An Otome Game’s Burikko Villainess Turned into a Magic Otaku

Volume 6 - Ch 5

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One Day I Became a Burikko Villainess Noble Girl, . Honto tutorial .

Think of it as throwing money at the author and Alphapolis, and getting a book with squiggles and pretty pictures as a pleasant extra.

Ehhh? Miss Camille You married Achille? And whats more, it just happened recently?

Almost as soon as I invited her into the room, Miss Camille gave me a shocking confession.

Right, right.

With my shock being completely unrelated to her, she was currently in a daze eating the candied flowers that the maids brought. Miss Camille bringing the petite and colourful flowers to her lips was extremely picturesque. In Topageria where there are many desert, flowers were a high class luxury, and so sweets like this were new and fresh.

When, exactly?

After we came back from our expedition, I got proposed to by Achille. Before I knew it, Id signed the papers though.

Eh- Miss Camille?

Before I knew it Wai-, arent you a little bit too careless? Didnt you fall into a trap set by His Highness and Achil-

N-, No, nevermind. Congratulations on your marriage.

If the person herself has no complaints, then it isnt my place to say anything. The two of them seem to get along.

Thanks, Beatrix.

Camille gave me a smile as she once again stuffed her cheeks with sweets.

By the way, Beatrix. Theres something Id like to talk to you about, but is that okay?

After having tea and having a breather, Miss Camille fixed up her posture. Rare for her, today she wasnt wearing a robe for once, but was instead wearing a dress. Seeing her like this, she really looks like a noble girl. I say that its a dress, but unlike the thing Im wearing right now, hers is just a simple one though.

What is it?

You know how we took leave from school to recuperate and rest?

Yeah You mean how the three of your fell ill?

She nodded at my words.

It actually wasnt an illness The truth is that we were attacked by that game Heroine, and had forbidden magic cast on us. We were resting to recover from that, and take up countermeasures.


Achille covered me, and in the end I was saved by Royce-sama.

Without me knowing, the relationship between the Heroine and the Hearts Faction has turned into something incredible. Ive never talked to her before, but she even used forbidden magic on somebody else without hesitating, so she might have quite the personality.

Why did you become enemies?

It has to do with the Revolution End that I talked to you about before.

Miss Camille told me about the acts of the commoner extremists, and the things that the Heroine did. From the way she spoke about things, it seems that the Heroine was one-sidedly antagonistic with Miss Camille. Judging based on the activities of the commoner extremists, she probably has more of a problem with nobles in general, rather than Miss Camille personally.

The Heroine who cant be matched even by an elite magician of this country, Miss Camille Although it was a setting from the game, she really is a frightening existence.

And so, it seems that shes hiding in Topageria at the moment.

I see I heard that soldiers were sent into the academy to catch the Heroine. I also heard that she escaped though.

I didnt know the circumstances behind it because they were concealing it though.

Royce-sama asked for the Topagerian Kings cooperation or rather, it was more like saying because the Heroine comes from Topageria, take some responsibility.

Speaking of which, the Heroine was adopted by Topagerias Cintron family, wasnt she.

You know about it?

A little When I entered the academy, I was curious about each character, so I did a little research. It was just their official history though.

Thinking that it wouldnt do if I by some small chance fell into the same disaster as the in-game Beatrix, I roughly researched all the characters of the game. On the surface, there didnt seem to be a problem. However, with the Heroine and her complicated background, Im regretting not researching further.

Once we settle the chaos in our country, we plan on capturing the Heroine and the remnants of the extremists.

Miss Camilles gaze pierced right through me.

And so if possible, Id like it if you cooperated too, Beatrix. I do feel sorry for asking for a favour on top of getting you wrapped up into this though.

Now that Ive become His Highness Royces fiance, it certainly isnt another persons problem anymore, huh

I placed my hand to my brow. Things have really become troublesome.

This is about your engagement, Beatrix, but Im wondering if it isnt also somehow related. Only Royce-sama and Achille know the details though.

Because Miss Camilles specialty is magic, it seems that shes estranged from the details of diplomacy. Or rather, shes just tossed it to them wholesale and left it all to them.

It seems that Ill need to speak to His Highness Royce one-on-one. If possible, I dont want to get involved, but this time it cant be helped. His Highness and Achille I need to make clear their motives. Being used and having my life swung left and right without me knowing is something that Im long sick of. Unlike Camille, theres no way that I can just trust them completely.

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