All-rounder Artist

Chapter 207 - 195: Chu Kuang Also Likes Eating Egg Yolksi

Chapter 207: Chapter 195: Chu Kuang Also Likes Eating Egg Yolksi

Translator: 549690339

Lin Yuan has professional drawing skills, which is why he is also great in creating manga, a branch of painting. He just needs to learn digital drawing to create a manga version of “King of the Net”.

Just so you know…

Before getting published as a novel, “King of the Net” was originally made as a manga by Chu Kuang!

If the manga becomes famous, not only Lin Yuan’s reputation in painting would skyrocket, Chu Kuang would also benefit from it as the original author. For instance, he might gain a bigger fanbase?

After all, some people prefer to read manga over novels, and vice versa.

This is an undeveloped territory with much potential!

This brainwave incidentally came from an innocent chit-chat between Chu Kuang and Fish during a tribe get-together.

The more Lin Yuan thought about it, the more interesting it sounded.

Anything related to the copyright of “King of the Net” belongs to him, so he can draw freely without the permission of Silver Blue Books.

And publishing manga online is a common practice.

Having made up his mind…

Lin Yuan started making plans right away.

He bought a bunch of digital drawing tutorial books online. With the memory pill and professional drawing skills, he believed that learning a new skill wouldn’t be too difficult.


In the future, he would still need to work with the System on creating manga, “King of the Net” would just be a quick fix—albeit undoubtedly a considerable saver for Lin.

But this meant that the launch of “Ghost Blows Out the Light” would have to be postponed.

It definitely couldn’t be launched in April.

Yet a delay of a month or so wasn’t a big deal to Lin. His mission to help Chu Kuang reach a billion fans had a one-year deadline—which was plenty of time for Lin Yuan to get creative with his approach.

At this moment…

Lin Yuan received a message from Zhong Yu, “GOAT seems to have gone back to school. Why hasn’t he shown up at our painting club? Many people want to sign up for his tutoring…”


Although Lin Yuan returned to school as normal once the Qin Art term began, he hadn’t visited the painting club in a while.

There were probably quite a few students accumulated.

But after thinking about it, with his plate full of manga,juggling writing, worrying about the movie, and simply not having much free time, Lin replied, “I’m busy at the moment, I’ll get back to you.”

Zhong Yu replied, “Alright.”

A thought suddenly struck Lin Yuan.

Perhaps in the future he could take Zhong Yu on as an apprentice. Zhong Yu’s painting skills were quite good and he seemed to have some talent…

But that was for the future.

Lin Yuan’s current apprenticeship task was music composition. Since Xue Liang had finished his training, he should start looking for a new apprentice.

“So many things to do…”

Lin Yuan mused. He figured that soon he would have to rely on the System’s energy potion. Between the several roles he had to play, he found it increasingly difficult to maintain a proper time-management schedule without the help of the energy potion—

The Energy Potion wouldn’t harm his body.

No wonder the System provided so many special items.

Seems like it expected him to obediently foot all the bills in the end.

Fortunately, all the money spent was donated by the System, which was a consolation to Lin.

Just focus on one thing at a time.

Once ordered, online purchases are typically delivered quickly. Lin Yuan ordered the books in the evening, and they arrived the next day.

Just back from his daily courses, with books in hand, he headed straight for his bedroom.

After taking a memory pill, Lin Yuan started to read.

He started with a book titled ‘Beginner’s Guide to Digital Drawing’, reading rapidly with efficiency.

“I need a digital drawing board…”

“My drawing skills are not a problem…”

“Coloring? Isn’t it just like mixing paint, the difference being that I don’t have to mix it myself, but just select it with a mouse from the color library…”

It took him only ten minutes to finish one book.

But those ten minutes were fruitful for Lin Yuan.

To master one is to master everything.

He had professional-level drawing skills.

So, while reading the book, Lin Yuan realized that turning the comic into a webcomic was not as complicated as he had imagined. All he needed to do was to familiarize himself with the drawing tools and understand the basic rules…

With a basic understanding, Lin Yuan continued reading.

“So, I can get an assistant?”

“In manga, many scenes need technical operation rather than creative thinking, so they don’t necessarily need to be done by the main creators. The main creators are mainly responsible for the storyboard creation process, and the following tasks could be delegated. This can not only save the creator’s energy, but also train newcomers…”

I need an assistant.

This was Lin Yuan’s first thought after learning the role of an assistant.

For instance, in the creation of buildings and other aspects irrelevant to the main storyline, he could delegate to an assistant, saving himself lots of time and concentrating on the storyboard.

The story was simple, as the original was “King of the Net”.

However, creating a manga is tough work, otherwise serialization would not be so slow.

Unlike writing a novel where typing on a keyboard suffices, one must take the time to carefully draw each line for a manga. It’s impossible to accelerate the process unless resorting to special tools.

But using tools consistently would be cost-prohibitive. Having an assistant, on the other hand, is a much cheaper option.

As for who to serve as his assistant…

With such a large drawing club, he felt it wouldn’t be difficult to find someone interested in creating a manga.

In fact, a portion of students in the Fine Arts Department at Qin Art chose to become manga artists as their post-graduation goal.

With that in mind,

Lin Yuan spent a long time reading until he got the call for dinner from downstairs, and grudgingly paused his reading.

The reason he was grudging was that the time effect of the memory pill lasts one hour.

If he didn’t fully utilize the one hour, it would be a waste.

However, everything has pros and cons.

Because of the time he spent procrastinating, Lin Yuan found out that by the time he sat down to dinner, his sister and younger sister had eaten all the meat. All that’s left were vegetables.

His sister joking said, “Here’s a strip of meat left.”

Lin Yuan:”…”

Of course, his mother cooked the dishes.

His mother is a busybody. Although she lived in a mansion now, she would keep herself busy every day with chores such as cleaning or cooking.

“Eat more vegetables,” his mother said seriously.

Feeling even more helpless, Lin Yuan could only hungrily eat his rice, occasionally picking up some vegetables to eat.

Just then,

His sister, Lin Xuan, suddenly asked, “Do you know Chu Kuang?”

Lin Yuan was taken aback, “Why do you ask?”

Lin Xuan eyed him suspiciously, “Don’t tell me you don’t surf the internet. Didn’t you both follow each other on the tribe? You only followed Chu Kuang on your Fish account, and Chu Kuang only followed you.”

“That’s because Chu Kuang…”

As Lin Yuan was about to explain,

His sister abruptly interrupted, “Also likes to eat egg yolks?”

PS: Thanks to [Bao Shao 88] for becoming the ninth Alliance Hierarch of this book! I will repay all the debts next month, including all the updates owed, and the minimum guarantee is still three chapters per day. So, it will likely return to the daily ten thousand words rhythm next month. After some of the Qi Continent cut down, this book went through a low period. Polluted White has been adjusting status, only until these last two days have I gradually felt it come back.. Thank all of you for your understanding during this time!

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