Apocalypse: System of lotteries

Chapter 112 Business Opportunities

Early in the morning.

The bloody earth from last night was washed away by heavy rain.

Ming will throw the two froglets who lie on his face into the pond. Do you guys not know how big you are?

[Your da Vinci opened his eyes, looked at you, and looked outside in the rain; he can rest today...]

[Even though the other side wasn't paying him much attention, the foodie got in the pond and talked to the koi... da Vinci glanced at him before hopping up to the first floor to check out his eggs.]

[Da Vinci noticed the small butterfly resting on the egg... it is still quite attractive, but she lacks intelligence...]

"It's better not to go out today; let's all stay at home."

After tonight, the second chapter will be over, so hurry up and finish it as soon as possible.

While brushing his teeth, he checked the World Chat channel, where everyone was discussing their plans for tomorrow and the future after this night. Many people were ready to throw a party.

"It's the last night for R city, so throw a party for R city survivors in the downtown square and relax while we all figure out how to survive the end game better together."

"Did you get a private chat with **evil ghost in H city? That guy said he wanted to form a squad, I think he's a liar."

"Don't respond to him; he's the one who specializes in robbery; I saw him kill other survivors in the dark at the end of the corpse wave last night! He must not be taken in!"

"Well, I'm also in H City, and I got his private chat yesterday. I suspected there was something wrong with someone so powerful inviting me to team up, but I didn't expect it to work out like this. I wish him death."

"In that case, I'm free to curse haha, ****, ****, *****, rub, why are they all stars?"

"It proves that you have a high level of cursing~"


Ming closed the world chat channel. He was no surprise that the guy's wealth had been steadily increasing, and the level is not high enough, the original is a robbery.

He was previously wondering how that person's level could survive the corpse tide without spending money to improve himself, but it turned out to be spending money while robbing.

In the double list, the first is still him, his own things. How can he give it away?

After washing up, he started making breakfast. After feeding Da Vinci and the foodie, he put them both in his pocket, because the last day will be spent at home, and he will not allow anyone to leave the house. But he can't interfere with the frog's travels.

[Foodie lying on the roof, looking out the window, wondering when the rain would stop and when it could go outside to play again...]

[Foodie looked up at the rain and decided to take a nap first.]

"What a great froglet!"

Ming jumped off the roof, went to the earthworm farm, recycled the steel plate enclosed roof, threw the broken elite centipede into the farm, and covered it with another layer of stinky mud, which re-sealed the roof and only opened a skylight to keep the air circulating.

It was time to sit back and wait for the harvest.

The rain has ceased.


As the sun broke through the clouds, he wondered when the froglets would get out.

[As your da Vinci presses against the snake egg, he still does not feel any movement. He thinks, maybe this egg has some problems... he bumps the eggshell and no reaction is felt. It hopped out the door, the sun was shining brightly on it, and it decided to go for a ride...and croaked.]

[Foodie ran after the koi again, climbed up on the cobblestone, ready to rest, heard Da Vinci's call, and immediately bounced to the first floor, ready to go on a trip together]

[The froglets slid down the hill and headed north. Da Vinci felt that the newly built house was not cozy enough and planned to find a few flowers and plants. Foodie decided what Da Vinci did he would do as well...]

Ming is thinking that it's time to teach them how to be lazy, but he can't be idle because the froglets are leaving. Because essence gold and psychic energy stones are running low, it's time to go out and find some.

[Your Da Vinci and foodie were happily jumping down the road when they noticed a zombie in front of them. Foodie was about to start a fight when he was stopped by Da Vinci, who told him to put it aside for the time being. He did not come to our house to cause destruction...a flying insect appeared and landed on the zombie.]

[Your da Vinci-patched foodie shouldn't fatally hit the zombie...]

"It's unusual for you not to kill him."

Ming was picking at the weeds with a long spear. He discovered that the ruins had recently been filled with these green plants, making the entire city appear green. Nature's power is truly amazing.

[Your Da Vinci swallows the flying insect, looks at the zombie next to him, bounces up, and croaks as an apology. It leads the foodie to go on travel.]

[Your foodie dashes, stops in front of a grass blade, crouches there watching a snail squirm on the blade of grass... Da Vinci hops over, sees the snail, and tells the foodie, when you encounter an obstacle, go around, don't climb so high like a snail foolishly... you see, it can't get down now... Da Vinci found the grass green and beautiful...]

[The froglets jumped happily and continued on, seeing a flower in the distance with a flashing white light, which was collected by two froglets and they landed in a small pond... The froglets jumped into the pond with joy... The fish 'happy' jumped out of the water, and Foodie happily played... Da Vinci taught it to eat slowly and avoid getting stuck with the fish spines...]

"Ah, there's fish again."

Ming received a message from the froglets and planned to see them later, but then he remembered Mike, who is desperately needed right now.

A figure appeared at this time, draped in a black cloak and revealing only one pair of eyes.

"Good morning" Ming and David exchanged greetings.

"Alright, goodbye?"

The two waved their hands at the same time, brushing past each other before abruptly stopping.

"I have a message for you."

The two men synchronized once more.

"You get to speak first."

Ming and David exchanged glances, waiting for each other to speak first.

David said, "I just found two sewers not far from here, which I think will be of use to you.".


Ming's uneasy, is his own body already so stinky?

"What would you like to say to me?"

David asked, opening his mouth.

"Uh, I was watching you walk while leaking sand; you should be wearing the wrong pants; I have the right ones for you here."

Before handing the pants to David, Ming took them out of the warehouse and said, "look, it's this kind of yoga pants, you definitely won't leak sand while wearing them. Give me 5 pounds of fine gold stones, and these are for you."


"Well, you're good at business, you can find business opportunities in this," David said and stared at the person in front of him.

"Do you want them?"



"The pink is too garish."

"Don't worry, I have a black one."


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