed information about where Nine-Tails and the others might be held, along with directions.

"I'll stay to help you," the Snake Demon said. "An extra pair of hands could provide more protection."

"I want to stay too!" Xiong Tao chimed in.

"No need, no need," Gu Wanyin quickly replied. "You should focus on taking care of the Demon King. The two of us will be enough."

They had invincibility and feared nothing, but the demons didn't. If the demons stayed to help, although well-intentioned, they might become a burden...

Of course, she couldn't say that outright.

"Alright then," Xiong Tao said, looking quite disappointed.

He had thought he'd finally have a chance to prove himself!

The demons entered the portal, heading towards the hotel.

Gu Wanyin and Gu Han discussed the locations Xiong Tao had mentioned, then chose the place they both thought most likely to be holding Nine-Tails and the others, and set off in that direction.

Even if Cong Ying hadn't told them the route, as long as they knew the destination, their systems could provide them with a map.

"But why did our two systems know where the Demon King was before, but now don't know where Nine-Tails is?" Gu Han asked curiously.

"That's because before the Demon King fell unconscious, she contacted the Interstellar Alliance and told them her location!" 066 answered.

Gu Wanyin asked in surprise, "She can contact the Interstellar Alliance?"

"Of course, she's the Demon King after all. She's the only one in the demon realm with that authority. However, the Interstellar Alliance doesn't interfere in demon realm affairs, so..."

Gu Wanyin understood. The Interstellar Alliance couldn't be expected to do charity work all the time, managing this and that. Wouldn't they be overwhelmed?

Even she wouldn't have gotten involved in demon realm affairs if it weren't for her good relationship with Nine-Tails and the others.

The two continued their journey without stopping. Thanks to their consistent exercise routine lately, they didn't feel too tired even after walking for most of the day.

The sky gradually began to brighten.

Suddenly, Gu Wanyin spotted a small, familiar figure darting across their path ahead.

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