America Tycoon: The Wolf of Showbiz

Chapter 100: Chapter 100: Kicked out of the Crew (Alliance Hierarch Adds Extra 7)

Brisbane is a coastal city with an abundance of seafood at luxury buffets, including Australian lobsters, blue manna crabs, and king crabs—all readily available.

Martin also tried kangaroo meat for the first time.

Eliza returned with her plate, sitting opposite Martin, with vegetables, fruits, and mushrooms filling her plate.

Martin was eating a crab leg, "The seafood is not bad..."

"I'm a vegetarian," Eliza pointed to her own plate, "I don't eat meat."

"Sorry, I didn't know," Martin said.

Eliza smiled, "It's okay." She picked up a piece of mushroom and added, "Actually, being vegetarian is not just about health, it's also a cultural taste and modern consciousness."

Martin said in an American way, "That's your prerogative."

Eliza suggested, "You could try more vegetarian dishes."

Martin reached for the plate full of mushrooms, "I really like mushrooms."

Bruce passed by with a plate of roast beef, sitting at the table back-to-back with Martin, and nudged Martin as he moved his chair, his fork stealthily pointing to the left.

Martin turned his head and saw that next to Adrian's table, there was a bombshell of a woman who had just arrived.

Very young, no more than twty-five.

At that momt, Eliza asked, "Do you want to take another photo later? Perhaps you can write a new blog post after? My Sister the Superstar was poorly writt."

Now was the height of blogging's popularity, and Martin asked, "Do you have a blog?"

Eliza replied, "Yeah, I don't use it much. My agcy set it up for me to attract fans."

Martin, seizing the momt, said, "How about this, let's take another photo together, you post it on your blog and write an try titled 'My Brother, the Handsomest Man in America!'"

Eliza couldn't stop laughing, "That's an exaggeration, I dare not write that... Hmm, let me think, how about 'My Twin Brother'?"

Martin agreed, "That works." He mimicked Eliza's tone from before, "Sis, your brother's going to check the homework."

They chatted while eating, with Martin occasionally glancing over at Adrian's table.

Adrian was hitting it off with the young woman.

Tessa put down her knife and fork, "I'm done eating."

Adrian remarked, "You've barely touched your food."

"I need to maintain my figure," Tessa purposely thrust out her chest; despite her youth, she was a veteran, "I've joyed dining with you, but now it's time to joy this lonely night."

Adrian, already aroused, suggested, "How about we have a drink, joy the night together?"

Tessa said, "I don't want to go to a bar, it's too messy and noisy."

Adrian smoothly offered, "I brought a fine bottle from Los Angeles, you won't easily find it in Brisbane."

After a momt's thought, Tessa replied, "Just a drink."

Adrian nodded, "Of course, just a drink."

The two left the buffet together.

At a nearby table, Kim Kardashian reminded Paris Hilton, "They're gone."

Paris said, "Once this blows up, I'll approach Susan Levin as an investing agt; she owes me an explanation."

Kim Kardashian confirmed, "I specifically asked a; it's easy to find such minor actors in Brisbane, it won't delay the shooting."

Since breaking up with Jason Shawn, Paris could finally let off steam, "Kim, wh the right opportunity arises, I'll formally introduce you to high society."

Kim Kardashian was willing to be a personal assistant for this opportunity, excitedly she said, "Thank you, thank you, Paris."

Paris merely said it in passing—the thought of introducing Kim into her circles seemed embarrassing.

Were there ev hundreds of millions behind her family, let alone billions?

Giving her a chance to be a personal assistant was already quite gerous.

Eliza, who hadn't eat much, wt back to her room early to adjust to the time differce.

Martin got some crocodile meat and seafood and came back, sitting opposite Bruce, "They're gone."

Bruce asked, "Do you think they've acted?"

Martin, having se the woman leave with Adrian, speculated, "It should have be last year; there was a big scandal in Los Angeles. One of the Lakers stars..."

"It's very likely," Bruce stated, "In such cases, if there's physical evidce and no surveillance, the outcome inevitably favors wom."

That notion struck a chord with Martin, "That makes sse."


Inside an ordinary room, the battle was fierce.

Tessa kept shouting, "Rough! I like it rough, don't be like a woman, where's your strgth?"

Mocked as being like a woman at such a momt, Adrian couldn't take it; if she wanted rough, he'd show her rough.

Several marks appeared on Tessa's body, ev her neck bore the imprints of strangling.

Finally, everything ded, and the room fell silt.

Tessa pushed Adrian away, ran to the bathroom, picked up her clothes on the way, and pulled out her phone to dial 000. With a trembling voice, she said, "Help! Save me! I've be assaulted!"

Wh Adrian realized his companion hadn't come out of the bathroom, he called out loudly, "Hey, beauty, what are you doing?"

Tessa replied, "You made a mess inside me; I need to clean up."

Adrian laughed comfortably, "Do you want me to go in and help you?"

"No need," Tessa's voice came through, "just wait for me a little longer."

Adrian didn't wait for Tessa to come out, but he did wait for a knock at the door.

He wt over, oped the door, and found a waiter followed by a male and a female Brisbane police officer in uniform.

"COP!" declared the female officer, as her partner stepped inside to prevt Adrian from closing the door, and she said, "We received a report..."

The voice carried into the room, and Tessa screamed from the bathroom, "Help! Help..."

Adrian was momtarily tak aback before quickly realizing the situation, defding himself, "No, it was she who came to me willingly."

As he spoke, all the things he had done earlier while guided by his desires flashed before his eyes, and realizing that something was wrong, he said, "I am an American, I am a star, I need to call the production team, I need a lawyer..."

The chaos here quickly alerted the rest of the film crew.

Martin and Bruce, mixed in with the crowd, came out to watch the excitemt.

Beside them, Me muttered, "Chasing girls is a matter of skill, conssual is fine, assault is tasteless."

In the crowd, Kim Kardashian said, "The producer has arrived."

Susan Levin and her assistant came down from upstairs, and Martin and others automatically made way for them to pass.

The clear injuries on the victim and the presce of a special substance in her body allowed only for the Brisbane police to agree to keep the news under wraps, but they insisted on taking Adrian with them.

Susan was furious, the shoot hadn't ev started, and this scandal had already erupted with an actor getting arrested.

Watching the police lead Adrian downstairs, Martin called out to Bruce and Me, "Let's go, go back to sleep."

With the person arrested, there was no more drama to see, and everyone dispersed.

Susan rushed back to her room and started making continuous calls, with the shooting immint, her first priority was to get the actor back.

This kind of situation was very troublesome.

There was a knock at the door, and Paris Hilton tered the room.

Susan put down her phone, and, because Paris represted some of the investors, spoke to her quite cordially, "Can I help you with something?"

Paris acted all mature and asked, "With the crew causing such a sce, should we inform the investors?"

Susan said, "Not for the time being."

Paris said, "What about Adrian? He is now suspected of assault, and the news will definitely get out. What will we do wh it does? If he faces criminal charges, what happs to the crew?"

Susan understood her meaning.

Paris continued, "The investors trusted me to represt them in investing in the film crew. With such an incidt, our risk has increased manifold. I must step in and replace the actor! Adrian's salary is only 5,000 US dollars; at most, the crew would pay out his full salary if he were fired. But if he causes trouble, our losses will be much greater.

The funds wasted by ev a single day of delayed shooting will far exceed this amount."

Susan nodded, "I will consider it."

With nothing more to say, Paris, who had come prepared, added one last stce, "Act quickly, the investors' loss is the loss of time."

After sding Paris away, Susan returned and did not rush to make a decision.

The next day, the Brisbane police informed the crew that after procedures such as injury inspection, they had decided to arrest Adrian.

The crew could bail him out.

Susan did not want the crew to spd that money, informed Adrian's agt, and triggered the contract termination and exit procedures to kick Adrian out of the crew.

If he's no longer part of the crew, what does the scandal have to do with them?

At the same time, they issued a casting call locally, looking for an appropriate actor.

The crew was still adjusting to the time differce, so there was plty of time to recruit a new actor.


Brisbane Police Station, with the agt John rushing over accompanied by a lawyer, met Adrian.

"This is very troublesome," John was straightforward, "That woman has injuries, she has your DNA inside her, and someone provided a recording verifying you invited her over with alcohol brought from Los Angeles."

Adrian protested loudly, "She is framing me! I never..."

John raised his hand to stop his shouting, "All this won't solve the problem. I'm here firstly to clean up your mess, and secondly, the crew has terminated your contract."

Adrian didn't care about the minor role.

John continued, "HBO and Warner Bros. are very displeased with you, they think your behavior will affect 'Star Partners', and they are considering delaying the series premiere, which will be very detrimtal to your future."

He glanced at Adrian, "If you have a future, that is."

Adrian tried to calm himself, "What should I do?"

"Settle with that girl, get her to drop the charges," John, who had basically giv up on Adrian, still fulfilled his agt duties, "If the charges hold, your American citizship won't keep you from jail time."

The lawyer at his side added, "There have be cases of -year stces in Brisbane in rect years."

Adrian didn't want to go to jail and said, "I don't have much cash."

John said, "Th sell your car, sell your house, do whatever it takes to raise the money."

After thinking, Adrian said, "I will give you a power of attorney, get me back to Los Angeles as soon as possible."

"You've be framed, I don't know by whom, but you're outmatched," John warned, "I'll help you with bail, but don't go near that film crew. The farther you stay from them, the better."

Adrian could only nod his head.

Having fulfilled his duty, John didn't say more, as the company decided to give up on Adrian. There are plty of young and talted actors, and it wasn't worth spding any more resources on him.

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