American Tax Officer

Chapter 90: Chapter 86: Done with the trade? Time to pay taxes then!_2

All four of them were somewhat short in stature, with generally brown complexions, broad noses, thick lips, large eyes, and rounder faces—typical Mexican features.

Each of them had a pistol holstered around their waist.

[Name: Richardson Marcus.]

[Occupation: Mexico Gang Backbone.]

[Monthly Income: 100,000 US dollars.]

[Income Details: Gang dividends, drug transportation commissions...]

[More Details:...]

[Tax Due: 25,000 US dollars.]


[Name: Robin Zachary.]

[Occupation: Mexico Gang member.]

[Monthly Income: 30,000 US dollars.]

[Income Details: Gang dividends and commissions from transporting drugs...]

[More Details:...]

[Tax Due: 4,500 US dollars.]


[Name: Walsh Abraham.]

[Occupation: Mexico Gang member.]

[Monthly Income: 30,000 US dollars.]

[Income Details: Gang dividends and commissions from transporting drugs...]

[More Details:...]

[Tax Due: 4,500 US dollars.]


[Name: Warren...]


From his concealed spot on the second floor, David, with his golden finger, had reviewed several individuals and confirmed that these men were indeed members of the Mexico Gang.

However, when he saw the fourth person, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Because this Warren was no stranger.

He was the very guy who had planned the Encar Casino armored car heist with Anthony and the others.

What a coincidence!


The man named Robin from the group below, after finishing a cigarette, cursed impatiently, "Those damn bastards under Dieter, always dilly-dallying and making us wait half an eternity!"

"Stop complaining, Robin, who made them our paymasters? Once we wrap up this deal, we might as well have a blast at his night club to get back at them!"

"You said it. He's got a few new girls at his places lately, and they're so stunning, you just want to stay there forever..."


While Dieter's men were yet to arrive, the Mexico Gang members on the ground started to fantasize about the good life after they finished this transportation job.

But soon, a noise from outside snapped their thoughts.

Mexico Gang backbone Richardson ordered Robin, "Go check it out, see if Dieter's people have arrived!"

Robin immediately went out.

About two or three minutes later, he came back and nodded, "It's their people!"

A few minutes later,

An SUV drove in and stopped right across from where Richardson and his men were standing.

The car doors opened, and four men stepped out.

But when those hidden in the dark saw one of the men with a scarred face, they all reacted.

Because this man was none other than Baldwin Ridge—one of the top four aces under Dieter!

"Hey, brother Baldwin, didn't expect it to be you picking up the goods today!"

Seeing Baldwin's arrival seemed to surprise Richardson as well.

Baldwin looked around, then turned back and said, "This time it's a transaction of 4 million US dollars; Dieter wouldn't feel secure if I didn't come!"

"Alright, did you bring the cash?"

Baldwin turned to look at the two underlings behind him, who immediately returned to the SUV, took out two cases from inside, and opened them up.

Inside were bundles of US dollars.

Seeing the money was in place, Richardson also gave a look to Robin and Warren behind him; the two turned and went back to their vehicle, brought out two cases, came over, and opened them—inside were packages of white powder.

The two sides had an unspoken understanding.

The underling holding the case of US Dollars handed the money to Warren.

Warren, in turn, passed the cocaine to the other party and then took out a device resembling glasses, which he fitted over his left eye, and began examining the banknotes.

The underlings on Baldwin's side also opened a bag of cocaine, took a pinch, and licked it.

Moments later, the other two underlings with cases performed the same procedure.

"No problem here."

"All good on my side, too!"


After both parties had checked the merchandise, neither found any issues.

Richardson smiled and extended his hand, "Pleasure doing business with you, Brother Baldwin, and send my regards to Mister Dieter."

"A pleasure, indeed. And send my regards to Mister Zimmerman."

"Ha-ha, certainly..."

Upstairs, once he saw both parties had finished the exchange and were preparing to leave, David, hidden in the dark, knew it was time and quickly gestured to commence the operation.

Although the second floor was pitch-dark, Buckynison and the others were equipped with night vision goggles, naturally enabling them to clearly see David's hand signals.

They first pressed the switch for the searchlights.

'Pop, pop, pop, pop.'

Four high-powered searchlights at four different points suddenly turned on, instantly flooding the first floor with blinding light.

The eight people below, caught by surprise by the intense illumination, instinctively covered their eyes.

But they quickly regained their senses.


The panicked four immediately drew their guns, and while shielding their eyes from the glare with one hand, tried to locate their adversaries with the other.

"You're surrounded, lay down your weapons now!"

David's voice, although unintended, only added to the chaos among the two groups.

Richardson's group fared better.

They were Dieter's men, and Dieter wielded power and influence in Las Vegas, so they were not overly concerned about arrest.

After all, they believed that even if they were caught, Dieter would have ways to bail them out.

But it was different for the members of the Mexico Gang.

Drug traffickers live on the edge, and most of them did not have legal status in America, so an arrest would likely mean a long stint in prison.

Therefore, overwhelmed by panic and fear, a man named Robin blindly fired several shots towards the second floor.

"Give them a taste of our strength!"

David knew that without showing their strength, they couldn't intimidate the men.


Buckyni and the others sprayed bullets around the perimeter where the two groups were positioned.

This forced both parties to retreat behind their cars, hoping to use them as cover.

However, they were in the center of the area.

With David's men positioned in all four directions, how could they possibly hide?

The powerful barrage from Buckyni and his comrades continued to hammer down near Dieter's and the Mexico Gang's men, forcing them to cower and scramble for cover.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!"

Witnessing such overwhelming firepower, Baldwin realized that resisting would mean certain death and hastily ordered his agitated subordinates to hold their fire.

However, the Mexico Gang members were beyond such considerations.

Knowing that not fighting back would certainly lead to prison, while resistance could offer a sliver of hope, Richardson raised his hand, preparing to order a counter-attack.

But before he could give the command, he was interrupted by Baldwin, not far away.

"Richardson, don't shoot, we're in the Lake District, and Dieter still has clout here!"

The subtext of his words was that if you start shooting, the guys upstairs might just take us all out. The opposition's firepower is so fierce, we could all be done for.

If we don't shoot and surrender, Dieter will be able to get us out later!

Upon hearing that, Richardson weighed his options. The display of firepower clearly indicated many adversaries, all armed with rifles and heavy weaponry.

Forget those movie heroes, who can wipe out an army with just a pistol.

That's just an exaggeration for cinematic effect.

Realistically, even the best Special Forces operatives would have slim chances, maybe 20% at best, facing rifles with just a handgun.

After due consideration, Richardson decided against a counterattack.

Dieter had significant influence in Las Vegas, and since they were partners and now caught together,

surely he wouldn't abandon them, would he?

Upstairs, seeing both groups subdued, David shouted, "We don't want to kill you, toss your guns aside, let's have a proper talk!"

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