America Tycoon: The Wolf of Showbiz

Chapter 35: Chapter 35 Playing Something Even More Fancy


A van was parked in front of the Marietta Community Theater. Martin pulled his Ford up diagonally across the street, got out of the car, crossed the road, and found Robert moving merchandise with several new faces.

Wiping sweat from his forehead, Robert called out, "Come and give us a hand."

Before Martin could respond, a window on the second floor of the theater facing the street opened, and Jerome waved down from above, "That's not your job, Martin. Come on up."

Robert muttered, "Where's the fairness?"

Martin patted his arm and entered the theater, where at least forty new faces were bustling about, moving things back and forth.

Jerome had recruited quite a few newcomers.

Arriving at the head's office, Martin was as cordial as ever, "Head, I'm here."

Jerome poured him a cup of coffee, very enthusiastically, "I specifically inquired about that matter with insiders in Los Angeles. I've pretty much clarified it—it's a multi-company investment project led by Focus Features, a romance drama type, not yet officially publicized. It's tentatively called 'Sunlight at Noon of the Beautiful Mind' or something else.

They've been shooting in Los Angeles for a while and are planning to move to Atlanta next month."

Martin tried to recall, having seen too many movies in his past life; a love story without action was hardly memorable to him.

His focus wasn't on this, though, and he asked, "What about that female producer Andrew mentioned, friend of Kelly Gray? With Gray Company assisting the production in Atlanta, we might have a chance because of her. Can we learn anything about her? It could be an opportunity for the theatre company."

That was also Jerome's point of focus—if the theatre company could collaborate with a real Hollywood big production, how many people would be willing to pay a membership fee?

Jerome had inquired carefully, "Her name is Louise Mel, the executive producer of the production, the boss of Pacific Pictures. She's said to be involved in the investment. Oh, and one more possibly useful piece of information—Louise Mel is a board member of the LA Freedom Association."

Martin wasn't surprised; Kelly Gray had discussed Los Angeles with him, and she was deeply influenced by Californians.

"Head, you really have your finger on the pulse," Martin praised him at the right moment.

Jerome couldn't help but smile, "Don't forget, our theatre company once had Robert Patrick!"

Martin understood that Jerome very likely had a connection with the T1000.

Jerome then said, "Since you are close with Gray Company, don't forget about the theatre. If the company takes part in this big production, Martin, I'll recommend you for the position of deputy head."

The theatre was also an important channel, so Martin promptly pledged, "I am a member of the Marietta Theatre Company."

Jerome didn't even mention the membership fee—if this deal came through, who would worry about collecting fees?

After Martin left, he went to use the public computers at the Marietta Library to look up Louise Mel, finding next to no information.

Afterward, he drove to a quiet spot to contemplate.

'Sunlight at Noon of the Beautiful Mind' had an investment of 20 million US dollars, a single project overshadowing the combined works of Gray Company.

Correspondingly, Louise Mel surpassed his current ceiling of connections—Kelly Gray.

Martin believed that making acquaintances was more important.

And he had a way in—Kelly Gray.

Combining the information he had gathered: the other party was a member of the Freedom Association; Kelly Gray had mentioned that one of her good friends in Los Angeles liked to drink.

The latter was an easy issue, but the former, slightly problematic.

Hollywood has always been at the forefront of liberalism and freedom, playing most extravagantly. What Hollywood finds amusing might not impress Kelly Gray.

Offer something even more extravagant?

Martin had previously considered increasing the sales volume of House of Beast merchandise and one particular item seemed particularly suitable for members of the Freedom Association.

It would be best combined with the social environment and public sentiment.

It would mean opposing the Methodist Association once again.

But if well managed, it could be a lucrative venture.

As for failure, it wouldn't be worse than the current situation—at worst, he'd simply get back on stage.

Martin calculated the time when the production team would arrive, thought about it for a while, and then called Buckley, a reporter for "The Atlanta Interstellar News".

Faced with a civilized person offering money, Buckley was very cordial, "Mr. Davis?"



Martin said, "Do me a favor and find out who the strongest leader of the conservative faction within the Methodist Association is. Has he had any public activities recently? Can you get any related materials?"

He added, "I won't let my friends work for free."

Buckley laughed and said, "Leave it to me."

After exchanging a few more words, Martin hung up the phone.

He checked the time and started the car to head to the club.

The handsome crew was practicing dance on stage, a new tap dance choreographed by Savannah College of Art and Design.

Bruce leaned against the bar and asked, "Is your rich lady coming tonight?"

"Possibly." Martin pulled up a high stool, sat down to watch the dance, which wasn't about stripping, the handsome crew's dancing was actually not bad.

Bruce was careful with his words, "Are you ready?"

But Martin was considering the matter he had been pondering before, saying, "That's not the point; it's just a filler option."

"Filler?" Bruce nodded, chuckling, "You've grasped the essence."

At half-past eight, Kelly Gray arrived at the club, donning a dress and makeup that made her appear much younger compared to the professional attire she wore during the day.

After watching the tap dance for a while, Kelly Gray tipped 20 US dollars and came over to the bar.

"Good evening, Kelly," Martin said as he walked up.

Bruce took over all the work at the bar conscientiously.

Kelly Gray sat on a high stool and asked, "What do you recommend tonight?"

Instead of answering, Martin asked, "Anything special you've been wanting to do lately?"

Kelly Gray thought for a moment, "I really want to go to the beach for a vacation, but I can't let go of the work and responsibilities in my hands."

"Got it." Martin opened the cocktail shaker, sequentially added ice cubes, gin, blue curaçao, and lemon liqueur, shook it evenly, poured it into the chilled martini glass, and finally used a lemon slice for garnish.

The blue cocktail looked like the pure ocean.

"Love in the Aegean Sea," he remembered to add, "As usual, it's on the house."

Kelly Gray sipped her drink slowly, saying, "I heard the Methodist Association is attacking House of Beast for discriminating against men?"

"Shameless slander! I'm gearing up to show them a thing or two," Martin said, "I've been reading the newspapers, the Conservative Faction has launched a crazy counter-attack with the Methodist Association at the forefront, publicly vilifying the Freedom Association and House of Beast, even accusing us of gender discrimination!"

He spoke with righteous indignation, "Is there anything wrong with prioritizing ladies' entry into the club? Isn't that the gentlemanly spirit we've always advocated? How does that become discrimination?"

Kelly thought there was no problem at all, ladies should have priority, and she specifically reminded, "Dealing with discrimination is very tricky, you need to respond, don't hesitate to ask for my help."

Martin was resolute, "Kelly, you shouldn't lower yourself to engage in such low-end battles, the scum of the Methodist Association doesn't deserve it."

"You make a good point," Kelly nodded slightly, "You go ahead with this, the Freedom Association will back you up."

After thinking for a while, Martin said again, "The Methodist Association uses slander as a weapon, I... Kelly, I come from the lower class, my response might be a bit crude."

Kelly Gray considered for a moment, "Then give me your detailed information, the Freedom Association also has male staff, I recommend you become a part-time societal investigation agent for the ATL Freedom Association."

Martin thought to himself, was this playing it a bit too strong? Once on the road of a Freedom Fighter, there's no turning back...

At that moment, he could only accept, "Alright!"

Martin really wanted to ask if there was a salary for part-time work.

But considering the image he had just established, he held back.

The music in the dance hall suddenly stopped, and the buffoon Hart stood on the circular stage, taking the microphone and shouting to the women below, "Tonight we have a special program, House of Beast's number one hunk, the Martin Davis you've all dreamt of toppling, his debut performance will be played!"

Hundreds of customers burst into a chorus of catcalls.


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