Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover

Chapter 177 - Magical Three Words

Chapter 177 - Magical Three Words

"Honey, I'm not asking you to roleplay it for us. Give us the measurements and a rating on performance," Angelina interjected.

"Yeah. Like, we have seen this guy on the screen. We've seen his fake orgasm face and we demand to know more." Lily stopped and stared, knowing Katherine would evade. "We won't judge. Did you pass out when you saw him n.a.k.e.d?"

Now, there was a good question.

"I almost did. My nose would have bled but I think I was composed enough." She might have blown his mind with her body, as well. She didn't think li'l old her could have that reaction from the almighty Cage Cavanaugh.

"I saw the little smirk on your lips when I mentioned size. I know the answer to that question," Angelina snickered. Katherine threw her a glare.

"Yes. I don't have to worry about limp appendages and people thinking it's my fault for not getting wet."

"Does it make you want to ride him into complete pleasure and make him scream that he is in love with you?" Lily groaned. Katherine was too mortified.

"Shut up. It was beyond good and even though I am sore as hell, I want to jump him again. His c.o.c.k is mine now and you will never see any of it or find out." Lily and Angelina burst into laughter.

"Sure, sure. We don't want to see it. It will be a feast only for your eyes." Angelina paused. "Wait. We really need to go shopping. Stephen called and told me he booked a single cabin for the two of us."

"Did you give him hell?" Katherine asked.

"Yeah, I screamed at him, but I am very pleased. Easy access and lots of possibilities to make him go?crazy."

"Atta, girl," Lily commented. "So we need to buy clothes, underwear, and roleplay stuff?" Lily threw Katherine a lecherous look as she said this. Katherine should have been embarrassed, but she had done this with her friends before. Usually, she was the one making the perverted comments. She could only endure for now.

- - -

"It was torture," Angelina was saying as they browsed through the racks of clothing. "You should have seen how he looked when he drove that car. It took so much strength not to jump him the first time he shifted gears. The speed was phenomenal... the engine... the seats... He could have those hands on my machine," she said with a dreamy sigh.

A lady in their vicinity looked at them with a horrified look and scurried away.

"How did you resist?" Katherine asked.

"I didn't know I possessed such willpower. I reminded myself that I had been duped recently and that he was a player. Did the job but I was still frustrated."

"Pot calling the kettle black. When was the last time you were in a relationship?" Lily asked, holding up a top in front of the mirror and seeing how it looked on her.

"I can't remember," Angelina said with a shrug. "But I need it to happen on my terms. I don't want to be pushed into something which I will regret later. I feel the chemistry but that's all."

"You just don't want to be in something right now, I understand." Katherine did. Jonathan might be of the past but she did have a lot of scars from that relationship. "What about the kid?" she asked absentmindedly. The surroundings grew quiet.

"Nothing much. Just ignored everything. I don't need that shit in my life. It also made me wonder if I have the emotional maturity of a teenager. Not the best moment of my life," She grimaced.

"It's a kid, he'll forget about it soon enough," Lily said slowly. Even she sometimes wondered if Angelina had the emotional maturity of a pre-pubescent teenager. And no, if this 12 year old spoke to her for so long, he was probably not going to forget. She could only hope that the law enforcement wasn't involved.

Lily decided that she would read up on interstate cases of child grooming and whatnot. Just to be safe.

"Forget about Damon... or Damien... whatever his name is," Katherine said with a shrug. "If you clash with Stephen at this pace, you'll be head over heels in love with him or holding a knife over his bleeding dead body in no time." She gave a sarcastic smile.

"F.u.c.k you. No way in hell I am falling in love."

Katherine shrugged. "I know what passion looks like and the look in your eyes tells me you are pretty close. I would know because I can see the similarities."

"Wait, did you tell him you love him?" Angelina squeaked. That was fast. "Did he tell you?"

Katherine shrugged. "I was incoherent most of the time. I think we told each other. It was evident, though. We talked about meeting our parents and our life together. If that doesn't scream 'I love you,' I don't know what does."

"Yeah, it's too early, I guess. You don't want to freak him out or misread him. The difference in social status is too big and a lot of problems can arise from it. Just take it slow..." This came from Lily. Katherine nodded.

"I want to be sure of our relationship before I say it with finality." There was Jonathan. She had been with him for a long time and everyone knows how that turned out. Time didn't guarantee anything and she knew to be guarded in all situations. But she couldn't help it. It was Cage.

"Eh, I can see you love each other," Angeline commented. "There's no written rule to it, so who cares?"

"Have you said the magical three words to Jared?" Katherine asked out of the blue. Lily shook her head.

"I would never say it first. Jared will have to take the initiative or else that part gets unnoticed." Lily folded her arms.

"So, you want him to say it. Does that mean you love him?" Katherine asked slyly.

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