All my toys

Sauce out of stock

Sauce out of stock

When we arrive at home, the girls go to Ella's room while I close myself in my study; I need to think a bit.

  First of all, I must give instructions to Tina as to what to tell the girls; she has proved that she is good at improvising, but the less inconsistencies between our words, the better.  Second, a trip to the farm is in order, as I have to go pick up some toys from my stock to stash in the car, plus, after today's monkeying around I really need to r*pe Tina's ass.  Third, I must contact Mike to check where we are at with the surveillance, and to see if he has readied the dossiers on the rest of the girls; it might pay off to make him check daddy's dearest guests as well, oh, and also Ella's school.

  Finally, I must decide on my endgame.  What do I wish to do with the girls?  Just fuck them to cuck Jack behind his back?  Make sure that he knows about it?  and then what?  Assuming that I manage to take Jack and the bitch out of the picture, what should I do?  Take Ella and go?  Keep them all as a harem?  Or perhaps keep only some of them, like Rose and Tina for example?

Ah, Rose.  I think I got a glimpse of her future today.  Her eagerness to jump on Ella is quite telling.  I don't know yet if it just a slight obsession with her new sister, or if she enjoys punishing her; if the first, I will have to tread carefully not to break her mental stability, if the second though, it will open all kind of new possibilities.  Tina is an M, is it possible for her little sister to be an S?  Damn, that's so hot!

Back to the topic,

cucking Jack makes me happy, but I can't just drop the girls afterward, I am a daddy through and through.  Daughters ought to be fucked yes, but also loved and cherished.  There is no way that I could cast them aside afterward.  A harem of daughters sounds great, but I will need someone trustworthy to act as a harem manager.  Drowning in teenage pussy is great, keeping a bunch of teenagers in line is not, they would eat me alive for breakfast.  I will need a mature woman, firm but gentle, somebody that can discipline them but make herself loved by the girls.  Oh well, it's too early yet, maybe I can find a good candidate between the girls' mothers.  I mean, they fucked a pastor, bore his illegitimate children, and used 'his' money all this time; they are not exactly the innocent type, right?

A detail is nagging at my mind, making me frown.  According to Mike, Jake covers the expenses of his children, but I find inconceivable that he has only daughters and no sons.  I mean, 8 daughters?  Seriously?  I might have to ask Mike to check things out more in depth.  For now, time to cook dinner…


Dinner is as quiet as it can be while having the bitch around.  Ella is a bit dissatisfied with my salad today, since she discovered that it has not her favorite 'sauce' in it.  Sorry princess, you squeezed empty today's 'bottle'.

Time to sleep, plenty to do tomorrow.  Before that however, I head to the girls' room to say goodnight.  I knock on the door but I get no answer.

"Ella? Rose?".

Silence is the only reply.  I guess that the girls are exhausted after today.  I open the door slowly and enter the semi-dark room.  The only light comes from a small desk light, filling the room with shadows.  I approach the bed and see my girls asleep in each other arms.  I bend over their heads and kiss their foreheads gently, then I leave the room and go to bed…


I leave early in the morning and head to my office.  I call Mike and arrange a meeting, then I call Tina.

"Daddy!  I missed you!".

"Hello Tina, how is my little pet today"?

"I am lonely daddy; I miss your big cock inside my ass…".

I smile at her mischievous tone and her kinky words.

"Ohh, poor kitten, then daddy might stop by today to fill you up.  Would you like that"?

Tina squeals threaten to destroy my eardrum.

"Really, daddy? Really, really, reallyyy"?

"Yes pet, really.  I have some work to do, but I will come later to pick you up and we can go to the farm together".

"Aww, daddy, I love you!".

"I love you too, honey.  Anyway, let me fill you in on what's going on".

I tell her everything, from breakfast to fuck fest, excluding Mike's suspicions.

"Ooh, daddy.  Do you mean I will get to play with my little sister"?  Heh, I can hear her panting on the phone, she is probably already fingering herself.

"Yes, love, most probably.  I think that your little sister is some kind of sadist, so you will like it.  You  would love to be dominated and punished by Rose, wouldn't you"?

"Ohh, yes daddy… uhh… my little sister spanking me… Ahhh".

"Don't you dare cum without me pet, or I promise that I will tie you to the bed and not touch you for three days!".

"Aaah, not that!  S-sorry daddy… it's just, the idea of my little sister punishing me is one of my biggest fantasies".

"Well, I will forgive you this once.  Remember however to treat this seriously; if you fuckup because you are too horny, everything will be for naught, and I will not forgive you", my tone is very stern with her, I can't afford mistakes, not with my relationship with Ella hanging on the line.

"Don't worry, daddy, I will be good.  Please don't get angry at me".

"Hmph, I guess I will somehow have to punish you later for making me angry.  Wash your asshole and remember to charge the tail vibrator's batteries".

"Yes, daddy"!

I hang up the phone smiling.  This girl…

I exit my office once again and drive to Mike's meeting point.  At this point my office works more like a phone booth, where I can make calls without being interrupted, rather than a regular office.  Privilege of being the boss, I guess.

When I arrive at Mike's office downtown, he is already there waiting for me.

"Hi Mike".

"Hey boss, how are you".

"Been better, been worse.  Do you have anything for me"?

"Sorry boss, that damn neighborhood is impossible during the day.  It seems like everybody's hobby is spying on their neighbor", is Mike contrite answer.

"I understand Mike.  How about this: find a patsy, somebody clean, and have him contact Jack about a possible donation.  The idea is that he cannot come to town so Jack will have to go there to meet in person.  I will front two hundred grands for it, anything less and Jack might refuse.  Try to find somebody who has the image of a faithful in the community.  I will cover the flights and the hotels and any other expenses.  Oh, find also somebody to play is sister and instruct him to take her with him.  No seduction, just so Jack will feel motivated to bring the bitch along.  As for Laura, I will offer her to spend the weekend with me and the girls.  This way the house will be empty at night and you will be able to place the cameras".

Mike brightens up,

"That's good boss.  I have just the person.  His father was a pastor and after the army he opened a security company.  He is clean and upholds a righteous image, though in fact he is the meanest son of a bitch I have ever met".

"Good".  We spend a bit of time nitpicking the nuts and bolts, then we move to the next subject.

"Mike, I want you to discreetly dig what you can about Jack's guests, I would rather know who I am dealing with.  Also, find a way to infiltrate Ella's school.  It's jack's, and I don't know if he has any gigs running there.  With Ella attending, I want to know what to expect.  Did you manage to compile dossiers on the rest of the girls"?

"Yes boss, here they are.  I am still looking to find if there are any more kids hidden somewhere".

"Okay, consider also this.  It is not normal for mor than half a dozen kids to be all girls.  There should be at least one or two boys somewhere.  Look into it".

"Sure thing boss".

We spend another half hour chatting about this and that, before leaving the office.

Time to go pick up Tina…

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