Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 72: The young lord

Chapter 72: The young lord

1014 AF Seedmonth

Day 78

Blacktree Hold

Derrick Blackton sat at the head of the long table, his men looking up at him in distress.

They had been informed of the Whitetree's defeat, and the elaborate dinner before them had done nothing to calm their fears.

The food has been cleaned, the wine has been drunk, yet fear and worries is clear. The tension in the dark dimly hall can be felt.

Some is whispering, others muttered. The fear is palpable.

Every man was awaiting Derrick's decision: fight the dragon and perish like Whitetree, or bend their knee and be spared of its fire.

"My lord," the Articon of Light stood and spoke to Derrick. "The Dragon is fast approaching. They are resting in the Whitetree stronghold. The other nobles have given their loyalty. What should we do?"

It is clear that the Articon is worried. And he was not the only one. Derrick look around the Hall and he could see and even felt their feeling of uncertainty.

The War between the forces of the Vermont's and Alderam is intensifying and he could feel a new wind is blowing through the Dukedom

The coronation of King, the usurpation of power by Alderam, the reviving of old differences between the South and the North.

There is a new age coming and the wind that started slow and gentle now has turned into an uncontrollable storm

And at the eye of that storm is that young lord of the House of Vermont.

"All this fear over a little boy," Ser Bran spat at the ground. "I say let's kill the child!"

"Yes, of course, he is just a young boy," said Lord Leath. Then he chuckles looking at Ser Bran with disdain.

"He is young boy who have managed to defeat everyone who opposes him. A young boy who has more than one hundred minor lords on his side. If he wanted he can raise all his vassal in the East and it would not be ten thousand troops that came here, it will be one hundred thousand solider marching here, maybe more."

Derrick could only imagine a hundred thousand soldiers marching towards his castle. He would not survive such onslaught and he doesn't want all of his family to follow him to the grave just because he is stubborn,

"He is right my lord." The Articon spoke again, bowing his head slightly.

Lord Leath just bitterly smiles. He doesn't like to admit that their forces are inadequate but that is better than to have all of their people dead under the hooves of the Vermont cavalry.

Derrick look at Lord Leath and nodded and then he also spares a glance to the Articon and shows a helpless smile.

These Articon from the Church always give wise counsel. Every noble household has one, but not the dragon.

The Vermont's.' He muttered silently

The Dragon, (as they are commonly known because of their family crest) the noble house of Vermont's seems unconventional in many aspect, even for their own region.

Their way of ruling, clothing and their own culture is weird.

There is also the matter of freedom of the people under their rule. Under their rule, many people can buy their freedom, many becomes merchant, traders, artisans and craftsman.

Many noble houses are intrigued with the Vermont weird way of living, their custom, their ideas, but none dare to say anything fearing to offend the Vermont.

The Vermont's were known to be tolerant, gentle people, but their son was different.

If anything the war has taught that the gentleness of the father did not passed down to his son.

In the beginning the fact such a young man was given military power was shocking and many of his enemies mocked him calling him names like a milksop, and many other derogatory names

Those that did have already stomped to their death by the young lord cavalry or had their head taste the steel of the young lord.

A fierce young lord, Arial the Dragon, winning battle after battle.

He is more than just the regent of Arrandy, or the only son of a High Lord, he was the military commander of the East and South Protectorate

And because of his victory he had become to be known as Arial the Dragon. His boldness and his adept method in military strategies clearly set him apart from other men

The day before, a group of nobles had tried to rebel against him after he had taken Whitetree. Every single one of them had been executed.

Arial is able. That above all. Able. And his single mindedness and ability has won him many battles and admiration driving droves of lords to swear fealty to him

For such a young lord to bring a host of thousands of soldiers is no easy feats.

He is clearly ambitious and driven and has the strength to make his will come true. He is also at times a capable negotiator, settling dispute with his words, persuading people to swear their fealty.

He is a unifying force that this Dukedom has not seen for many years, even more than the Alan's have been.

And now a King has arisen after the dust settles from a tragic event. King Adrian. A King. But it is not he that battles. It is not he that fought in wars and winning it.

Blackton respect strength. They always have

"My lord?" the Articon asked again and he was brought back from his pondering

Derrick had to make a decision. The dragon was at the city gate with an army of twenty thousand.

The Three Brother also joined him bringing their soldiers with them. This is a force that is enough to raze his castle and everyone inside it

"Open the gates and invite the young lord to the castle. Let me meet this dragon," said Derrick finally.

The lords in the Hall nodded.

"Father, will you give him your loyalty?" his son Gerrick asked.

"We'll see," said Derrick quietly. "We'll see."


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