Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 90 Will He Kill Himself?

In ruins.

On the ground, a gray mouse placed some red berries and nuts on a cigarette box, holding nuts to nibble on.

The white mouse is squatting against the cigarette box.

A gray mouse peeled the last nut, grabbed half the ketchup packet, and poured it over the nuts and berries with its mouth and claws open.

Both rats ate happily.

[Your da Vinci squatted on a half-cement pillar, looked at the two rats in the distance, bumped foodie, see, not working hard can only cause their wives to eat garbage... foodie nodded heavily, but it felt like eating garbage can still be so happy, that garbage must be very tasty...]

[You Da Vinci patted the foodie and told it that when two creatures of opposite sexes get together, everything's fine. The foodie nodded vigorously, but didn't understand why Ming was content being alone.]


Ming sneered at these two froglets' minds and continued to investigate the half-dead female zombie and Wendy in the warehouse; yeah, he was so happy that he couldn't sleep at night.

Having just returned from checking his spike traps, which had not been triggered, he sat on the hilltop platform to check on today's harvest.

He double-checked the items that the Tibetan mastiff had dropped.

Yes, it was still construction material.

Also, there's a blood certificate.

He just needed an upgrade to level 20 and a King Level Certificate of Blood to come in for his second transfer.

At level 19, as long as he kills a Lord or a few elites.

The froglets will return and Foodie will be able to show him the axe which will reveal information about the double-axed Lord.

Looking at The Complete Book of Home Cooking, he realized he'd better eat compressed cookies.

[Your Da Vinci takes foodie out of the half concrete pillar, then he looks at two rats in the distance and silently blesses them]

[When the foodie saw da Vinci's sorrowful face, it felt strange, so he asked, Are you jealous?]

[Da Vinci patted the foodie. He just sympathized with the two guys who had no choice but to eat garbage every day.]

[A flying insect flashed in front of them...]

[Foodie and Da Vinci look at each other and chase bugs. Foodie collected a gold shining stone...continued to chase flying bugs...Da Vinci collected a supply box that had fallen to the ground...]

Mike came running panting, looking at the empty ground, scratching his head, obviously fell here ah, there are people faster than him?

Is it that sunglasses guy again?

[Foodie and Da Vinci chase flying insects through abandoned buildings and cracked highways. Your Da Vinci curses it silently in his heart when the flying insect keeps a certain distance from the froglets, sometimes stopping, flying left and right, as if deliberately teasing them...]

[Da Vinci and foodie keep chasing, vowing to catch this flying insect today. They've come up with a lot of different ways to cook it, including ketchup-coating its wings then ripping them off or boiling it in Ming's noodles pans.]

[They keep chasing, and the flying insect sees the two hopping green frogs, who stop flapping their wings and get swallowed up by a mouth. ]

[Da Vinci sees a big, slimy earthworm burrowing out of the sewer mouth, swallowing a flying insect, and then notices the two froglets in front of it shrinking into the sewer without any action. ]

[DaVinci patted the foodie, see how cruel the world has become, earthworms steal food from frogs, don't be so picky about food in the future...]


At the top of the mountain, Ming watched the froglets' path. Upon hearing the message, he felt relieved that Da Vinci hadn't only grown, but was teaching foodie as well.

Really good baby

[ As Da Vinci and Foodie bounce towards home, they come across a man who is naked, taking off his shirt, and jumping into a clear pool. Seeing how cruel the world is, people are jumping into water to commit suicide, so you can't be picky... ]

[Your Da Vinci hops over to the pond and collects a man's top shirt]

[You're da Vinci explained to foodie that the man is killing himself, his clothes aren't needed, take it back to Ming so it won't be wasted. Foodie nodded and launched the ability to collect shoes from the ground so his shoes shouldn't be needed.]

[Da Vinci is happy because it provided a high-quality education for Foodie today...it took Foodie bouncing home]

"Are you sure that was suicide?"

"People just want to take a bath, right~"

He looked away, very sympathetic to that buddy, and placed one hand on his chin.


After grabbing a fish, Jeremy rushed out of the water, relieved that he could eat well today.

Upon getting ashore, he discovered his clothes were stolen.



With his hands free, the fish tumbled and jumped back into the pond.

When Jeremy looked again, his shoes were gone as well.

He tried to close his eyes and pretend he was dreaming.

He stood in the sunlight, thinking about how he'd heard stalkers have a skill that allows them to adapt to their surroundings like chameleons, without the need for clothes or shoes.

Perhaps God was reminding him to switch to stalker.

Okay, listen to God.

Jeremy decided to be a stalker.


[Your da Vinci is home with foodie, happy to see you waiting for them on the hilltop. They feel worth all the effort... they wish you the best of luck.]

"Like the previous good luck blessing?"

Ming got lost in thought.

Should he then go out?

He stroked Da Vinci's head before pulling out another fish and stuffing it into Foodie's mouth.

On the first floor, Da Vinci walks to see the snake eggs, finds that the butterfly is still fluttering around the sunny flower. He doubts that the butterfly is a robot?

While holding the fish, the foodie contemplated eating the snake egg.

[Da Vinci and the foodie have returned from their trip, and their backpack contents have been transferred to your warehouse.]

[Da Vinci and foodie have taken 2514 steps on this trip, which are converted into 2514 travel experience points. ]

Ming put the bugs in a dish.

As he checked the warehouse item information, he sat on a bench on the first floor and watched the froglets eat.

A set of work clothes collected by Da Vinci after jumping over a fallen zombie.

There's also a blouse that belongs to the suicide bro.

He wants to give his clothes back, but the city is so big, ruins are everywhere.

"What if I helped him sell it at a good price, and then helped him keep the money?"

Foodie also dreamed about a red fruiting plant:

[Dark red fruit]

[by thatch plum mutation, its flesh is sweet and sour, detoxification, can be used to make wine, after it's ripe, the juice tastes like wine, drinking one drink raises 1 point of power, the more you drink, the more power you raise, after the wine fades, a lot of drinking will make you unconscious]

[Ripening cycle of one year]

"Oh my god!"

It's great for people who drink a lot of alcohol, but he's allergic

Nevertheless, he can sell it in a trading store once it matures.

How to make money the way+1.

Ming wondered if foodies' dreams might all come true?

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