All-rounder Artist

Chapter 181 - 172: Shuffling the Deck (5k Big Chapter)_1

Chapter 181: Chapter 172: Shuffling the Deck (5k Big Chapter)_1

Translator: 549690339 |

When the floods of time came surging, people who were swept forward by the trend often didn’t become aware until they heard increasingly frequent mentions on Zhong Continent’s news about proposals for the merging of various continents. It was then that people from all the continents, who were usually politically naive, finally smelled something out of the ordinary — There was finally a stir among the people.

On the semi-closed networks of various continents, some uncertain speculations and remarks began to appear. High-ranking officials from each continent also started to be ambiguous when facing interviews, indirectly confirming an astonishing fact:

“Are they really going to merge?”

“A cultural unification of all the continents?”

“This proposal first surfaced eighteen years ago. When it first appeared, it indeed triggered a collective discussion on Blue Star, but the implementation was rather difficult, so it didn’t become a reality until today, eighteen years later. Could there be any changes this year?”

“A merger is a good thing.”

“Then you’re overly optimistic.”

“There are pros and cons to everything. Merging is not all good. Some places with relatively backward cultural development might lose their cultural characteristics or even their own heritage. But for the overall image of each major continent, this is indeed an opportunity for Blue Star to progress.”

One thing that can be confirmed is that, with the merger, the overall situation of Blue Star will inevitably change. However, until this moment, most people still held a skeptical attitude.

Until December 8th.

It was formally announced on Zhong Continent:

As a trial for the proposal, Qin Continent and Qi Continent were officially merged. From then on, the two would be one, and construction and reinforcement of technologies like high-speed trains, air travel, or ships suddenly intensified like never before!

Let me explain.

The high-speed train is the fastest ground transport on Blue Star, with speeds up to two thousand kilometers per hour. In terms of efficiency, it can crush any land transport on Earth.

And that’s not all…

All transport technologies on Blue Star, including airplanes, were way above those on Earth. Now, with the official policies in place, the shortest time for travel between the two sides can be compressed to two hours!

One hour at the fastest!

Although this effect could have been achieved in the past, communication between the continents was restricted due to their conscious self-governing mindset. But with the significant innovation in Blue Star’s overall technology and the formal decisions of the authorities, maybe related to the technological innovation, distance would no longer be a hindrance to communication between the continents.


Blue Star is shocked!

Full-scale public discussions were finally launched on this planet. It’s not because only Qin Continent and Qi Continent merged that people from the other continents naturally think it’s none of their business. Anyone with common sense should know that this is just a conservative approach from Zhong Continent.

The political significance of this lies in:

In the coming years, Zhong Continent will devote itself to promoting the policy of merging continents. The merge of Qin Continent and Qi Continent is merely the beginning. In the future, maybe other continents will join in, until this wave of the times sweeps over every corner of Blue Star!

The ones with the most excitement…

No doubt are the two pioneering continents.

Because on the day the proposal was officially approved, all the people of Qin Continent were pleasantly surprised to learn that they could watch any movie from Qi Continent just by paying. They could even enjoy any games, music, and so on. Similarly, all the software on both sides could be used without any restrictions.


The people of Qin Continent were overjoyed. It was not easy to watch a Qi Continent’s movie in the past due to the so-called autonomy of the continents. But now, all the outstanding things from Qi Continent were fully open to Qin Continent, including the top-of-the-line home theater system from Qi Continent that many people wanted to install. Due to the mutual restrictions of the continents, the installation previously cost millions, but now, it can be done with only three to five hundred thousand.

And not to forget about the game warehouse!

Qi Continent had the latest invention of the game warehouse. Even though the technology was still being improved, this type of game system had already been introduced in Qi Continent and the feedback was pretty good. Qin Continent was unable to use it due to certain restrictions, but now, that was no longer an issue!

In short:

With the integration of Qin Continent and Qi Continent, both sides would experience drastic changes in spiritual and material life. From significant technological and artistic achievements to daily life, even the fusion of popular trends, many people were already looking forward to more continents joining in.

On Qi Continent…

The changes were just the same.

Qin Continent also had many things that people on Qi Continent pined for. The specific details will not be elaborated here. Overall, the feeling of people from both continents was just similar. Everyone enjoyed the achievements from the other continent freely. Even though the change had just started and the ultimate change might take some time, many people’s lives have already been subtly influenced by it.

In front of a Blue Star epic progression like the fusion of two continents, Lin Yuan, as an individual, was undoubtedly insignificant. When the shock came suddenly, He even felt as if he’d gone through another time-travel. Even though he was somewhat familiar with both continents, imagine what kind of reaction the people who had never been to other continents in their lifetime would have in the face of such an impact.

Even compared to Lin Yuan…

Jian Yi had become somewhat neurotic, muttering all day, “Then I don’t have to develop in Qi Continent in the future. The film and television industry here will inevitably enter the Qin Continent market rapidly, and the actors on both sides will welcome the most beautiful spring…”

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