Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 164: Move out

Chapter 164: Move out

Zhang Huai An nodded his head. To him, only by punishing them could the girl rest in peace. When he saw Zhang Xiao Qiang shake his head, his heart instantly turned cold.

“They didn’t do anything wrong! People who don’t have personal strength will be enslaved by others. Look at what’s in front of you, haven’t you seen that the world is now like this? If we go according to what you do, I think that 90% of the male survivors in the world would have to be locked in jail? Who will catch them all? Or will you go and catch every single one of them?”

Upon saying that, all the other men inside the place started to laugh. To them, Zhang Huai An was purely creating a problem out of nothing. They figured that he had been an officer for too long, to even consider punishing criminals in such a world, did he not know that the world was no longer a place with laws and rules? The only rule after the virus outbreak belonged to those whose fists were larger and stronger.

Hearing their ridicules, Zhang Huai An thought about it again and felt that Zhang Xiao Qiang was right, which person who was still surviving didn’t have dirt on their hands? Even his two male colleagues had messed around with the young ladies inside the cave, just that no one was willing to be a busybody. Since Zhang Xiao Qiang had already decided about it, he could only listen to him and continue to idle his life away without caring for others. He had already done that for the past few decades, why would he bother change?

Zhang Huai An bowed towards Zhang Xiao Qiang then turned and hobbled out. He felt that he was no longer compatible with the world as it was, although he had already figured it out, he was merely mixing in and did not feel comfortable at all. The hurt and pain from the thought of having lost his family members surfaced once more as he walked outwards until Zhang Xiao Qiang shouted for him to stop.

Zhang Xiao Qiang picked up a Type 77 Pistol and threw it to him and said: “I’ll hand over the few men from the spa over to you to lead, you and Three will take turns to look for supplies. You must remember one rule, people who attempt to escape.....dies”

Zhang Xiao Qiang had decided to organize the men from the spa to form a unit led by the old police. They were still in the probation period and he wanted to grind away the unease and divide in their hearts before merging them into the whole.

Zhang Huai An held onto the pistol with some worry, he had always been a small cop his whole life and never had the thoughts of promotion or wealth. He had thought about idling until he was old enough to retire but unexpectedly, this plan was halted with the apocalypse. Just by following Zhang Xiao Qiang for a short while, he was promoted to a team leader?

“Right, go and kill that convict guy!” Zhang Xiao Qiang broke Zhang Huai An’s daydream, who stared at Zhang Xiao Qiang with an opened mouth. After being a cop for so many years, he had never gone through any punishments or imprisonment but jumped straight to sentencing someone to death. But when he saw Zhang Xiao Qiang staring at him coldly without speaking further, he lowered his head and walked out.

“Watch Zhang Huai An and his men tightly, better to be safe than sorry.” Everyone in the room nodded their heads.

Ever since the apocalypse, no one ever heard of birds chirping in the morning. What replaced it was the occasional sight of bird carcasses in the corner. The morning mist turned foggier, the clouds resembled gray gauze enveloping the entire chicken farm like smoke. The chicken farm within the mist was deadly silent until broken by the sound of people early in the morning.

Unknowingly, the sun rose, the scattering rays of the sun scared away the cool mist. Looking from a bird’s eye view, one could see people hustling and bustling inside the chicken farm regardless of men or women, Combat Team or Logistic Team. Everyone was transporting all sorts of supplies onto the different vehicles.

Zhang Xiao Qiang carried Yang Ke’er out of the house while she laid lazily in his embrace. When the morning sun shone on her face, it caused her to squint her eyes as she let out a gentle yawn. Shangguan Qiao Yun supported Yuan Yi as they walked out together. Yuan Yi’s complexion had changed for the better with faint rosiness in her cheeks. The morning sun was not too hot, providing a nice warmth to the skin. Zhang Xiao Qiang carried Yang Ke’er and sat at the door to bask under the sun with Yuan Yi beside him while Shangguan Qiao Yun carefully looking after her.

Yang Ke’er became drowsy under the comfortably warm sun again, her adorable face twitched on Zhang Xiao Qiang’s chest a few times before burying into his arm to fall asleep. It was a rare moment for Yuan Yi to bask under the sun and enjoy the leisure as she squinted her eyes under the glaring sun. Shangguan Qiao Yun was still dressed in a female military uniform, along with her boots and the pistol holster on her belt. Her belt also hung her ammunition bag and a bayonet scabbard. Under the sunlight, her golden Lara Croft hair glittered.

Seeing her calm expression, a chill arose in Zhang Xiao Qiang’s heart. His current tendency towards Shangguan Qiao Yun was to avoid her if possible, and when he could not, it made things extremely awkward when he saw her. He was unsure if the thing around her had disappeared, for the supernatural things he had heard when he was young was too many to count, which formed his respect and deterrence towards such things. Although Shangguan Qiao Yun was extremely eye-catching, he felt as though a sinister shadow was hidden within.

The space in front of the stairs was extremely rowdy, aside from Zhang Xiao Qiang, everyone else was talking. He Wen Bin had not recovered but he was already completely immersed in his role as he attempted to arrange everything whenever he could. There was no look of reluctance on anybody’s faces, to them, changing to a safer environment would make them feel more at ease. The chicken farm was too close to J City and if the zombies inside turned hungry and started to roam out of the city, the chicken farm would become a target. This was something no one wanted to hear but already had developments. Some zombies had started to widen their scope of activities and occasionally, a few scattered zombies would appear around the chicken farm. Although they could be resolved by a few men, it still made everyone tense.

The fat chef led a few new girls to carefully place pots filled with fresh ginger and garlic into boxes padded out with newspapers, which were given to him by Zhang Xiao Qiang and was immediately treated as treasure to the point that he would sleep with the pots. Many of the ladies were considered new handlers for the kitchen and with the huge number of newly recruited girls, they had no choice but to delegate them all over and get them to do manual labor and slowly integrate into the whole.

Wang Le and his two subordinates carried an object which was wrapped tightly with tarpaulin. When he saw Zhang Xiao Qiang nodding his head, the three of them carefully placed the mysterious object into the trunk of the truck before anxiously rushing back to work. He had many things on hand but Wang Le was extremely joyous. Zhang Xiao Qiang had found close to 30 women which resolved the imbalance in the number of males and females in the group. Adding that he was considered a leader of some sort, he felt that finding an intimate partner would not be difficult, the men of the Logistic Team had no qualifications to find women, but, maybe, maybe, who knows if I can find 2 or 3 of them? “Hahahaha.....” He could not help but chuckle once. As long as Zhang Xiao Qiang continued to let him take the lead, he felt that his dream was possible to fulfill! We are but men! Isn’t there all to it? At that moment, he could not think of the marriage laws.

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