Amazing Village Building

Chapter 183: That man is extraordinary

Chapter 183: That man is extraordinary

Just like what I did when I fought Rauls army, I made a moat beneath the Albert soldiers feet and made the ground they were standing on vanish.

However, as to be expected of fathers most elite soldiers, they were able to land on the bottom of the moat quite safely. Even so, that move succeeded in taking out their horses out of action. That was more than enough for me. It was quite troublesome to deal with mounted charges, after all.

The 500 or so troops we deployed in front of the palace were composed of villagers as well as of adventurers who were using our village as their base of operations.

Equipped with weapons and armors made in the village, they clashed with the Albert soldiers as soon as the latter made it out of the moat.

By the way, the soldiers of the capital and the palace had expressed their intention to participate in the fight, but we had deemed it best for them to standby within the palace in the meantime.

To be frank, it was because we thought they were far inferior to our villagers and adventurers. After all, their actual combat experience wasnt much. They had high social status, sure, but the other nobles soldiers were far stronger than them.

W-who are these guys!?

Theyre so strong.

The Albert troops likely expected to easily crush us, but they were being pushed back instead.

It wasnt just because we had the numerical advantage; our troops ability outmatched theirs without a doubt. They had the advantage experience-wise, but that much wasnt enough to close the gap brought by Gifts and Skills.

All this and I still havent used my [Villager Enhancement] village skill.

Fool! You think you can defend against my attack!?

Even Gaion, one of the generals, was struggling. Despite being capable of destroying a castle gate with a single hit from his club, Gaion was being kept in check by Noel-kun who possessed the [Shield Master Technique] Gift.

Hohoho, two swords and ice magicyou must be Bazuratas Frozen Blade Princess.

Meribella, another general, was completely being held back by Selen.

They have people who can go toe to toe with the generals!

Ghhdont falter! We must not lose here!

Their morale remained strong, but the Albert armys inferiority in this battle was clear.

Except to one person.



My father swung his sword and caused a shockwave to occur. That much alone was enough to send multiple people flying.

Courageous villagers have been challenging him consecutively, but none of their attacks have hit so far.

Hmm, that man is extraordinary. So, thats your father, huh.

Yeah. To be honest, I dont think we can take him down

By my side and shooting arrows was Philia-san. She was quite astonished by the strength of my father.

By the way, I have been using my Villager Enhancement on the villagers fighting my father, but it still wasnt enough. Even our Balrath-san couldnt do a thing. Maybe even Noel-kun wont last a minute despite focusing on defense.

Fuhahahaha! Nothing less from Edel-sama! No matter how much you get our numbers down, as long as we have Edel-sama, we cant lose!

Hohoho, never mind being worth a thousand soldiers, Edel-samas worth ten thousand. Even by himself, he can turn the tide of any battle!

While two of the four generals rejoiced at the prospect of their victory, my father looked and then charged straight at me.

Luke, youve made me completely angry. Ill send you to the afterlife with my own hands.

so scary!

Like Id let you!

Well protect the chief!

You weaklings are in the way!


Our village troops tried to stand in the way, but they were unable to put a stop on fathers charge.

Philia-san tried to shoot arrows at him too, but they were all cut down and deflected.

And when there was only about 10 meters between us


My fathers whole body began to shine brilliantly.

It was similar to what Raul showed beforean intense fighting aura.

I wont let you!


However, someone suddenly jumped in front of father and forced him to defend himself with his sword.

As soon as father recognized who it was, his eyes were wide open.


I wont let you harm my brother, you shitty father.

Tchyou little

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