Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 241 Escape

[The previous chapter has been edited so please go ahead and read so the chapters don't become confusing and don't worry, there's no need to pay extra coins since you've brought the chapter already. Aside from this, a bonus chapter will be coming soon and the number of Golden Tickets reach 200 before the end of today, I make the chapters two instead. Thanks for reading and please vote],

[Ace POV],

As I pondered why I was suddenly attacked by another race, and if it was another race that was truly attacking me, I continued to raise my guard as I looked around, trying to spot anything that stood out using the moonlight.

I was still defending myself against the occasional arrow rain that came my way, and the only reason I was still standing at this point was because of my two elements, which worked well together in this situation.

I used earth magic to defend myself from attacks sent from various locations, and I used my fire element to send out projectile attacks to wherever I thought the enemies were laying, either by determining where the people were from the direction they sent their attacks, or by simply sending an attack in different locations I thought the people attacking should be.

Something else I noticed was that after my retaliation in attack, when I sent multiple earth spikes in different locations, the attacks became even more aggressive, and the attacks that were sent to me began to shift from purely arrow attacks to magical as fireballs, waterfalls, and various strange projectile attacks were being sent to me, but I was still standing.

I was able to confirm a few things at this point.

For one thing, there didn't appear to be any rank 1 species among those attacking me because none of the attacks were powerful enough that I couldn't block them.

It's also possible that the rank 1 specie was lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike, which made my situation even more dangerous because I couldn't see the people attacking me, but they could.

Emma and Anna both told me that, aside from the rulers of the races they've seen, who were all rank 1 and sealed, the other members of the race were all unranked, but the aura some of them gave them was not weaker than some of the rank 1 monsters they've hunted.

This was another factor that led me to believe that I was being targeted by members of a race I couldn't identify at the time.

Another thing I noticed was that, while the attacks were threatening, I noticed a key point: the attacks, despite being aggressive, were not meant to kill me.

They could cripple me, but I got the impression that they weren't meant to kill me.

This gave me another thought: maybe I was being attacked because they wanted to capture me, but that didn't mean it was better than dying.

As I considered these things, I began to wonder how I could get out of the encirclement that I was in, and after a few intense seconds of thinking in the midst of the battle around me, I decided to take a drastic step and burn down the forest that I was in.

I clapped my hands together and circulated the earth mana in my body immediately after this thought entered my mind, creating a dome of earth with me in the center to defend against outside attacks and buy me some time.

I then circulated the fire and earth mana in my body after creating the solid defensive dome, as the surroundings around me in the dome I created began to become hot and blue magma began to appear in some places around me.

When I saw this, I acted quickly and slammed my fist on the ground as the little magma that had been around me before suddenly exploded and began gushing out blue magma, destroying my dome in the process, but this was not where my attention was focused.

My attention was drawn to the screams that erupted immediately after my magama began to touch and bring down the trees in the forest.

Because of the amount of mana I was currently expending for this attack, the magma's effect was extremely potent.

Although I didn't want to put more pills into my system so soon, I didn't have much of a choice in this situation, and at least as a result of my actions, I was able to identify the people who were attacking me.

I was able to see the appearance of the figures jumping from tree to tree to avoid falling into my magma because of the little light created by my attack and the fire that was burning the huge falling trees due to the magma.

The rest of their body resembled humans, but their head told a different story.

Although they still looked like humans, they had cat heads.

Some had the traces on their face, while others had the head of a cat and based on their physique of the figures I am seeing, the females had the traces of a cat on their human-like face, while the males had the head of a cat.

The sight in front of and around me was incredibly interesting, but I didn't have time to focus on it because, after all the cat people I'd temporarily tag as, moved to an area where the magma couldn't reach or affect them much, they all had their eyes on me.

I was also able to spot some injured people who I believe were the victims of my previous attacks, and while the fight appeared to have temporarily ceased, the threat of being attacked remained.

I looked around at the cat people as I pondered this while keeping the magma going.

I studied the weapons in their hands while dressed in the same mediaeval clothes I'd grown to like with Emma and was currently wearing, except that the cat people all wore black.

According to what I could see, the majority of them were armed with bows, while the others were armed with knives or daggers.

Looking at their body structure, it was clear that the cat people's body was designed for flexibility and speed.

And, even though I was looking at these things, my guard was still up since I wasn't out of danger yet because the cat people didn't need to get close to me to attack me.

They've been using long-range attacks all along, and the action I just took was to put a stop to it for a while, which I did.

A large blue magma pool was in front of me, followed by the cat people, and a slightly burning forest was behind me.

I could take this route to get away from here, but it was stupid to leave my back to the car people because there was a good chance they'd attack me if I did.

This reason was not without merit, as the cat people were all staring at me with their weapons still in hand.

And, while I was intrigued by the race ahead of me, I didn't want to stay any longer.

For one thing, when I used the primordial chronicle to check on the cat people around me, no information was returned, indicating that the leader of this race was not present, and I didn't think I wanted to see their leader either, so I had to leave quickly.

Capture and leaving one's fate in the hands of others didn't feel like a good thing.

Aside from that, I wanted to leave the area as soon as possible because I suspected the fire would attract monsters, but I was too late because wolf-like howls began to resound in the area as soon as this thought occurred to me.

When the cat people and I noticed this, we turned to look in the direction of the sound, and almost immediately, three huge wolves appeared from the woods, followed by a swarm of smaller wolves.

Nobody reacted immediately, but when I saw the levels of the three wolves, which were 33, 34, and 35, respectively, I knew what to do next, just like any other human.

I ran.

I ran as fast as I could to the slightly burning forest behind me, and when I turned back to see what was going on, I saw that none of the wolves were trailing after me, but something else was, which was the level 33 wolf and some other weaker wolves.

When I saw this, I increased my speed even more as I widened the distance between the wolf and I, but when the rank 1 level 33 wolf saw that I increased my speed, it also increased its speed as both of us widened our distance between the other wolves.

Seeing this, I just kept doing what I was doing and running as the level 33 wolf pursued me.

This continued for a few minutes as I ran at full speed while the wolf behind me did the same, but unlike me, its speed began to slow down while mine remained constant due to my intake of the basic stamina pills, so when I noticed the level 33 wolf was weaker than when it first appeared, I stopped running and turned to face it.

I wanted to put an end to it and be free of all this pursuit because no one was after me anymore and just the wolf remained.

I didn't want to underestimate the other wolves' noses, so I dashed in the direction of the wolf as soon as I thought of it.

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