All-rounder Artist

Chapter 342: 321 Raising a Dog _1

Chapter 342: Chapter 321 Raising a Dog _1

Three days later, Zhang Xiuming officially agreed to take on the role in “Hachiko”.

With the main male role decided, Lin Yuan informed Ol’ Zhou that he was planning to film “Hachiko”.

“Another new script?”

Ol’ Zhou was shocked by the pace at which Lin Yuan was creating.

Lin Yuan had only recently penned “Life of Pi”.

While still in the preparation stages for that film, Lin Yuan had already put forth a new script.

He looked at the script.

The content of the script was quite short, just a story about a man and a dog.

With Ol’ Zhou’s lackluster textual comprehension skills, he found the script touching but not to the point of being brought to tears.

“It’s good, worth shooting.”

After thinking for a moment, Ol’ Zhou said, “We will prepare a budget for you.”

After all, Zhang Xiuming had agreed to the script.

As an actor of top-tier talent in Starlight, Zhang Xiuming’s accordance was of merit.

Such artists had already qualified for direct communication with the company.

If Zhang Xiuming wasn’t open to a role, it’d be hard for the company to persuade him to accept.

But Zhang Xiuming’s willingness to perform in “Hachiko” can only imply that he genuinely liked the script.

Ol’ Zhou, well-informed as ever, knew that renowned screenwriter Long Yang had also invited Zhang Xiuming to star in a film.

Under normal circumstances, that could have worked out. But with the emergence of “Hachiko”, it seemed Zhang Xiuming had changed his mind.

“Perhaps dog owners will especially love this kind of story.”

Ol’ Zhou smiled and commented, “I’ve never owned a dog, so I don’t quite understand that kind of sentiment. But Zhang Xiuming does have a dog, and the script is quite moving. Are we keeping the same crew as ‘The Sound Mixer’ for director and producers?”


Lin Yuan answered.

This film wouldn’t be difficult to shoot, Yi Chenggong was capable enough.

Now that they had their leading man.

Next up was the leading dog.

In these times, there weren’t many dogs that could act in films.

If Lin Yuan asked the production team to find suitable dogs, they would surely go to professional pet training centers.

During official filming, the dog’s owner or trainer would be on hand to guide the animal.

These dogs were usually of expensive breeds, and those with gentle dispositions, which made them relatively easy to film.

But Lin Yuan had the Emperor’s Charm Potion and wasn’t concerned if the dog lacked acting skills, so he went by his own standards in searching for one.

The method to find a dog was simple – just look around at the various pet centers in Su City.

The original movie used an Akita.

Lin Yuan was flexible on the breed. He felt that any breed would do as the poignancy of the film had little to do with the dog’s breed.

However, after several days of searching, Lin Yuan met many adorable dogs but he hadn’t found one that truly resonated with him.

That feeling, Lin Yuan felt, was quite important. So he patiently continued his search for several more days and also asked people he knew if they knew of any cute dogs.

Upon hearing this, many people thought Lin Yuan wanted to have a dog.

Sun Yaohuo immediately put together a PowerPoint presentation for Lin Yuan of different dog breeds and pictures for him to choose from.

Whichever one Lin Yuan liked, Sun Yaohuo could get.

But Lin Yuan didn’t end up choosing a dog from Sun Yaohuo’s presentation.

After learning that Lin Yuan was looking for a dog, his younger sister, Lin Yao, mysteriously recommended a stray dog that lived in their villa’s neighborhood…

“It’s in the garden up ahead, I often see it. I named it Antarctica because I encountered it in winter, in the south of the neighborhood. It was very cold, so I went home to bring it a coat,”

Lin Yao explained while confidently leading Lin Yuan to the side of the garden,

Clearly, she often came to play with this dog.

Two minutes later, Lin Yuan saw the “Antarctica” Lin Yao had mentioned.

It was a dog that looked like a German Shepherd, its specific breed was unclear, but it was definitely a large dog.

It was walking on its front paws; both of its back legs were being dragged along, appearing to be paralyzed.


Lin Yao’s face changed, “What happened to your leg?”

Antarctica whimpered, seeming to recognize Lin Yao.

Lin Yuan shook his head.

While the dog was nice-looking, its back legs were compromised, likely paralyzed, which would render it unable to participate in the film’s shooting.

“Have some dog food.”

Out of pity, Lin Yao stepped up and poured the dog food she brought onto the clean cement slab.

Then, to the amazement of both Lin Yuan and Lin Yao, an unexpected scene unfolded.

The dog’s hind leg was apparently quite fine. It sprang up to the dog food, eating eagerly as if it was starving.

“Was it pretending just now?”

Lin Yuan had never thought that this dog could be such a drama queen.

Lin Yao sulkily said, “Antarctica, how could you deceive me too!”

The young girl’s eyes were red just now.

Who would’ve thought this dog was pretending to limp?

Antarctica continued eating the dog food, waving its tail excitedly.

After eating, it lay on the ground, looking imploringly at Lin Yao.

With a sudden inspiration, Lin Yuan asked Antarctica, “Did you think pretending to limp would get you food?”

Antarctica whimpered twice.

Lin Yuan said, “Then go do a drama with me, I’ll treat you to egg yolk.”

Like it understood, Antarctica stood on its hind legs, then dropped its front paws and started circling around Lin Yuan.

“Bro, we should take Antarctica home!”

Lin Yao was itching to do so. She’d always had this impulse, but her sister didn’t like dogs, so she’d never dared to act.

As long as Lin Yuan was with her, she dared to.

“Sure thing.”

Lin Yuan found this dog rather clever.

Of course, it was mainly because his sister liked it.

When Lin Yuan and Lin Yao got home, the dog followed them, seeming a bit excited.

We need to give it a bath tonight.”

Seeing the dog all dirty, Lin Yao knew her sister wouldn’t let the dog indoors, so it was best to leave it in the yard for now.

Lin Yuan agreed.

Lin Yao did give Antarctica a bath that night. The dog didn’t resist and seemed to enjoy it.

When Lin Xuan, their older sister, got back from work, she was startled, “What are you guys doing?”

“Brother wants to keep a dog.”

Lin Yao explained the situation, her voice clear and crisp.

At the time, she was giving the dog a bath, while Lin Yuan was watching by the side.

“Keeping a dog?”

Lin Xuan looked at Lin Yuan, then at Lin Yao, and grumbled, “Suit yourselves, just don’t let it get close to me. I dislike dogs.”


Lin Yao said, visibly having even more fun washing the dog.

Lin Xuan curiously asked, “Isn’t Lin Yuan the one keeping the dog? Why are you washing it?”

Lin Yao replied, “I’m bored.”

Lin Xuan: “…”

She didn’t say anything more and went into the house.

Lin Yuan scolded, “Isn’t it you who wants to keep the dog?”

Lin Yao reassured, “Between siblings, why should we sweat the small stuff.”

Lin Yuan considered this, and thought it made sense, “Then, tonight you’ll have to eat more vegetables.”

At home during mealtimes, vegetables were rationed.

Both Lin Yuan and Lin Yao preferred meat over vegetables.

Unable to change their preferences, their mother forced them to eat a certain amount of vegetables every day.

“No way.”

Lin Yao declared without hesitation.

Lin Yuan raised his voice, “Then we’re not keeping the dog.”

Lin Yao was not backing down, “Then we won’t.”

Suddenly, Antarctica barked twice.

Both of them understood.

Antarctica was saying, “I’ll eat.”

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