American Tax Officer

Chapter 98: Chapter 90: Rise to the Top 10, Shocking the Nation_3

Over these years, he's made quite a bit of money too.

One point fifty eight million US dollars was a huge sum, but he gritted his teeth and decided it was within his ability to pay.

As long as this matter was settled, ev if David had to confront Dieter, Dieter couldn't possibly blame him for it!

"That's more like it..."

David could tell that the man in front of him had dug into his own pockets to come up with the money.

But it didn't matter, as long as they received the money, it was irrelevant who exactly had paid it!

About half an hour later.

Baldwin's hchman brought over a case, oped it, and inside lay bundles of US dollars.

David and Nis immediately began to count it.

Another half-hour passed.

Once they confirmed that the amount was exactly one point fifty eight million and four hundred US dollars, David said conttedly, "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Baldwin. Go get the goods now!"

Soon ough, Nis brought over the two cases of goods he had brought back last night.

Baldwin did not waste words; letting his hchm carry it, he intded to leave.

But the next second, David's voice halted his steps.

"I told you last night, ask Dieter to come see me. Is he unwilling, or what?"

Baldwin turned his head and replied, "He's very busy."

"I don't care if he's guinely busy or just pretding, but if he doesn't come talk to me by 6 PM tonight, don't blame me for not being nice!"

"I'll pass along the message!"

This time, Baldwin didn't get angry. After responding, he left.

"Take it to storage!"

T minutes later, Mary st news that the storage was successful.

David checked the tax achievemt list again; his total tax achievemt was now three million eight hundred thirte thousand four hundred US dollars, and his national ranking had skyrocketed from number fifty-three directly to the tth.

"Tth in the nation..."

David was quite satisfied with this ranking.

There were still twelve days left until the d of the assessmt period, and his ranking might climb ev higher.

But taking down Brown Soros' clique and reaching the top was unlikely, unless he could be transferred to a bigger city. Only th might he have a chance...

Forget it, one step at a time.

David put aside his musings and began to process documts and data.

In one day, his ranking shot from twty-three hundred US dollars to over three million eight hundred thousand, raising his national ranking to tth. David's extraordinary growth, like a bomb dropped into the depths of the water, instantly ignited the tire Lake District Sub-Bureau Branch.

Meanwhile, in the Newtown District Sub-Branch.

Keanu burst into Director Katharine's office in a hurry, sharing the news of David's explosive rise in tax achievemts and rankings.

"What, he secured over three point eight million in tax achievemts in one day?"

Wh Katharine heard the news, she was stunned and couldn't recover for a long time.

You see, their Newtown District Sub-Branch's total tax achievemts for three assessmt periods wer't ev up to three million.

And now this David from the Lake District had bagged over three point eight million in tax achievemts in one day?

Last assessmt period, David had already chopped down four point one two million in tax achievemts.

And now, just three days into the new assessmt period, he had already secured three point eight million. Could it be that by the d of this assessmt period, he might break t million?

Katharine grew more and more astonished as she thought about it, incredulously asking, "Have you received any news on how he did it?"

"The specifics are not very clear, but from what's be going a in their bureau, that David is investigating a case involving Dieter."

"Dieter? Dieter of the Omaha Family?"


With confirmation, Katharine fell silt.

As the largest Native American tribe in Las Vegas, she was well aware of how troublesome the Omaha Family could be.

And if David managed to skim a layer off Dieter, one could imagine how ruthless his methods must be!

"Director, I think we made a slight miscalculation. If we had promised him a position as Chief Tax Officer back th, perhaps the situation wouldn't have come to this..."

Keanu was increasingly regretful as he thought about it.

At the time, they only thought David was a very capable Inspector, so they wanted to lure him with the Newtown District platform, without any plans to promise a position like Chief Tax Officer.

But looking at it now, David was more than capable; he had climbed to the tth spot on the national tax achievemt leaderboard. If he were in Newtown District, it might ev be possible to break into the top five!

Upon hearing this, Katharine also grew regretful.

It's true that Newtown District didn't have a vacancy for a Chief Tax Officer.

But had they known David's ability was so exceptional, it might have be worth it to force a promotion for him to Chief Tax Officer!

But it was too late for any of this now.

Firstly, David had already tak up the role of Chief Tax Officer in the Lake District, and secondly, after the last conflict with William at the Washington D.C. Headquarters, she dared not rashly poach him.


The more Katharine thought about it, the worse she felt, sighing helplessly.

If things continued this way, unless David was transferred out of the Lake District Sub-Bureau Branch, as long as he was in the Lake District, their Newtown District would never be able to rise!

Beyond Newtown District,

at that very momt, the New City District Sub-Branch, Las Vegas City Bureau, Nevada State Bureau, and ev the Washington D.C. Headquarters were all talking about David's meteoric rise.

Especially at the Washington D.C. Headquarters.

They oversaw hundreds of sub-branches across the nation, and not just the relatively insignificant Las Vegas Lake District Sub-bureau Branch, but ev the economically strongest Newtown District Sub-Branch wasn't their primary focus.

Their main focus was on the large city sub-branches like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

But what many high-level executives at the Washington D.C. Headquarters had not anticipated was that the Las Vegas Lake District would produce an Inspector who killed his way up to the tth in the nation.

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