Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 116: Her heart

Chapter 116: Her heart

Helia's Tent

Lisa eagerly listened to Helia as she told her of Arial's stubbornness about not sharing. Helia felt as if he was hiding something from her, but she was not sure what.

It is not surprising to her. Since Arial was a child, he rarely shares anything about his feeling.

She and her brother know better than to ask him, so they only follow his lead most of the times.

She raises her concern with her. Lisa then look at Helia then said

"At times, Arial can be frustrating," Lisa said. "He has a forceful personality."

But Lisa also knew that it is because of his forceful personality that it makes him a great lord and a military commander but sometimes a normal person might not understand his ways.

If he were born and his father did not become a High Lord, if he joins an army for example, his vision and his way might not be accepted by the nobles, and at best he can be their infantry leader but not higher.

But because he is the son of a High Lord, he can use his influence coupled with his tactical brilliance and his own mobility to move as he wanted in the battlefield, unhindered with his strength.

Lisa then told her opinion to Helia. She has always admired Arial from her childhood. Helia nodded after hearing her opinion.

"I am afraid you're right," Helia replied, a trace of desperation in her voice. "And we cannot change him. After all, those are the qualities that have made him a strong leader."

"What about your wedding?" Lisa asked, changing the subject.

"In two years' time," Helia said, smiling.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the conversation. "May I come in my Lady?" said the voice coming from outside.

'Did you make arrangement with Arial?' Lisa asked. It doesn't sound like Arial voice.

Helia shakes her head


"Who is it?" Helia yelled.

"It's West Palais, my lady."

"Oh?" Helia looked at Lisa with a smile, "He's come to see you."

'I heard the rumors. Is it true then?' Helia said, her eyes brightened

"Don't let him in," Lisa said frantically.

"I can't do such a thing," Helia whispered while smiling like she knew a gossip. "Come in, Ser West!"

"No! Why did you do that?"

West entered the tent, clearly irritated and Helia excused herself to give them privacy.

Helia leave the tent while flashing her the politest smile which Lisa know is just her way of saying "you got caught"

"Did you see my notes?" Lisa asked, believing that West had found her curse-ridden letter.

"Did you take my book?" he countered.

"What book?"

"A book is something that you either write in or read."

"I know what a book is," Lisa snapped.

"Then why ask?"

"Are you saying that you came here, angry as hell, because of a book? Your priorities are skewed."

"To me it's important," West yelled.

The young Palais frantically scanned the room, his eyes narrowing to Lisa's knapsack. She followed his eyes closely.

"You are suspecting me of thievery?" she said angrily.

her heart is in anger. To be called a thief. And by this man!

She took the knapsack

'Here look at it!' as she dumped all the contents of the knapsack at onto the ground.

Then dumped on the ground, there is some necklace, some roasted beef, and then the notes and then with a thump sound, a book fell, a small book that can fit a pocket.

She looked at the book, transfixed while West looked at her, his expression was one of boredness.

'Hmm' he said

West picked up the book. "What do we have here, my Lady?"

"That how why is that here?" Lisa said stuttering.

'I did' that on purpose' She said, her anger doused with cold water

West looked on, seemingly enjoying the situation as it unfolded.

"Wait, I'll explain it to you," she said with a sigh. "Wait outside while I clean this mess."

Lisa hastily put everything back in her knapsack and rushed outside.

West was nowhere to be found. She frantically glanced about.

A note stuck on the tent's curtain grabbed her attention. She moved closer and read it: "I'll meet you tomorrow, my cute little thief."

In the Nearby City - North Plate


"When will this be over?" Lisa said impatiently while she sipped her wine.

With Arial deciding to occupy the city many of the Knight was given a place to stay around the city

Tonight West ask her to follow him to eat at a newly opened restaurant.

"You do know that you have to pay for this meal, right?" West replied, gesturing to the steak. It is one of the expensive sirloin steaks in this restaurant

Lisa rolled her eyes.

'Why do you look at me like that?'

He only smiles. Then Lisa ask

"May I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why do you do this? Is it because of our rivalry when we were at school or is it something else? Do you hate me because I'm a woman in the troops? Is that it?"

West laughed.

"Is that your opinion of me my lady? Forgive me if my act looked disrespectful, it is not my intent' he smiles bitterly and then he continued 'alright I admit it. It is my intention but not for any of the accusation you have laid on me, that is for sure'

He looked at her for a while and then he said

'What governed my behavior is not that of a desire wanting to settle old score or because of your gender. It is something else entirely'

He sighed and then he said

'This is the only way I could think to meet you. You are, surprisingly a woman that is hard to reach, prone to your temper, and hardly accept invitation

"What do you mean?" Lisa said angrily. She is angry but at the same time she is curious

"You see, my lady, I fell for you the moment I laid eyes on you." He said smiling.

Suddenly her curiosity turns to anger again. She knows that he tries to court Helia during their time in the Academy.

Love at first sight. That is a lie. But what is weirder, is that she is angry at him for that.

"You jest, West, like you always do.' Spending many weeks with him, she could not help but think he is jesting with her.

West is still smiling

"Then what if I tell you, my lady, that every time I see you, I can't help but feel my heart beating faster because of you." He said with a smile.

"What?" Lisa could not believe what she had just heard. West look sad at this and then he ask

"Why do you like Lord Arial?"

Silence fell between them as Lisa pondered how to answer West's question.

"I do not know why you want to know or why I even have to explain it," she said. "Actually, Ser West, I've never actually know why I fell in love with him. It is a mystery to me too. But if I have to give a reason, maybe it's because I am familiar with him. Maybe it was because he has these qualities about him or maybe I like the way I am when I'm with him. The feeling I'm a part of something important. Since he was little, and I saw this myself, Ser West, he has vision himself as someone important, marked himself, I daresay, and since that day, I could not help but want to follow him, and maybe that is why. Or maybenone of that. And since I know that I love him, each time I met him, my love increases and increases and so does the pain but maybe I'm addicted to the pain by now. Now, even if I don't see him in the morning, I will dream of him in the night."

West took a deep breath and said, "Then it seems you have a difficult decision to make. Either you bury your feelings, find someone else, or betray your friend by pursuing her betrothed."

"Ser West, my love is my affairs to settle. It matches my attitude and I'm used to it"

"Even though it's painful?"

"It is a pain that I have learned to live with."

West looked at her, his eyes filled with deep feelings. She was wondering if it was pity or understanding, but she could not tell.

"Everyone says you are an honorable man. Please keep this secret for me," Lisa said.

West continued to look at her, his expression unreadable. "Thanks for the wine and the steak," he said as he rose from his chair.

He went out of the restaurant and she could hear the galloping of the horse. He must have ride to the main camp outside the city.

She was left confused. Is this the end? Do I not have to do his bidding anymore?

The young Palais hastily left the restaurant, leaving Lisa in a cloud of confusion.


Next chapter is no longer have an editing from an editor so expect mistakes in gramamr and the rest. Anyway, hope you enjoy the story and leave some comments

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