American Tax Officer

Chapter 36: Chapter 36: The Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers Among the Inspectors

"6.36 million, shit, how the hell did these two guys manage that?"

Nisen wasn't too concerned about the surname issue, but rather more focused on their performance ranking behind their names.

He couldn't quite understand it.

Even with New York's high economic level, it shouldn't be possible for two inspectors in a group to achieve a sky-high performance of 6.36 million dollars.

A whole team, maybe!

Could these two really be that outstanding?

David too snapped out of it and looked intently at the big screen, only then spotting their performance achievement behind their names, indeed 6.36 million!

The shock he felt inside was no less significant.

He had thought that the Manhattan Branch had managed to achieve more than 20 million dollars in performance thanks to the efforts of the whole office.

But unexpectedly, it was just two inspectors from one group who had contributed nearly a quarter of that.

Yet that wasn't the biggest surprise for him.

In his subsequent observation, he discovered that aside from the New York Manhattan Branch, a pair of inspectors from a group in the Long Beach District Branch in Los Angeles had also achieved a high performance ranking of 4.36 million dollars.

There were also teams from Chicago, from Houston, from Washington, and others, all exceeding 4 million dollars in performance!

And his performance of over 800,000 dollars only ranked 89th out of all the country's inspection teams.

It seemed that among the 140,000 inspectors nationwide, there really were some hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

However, David didn't get too disheartened. Even if others had higher performances now, with a tool like his "golden finger," he would catch up with them or even surpass them sooner or later!


There were others among them with the same kind of cheat as his.

But was that possible?

He didn't think it was very likely!

But right now, the priority was to secure the rights to handle a major case as soon as possible.

Like the kind of big case Dieter was involved in.

According to the National Revenue Service's intelligence, this guy's illegal income was over three million US dollars a month.

But that was only what the intelligence had uncovered – there was certainly much more that hadn't been investigated.

No matter what, if he could collect the taxes on this guy's illicit income, the minimum would be 1.2 million US dollars, which is more than half the total amount of the four cases he had previously cracked!

While David was pondering this, at the same time, in the meeting room of the Washington D.C. National Tax Bureau, which could accommodate hundreds of people,

Branch chiefs and deputy chiefs, who had come to the head office for training due to the passage of the tax evasion law, were also watching the brand new national performance ranking list.

Sitting in row 10, seats 4 and 5, were a middle-aged man and woman.

The man's name was William Spacy, and he was the chief of the Las Vegas Lake District Sub-bureau Branch.

The woman was Megan Harrison, the deputy chief of the Lake District Sub-Bureau Branch.

At this moment, their eyes on the big screen first showed shock, confusion, incomprehension, and other expressions.

After a good while, William turned his head and asked Megan, "What's the deal with Group 7, Team 2 that they raked in over 800,000 in performance?"

Although he had been very busy with work at the head office, he was still somewhat aware of his bureau's performance.

Just a few hours ago, Gusin had reported to him the assessment period's performance, and when he heard that the total was over 1.3 million, he simply couldn't believe his ears.

Not until Gusin assured him repeatedly did he finally accept the fact.

Originally he thought that the reason for such a significant breakthrough in performance this assessment period was due to the competent leadership of Gusin and the collective determination of the various teams and individual inspectors below.

But now that the data was out, he realized that it wasn't the inspectors who had stepped up their game.

It was just Group 7, Team 2 that had actually done it!

Megan was also shocked, but she replied truthfully, "I do know Nisen from Group 7, Team 2; Chief Tax Officer Liu Yi is supposed to be transferred to Detroit to become a Deputy Tax Inspector, so the chief position for Team 7 is one for which he's one of the candidates."

The Lake District Sub-Bureau Branch has eighty inspectors.

Some were new faces that had been temporarily recruited following the recent passage of the tax evasion law.

As the deputy chief of the bureau, she naturally couldn't know every single inspector, but she was familiar with those qualified for promotion like Nisen.

"Do you mean that he worked hard to boost performance this time in order to secure his promotion?"


A month had passed since the tax evasion law was enacted, but there was still a lot of follow-up work to be done, especially in the days leading up to the assessment period.

And because they had come to the head office, both of them had instructed the bureau not to disturb them unless it was something very important; they could make decisions on their own.

So Megan wasn't very clear about the specific details.

"Call back and ask for a detailed account of what's going on!"

In the national branch performance rankings, their Lake District Sub-Bureau Branch was ranked 146th, which wasn't all that notable.

But that an inspector from their bureau could make it into the top hundred was something quite extraordinary indeed.

After all, there were 140,000 inspectors nationwide.

In that crowd, it was already remarkable to get into the top thousand, let alone the top hundred!

So William's thought was, if Group 7, Team 2 really had such exceptional ability, then it wouldn't be amiss to give Nisen the chief position directly as a reward for bringing honor to the bureau this time!

Twenty minutes later.

Megan returned with a peculiar expression on her face.

Seeing Megan's odd demeanor, William asked, "What happened?"

"I asked in detail, and the main contributor of the over 800,000 in performance wasn't Nisen, but another inspector in the same team, David!"


William was surprised at first, then his mind raced through the faces of inspectors in the bureau, but after searching through them, he still couldn't recall any impression of this person.

"Yes, Chief Tax Officer Lewis said that David is extremely outstanding, and that he completed the four cases that resulted in the over 800,000 in performance in just four days!"

"Four days, can it be?!"

William was taken aback, as he had also risen from the ranks of inspectors.

Even for legal citizens with tax issues, when you approach them, there are document listings, warnings, and obstructions – it's normal to spend ten days to half a month on such issues,

let alone these cunning lawbreakers.

They go through a lot of trouble to obtain their money illicitly, and forcing them to pay taxes is far from a simple matter.

Now David had completed four cases in four days, which was equivalent to one case per day. This efficiency was simply too ridiculous.

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