Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 181 New World Kingdoms[9]

New World Kingdoms[9]

[Ace POV],

It was quite a sight to see the spearman's wounds close on their own as the bleeding from the wounds stopped.

This only lasted a few minutes longer as the man's wounds healed before coming to an end.

It was an amazing scene, and it was undoubtedly caused by the combination of the two pills taken at the same time. And, despite the fact that he had scars all over his body, he did not appear ugly. Instead, he appeared to have been through a series of battles.

And it was even more remarkable that he was still alive, even with all those mutated rats chasing him.

As I was thinking these thoughts, the man finally stopped coughing before turning to look at his body and raising his hands a little weakly as he turned to me and spoke after he gave me the best bow his body could offer.

"Thank you so much for saving me," he said as he prepared to speak again, but I cut him off because I spoke before he could.

Unfortunately for him, I didn't have much time to listen to a bunch of unnecessary thank you's and useless talks.

"Don't thank me, you got what you got from what you brought," I said, adding, "What makes me curious is how you got your injuries."

Hearing what I said, the man's smile vanished as he turned to face me for a few seconds before speaking.

"Since you're here, you must be aware of the dangers in this place, right?" The spearman inquired, and I responded with a positive nod, despite the fact that I had no idea what he was saying and assumed he was talking about earth rats and mutated earth rats.

The spearman spoke again when he saw my nod.

"I came here looking for something with my teammates but am now the only one left," he said, a strange expression on his face before speaking again.

"By the way, I'm Caleb," he said as he offered a handshake, which I ignored as I stood up and responded to his previous words.

"I'm Ace," I said, adding, "Nice to meet you."

When he heard this, the spearman, or rather, Caleb, took back his hand with an awkward expression on his face before speaking.

"Nice to meet you too",



"If you don't mind, could you tell me why you came here?" I inquired, and the man immediately spoke and responded to me.

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry," he said, an apologetic expression on his face.

When I heard Caleb respond, I simply nodded because it was an expected outcome.

I arrived as a stranger to Caleb, despite the fact that I'd been following him since the beginning in the goal of obtaining information from him, as it was obvious that no one would talk to a stalker.

Caleb spoke again as I was thinking about this.

"Although I can't tell you why I came here, I can give you some information," he said.

Hearing this, I cleared my mind of all distracting thoughts and concentrated on what Caleb was going to say.

For one thing, our relationship has already been established since he gave me money to purchase the pills in my hand.

It wasn't one of an acquaintance, nor was it any closer than that, because to Caleb, we were just people who happened to meet and I happened to be able to help him.

Since he paid me for my services, that was our only relationship.

If he'd known I was following him from the start, he wouldn't be talking to me the way he is now.

Caleb finally spoke as his voice brought me out of my thoughts as I was thinking these things.

"Do you know anything about settlements?" He asked an unexpected question that perplexed me.

Of course, I knew what a settlement was, but how it came up in our conversation was perplexing.

If I had to connect anything related to a settlement to the world I now live in since waking up, only Adara camp comes close because it was a settlement, but the thing is, that settlement also had ordinary people.

Is it even possible for ordinary people to enter the true world?


Ignorance is truly unique.

As I considered these things, I responded to Caleb's question by shaking my head saying no.

When he saw this, he turned to face me with a puzzled expression before speaking again.

"For you to even consider coming here, and based on the air you give me, you should already be affiliated with an affiliation, or don't tell me?"

"Tell you what?"


Don't worry about it again. Let me just tell you what a settlement is because of your assistance ", he said as he finally started explaining what a settlement means in the true world, making me forget about the question Caleb wanted to ask.

"Obviously, a settlement is a place for people to stay, but in the true world, it means a different story because a settlement is a place called home and is the place where ordinary people can only survive in the true world," Caleb said, and I spoke immediately after he finished.

"Are there even ordinary people in the real world?" As a few thoughts raced through my mind, I inquired.

For one thing, if my memory serves me correctly, my conversation with the guardian stated that only those who passed the test could enter the true world, but from what I'm hearing now, it appears that ordinary people exist in this world as well.

I won't even bother thinking about how ordinary humans could even survive the journey of reaching the challenge trial grounds, or is it that it was as I thought and there are different trial grounds with different settings because I fail to understand or consider how an ordinary human can even consider entering the true world on their own.

It was also possible that ordinary humans could enter the true world if their situation was similar to Mia's because the primordial chronicle didn't care about her while she was carried, but this raised the question of how ordinary humans could deal with the number limit, especially since my case was unique.

Unfortunately, I had a lot of unanswered questions as well.

It would be ideal if I could get some sort of information from Caleb as a result of this set - up.

As I considered these things, I focused on what Caleb was about to say when he heard my words.

"Thanks to our leader, and according to what the leader said, other leaders, ordinary humans were also able to follow them to the true world," he said, as I deduced from his words.

Although he appears to be avoiding saying king by instead saying leader, I knew the leader and the leaders he was mentioning were most likely kings in addition to his own.

It appears that, in addition to the ability to suddenly become powerful, these kings possessed something that could enable a large number of ordinary humans to come to the true world.

As I was thinking about these things, I asked Caleb a question.

"So, did you come together with this leader of yours or came to the true world through another way before joining this establishment you're talking about since it appears to be some sort of organization"

Caleb shifted his sitting position on the ground when he heard this and turned to respond to me.

"I joined later," he replied, and as he was about to speak again, I interrupted him.

"So why are you telling me all this?" I inquired, because, while I valued the information I had just received, I was also curious as to why he was saying these things.

Caleb, who had heard my words, responded.

"I was just telling you in case you needed a place to stay," he explained as I spoke.

"Place to stay?"


Caleb turned to face me, a knowing look on his face as he looked at my dried up bloody clothes on my body.

Seeing this, I didn't have to think about his words too much because I did appear to be homeless right now.

As I was thinking this, I spoke to Caleb, who was holding his spear and appeared to be about to get up.

"Thank you for the information," I said as I took another pill bottle from my storage ring and showed it to the surprised Caleb.

"Would you like to purchase another one to completely heal yourself?" I asked as Caleb looked pained when he heard the last part of what I said.

"Don't bother, I can't afford it right now," he said with a pained expression, and as soon as I heard what he said, I returned the pill bottle to my storage ring as Caleb's eyes followed the pill bottle until it vanished.

I knew I had at least achieved my desired effect when I heard the words Caleb said next, regardless of whether he was telling the truth or lying.

I also ignored his passing glances at my storage ring.

"How come you have another of that medicine, or is that your last one?" With a puzzled expression on his face, he inquired.

Hearing what he said, I spoke up to respond.

"I made it myself," I explained, drawing a surprised expression from his face.

"You make your own medicines?" He inquired, to which I calmly nodded and responded.

"That's why I asked if you wanted another pill bottle because I still had some," I explained, and Caleb paused for a few seconds before responding.

"I don't have much money, but could you give me your name so I can contact you?" He inquired.

When I heard this, I knew my plan had already taken its first step.


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