Against Heaven's Will

Chapter 229 Monas Power

"Y-yes, Sir!"

When the elder regained his freedom of movement, he immediately nodded. No one in their right mind would reject a man who just killed ten people in a blink of an eye.

"Good, we don’t like to waste time. Lead the way," Xuefeng ordered casually.

He almost forgot about the Dark Fate Sect but Ming reminded him at a perfect time. Before they enter the Hellhole they might as well clean up the Sect that has been killing Fate Spirits. Even though they were a curse for most Fate Holders, being weak is not a reason to get rid of them.

For Ming, each Fate Spirit was basically part of her so this matter was personal.

"Why don’t we just bomb this whole place instead of searching for him?" Drakos suggested, looking eager to start destruction. "I think one small nuke will solve the problem."

"We can’t do that. What if there are any civilians in the city? We don’t want to cause any additional casualties," Xuefeng denied before turning to the Elder. "Are there any innocents in the city?"

"This..." the Elder hesitated as he swallowed hard. "The City ahead houses mostly criminals and fugitives who have nowhere else to go but I’m sure we can find some non-criminals who just want to make a living. The City is quite new so it’s still growing and has many opportunities to earn money."

"Tsk, what a shame," Drakos snickered. "And here I wanted to see how much damage we can do together."

The Elder couldn’t be paler as he listened to their talk.

"Sir... I am pretty sure we were discovered by the rest of the Guards. We are not far from the City my subordinates should send reinforcements soon," the Elder informed but Xuefeng only waved his hand.

"Don’t worry about that. All you need to do is lead us to that City Leader. We will handle the rest," Xuefeng assured confidently. "It just happens that my wives are eager to test their skills."

Just as he spoke, a graceful white fox with eight long tails appeared out of nowhere. It sat down on Xuefeng’s shoulder while wrapping around him with her tails to keep her balance.

"You want to come with me?" Xuefeng asked rhetorically as he rubbed her cheek and she responded by licking his long ear.

"Hehe, alright, let’s go."

They didn’t need to wait for long till they saw at least a hundred experts fly up in formation to face them. The City immediately covered in a shiny barrier but Xuefeng only chuckled at that sight.

"I will leave them to you while Mona and I search for that City Leader. You are free to kill whoever you want and loot the city but don’t go overboard. I will leave the judgment to all of you," Xuefeng announced while giving Drakos a warning glance. "That was mostly for you. Don’t be greedy if you find any Fate Stones."

Drakos pretended to be offended, "Ha? Excuse me? I’m the most innocent Dragon in the excistanc— Ouch!"

His words were cut off by Yiren who chopped at the top of his head. "Shush! You are going to behave!"

Drakos pouted but he didn’t have the guts to go against her, causing everyone to laugh.

"I can already feel there are Fate Holders in this City so feel free to kill them. Any Fate Stones you collect, just pass them back to me afterward. You know how important they are now," Xuefeng added.

They were basically broke when it came to their Fate Stones’ stash and the Cube was the culprit behind it. The amount of Fate Stones required to teleport inside a single Realm was much less compared to breaking through to another Realm. They were able to move from Land to Land without the need to use the Teleportation Stations in different Safe Zones.

"Hai!" His wives announced, drawing out their weapons for the incoming battle. Meanwhile, Xuefeng grabbed the Elder by his neck and teleported away, not even planning to bother with the guards.

"Where does the City Leader live?" Xuefeng questioned as he stomped on the sturdy barrier on top of the City.

"He lives in that black tower in the middle of the City," the Elder pointed with his finger. "That’s also where the entrance to the Hellhole is located. If the City Barrier is turned on, I’m sure the City Leader already knows about the attack. He is the one responsible for turning it on and the Array is located right above his office."

"You really wanna live, huh?" Xuefeng teased, surprised the man was sharing so much information.

"Sir, I have nothing to do with Dark Fate Sect operations. I’m simple a watchdog to oversee the order in the City," the Elder informed innocently. "I swear, I didn’t even visit the Sect’s secret base so I only know matters related to this City."

"Alright then, step aside for now. I will use you to verify the information during interrogation."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Xuefeng barely finished talking when his wives already launched an offense, slicing and dicing the local guards. He couldn’t help but be proud, seeing new abilities and powers being used by them this quickly.

While he only received the Cube and Ancient Realm inheritance, they got tens of Spirit Artefacts as well as many valuable Arts. He didn’t even have time to spectate their training over the past half a year as he was focused on both refining their Qi and Dual Cultivation. He couldn’t complain as he got to tighten his connection with all his wives.

His gaze followed Bella who burned her opponents with colorful flames. She was the one who received the least attention since she didn’t require any Dual Cultivation from him. Xuefeng made a mental note to make it up to her once they find the Lightning Stone. Making love with her just a few times wasn’t enough.

"Sir, are you sure you can break this barrier? It’s pretty powerful."

The Elder’s voice brought him back to reality.

"The barrier is powered by Fate Stones found in the Hellhole. Even the Sect Master Liu from House of Dragons would find it hard to break through it," the Elder added. "The control over Hellhole is pretty important to the Dark Fate Sect."

"Hah, Liu who?" Xuefeng asked back with a chuckle as his arm covered with shiny scales. Since all of his Elements were refined to the Qi Incarnation Stage, he could now form a Dragon Claw with all of his elements.

His whole arm burst with force, pushing the Elder away with its sheer presence. His mouth was wide open but that wasn’t all. Xuefeng activated his Elemental Bracelet, the Fate Qi nemesis, and covered his claws with a golden layer for additional penetration.

"Mona, hold tight," Xuefeng warned as he flew up to gain momentum and launched down with a smile.


The sound of barrier-breaking was outshone by the gigantic shockwave that flew straight down at the city below. Even Xuefeng was surprised as he watched the shockwave level the buildings down to the ground before demolishing one-fourth of the city structure.

"Hey, you said this barrier was strong!" Xuefeng called out, putting the blame on the Elder. "Now look what happened to the City. If I knew it was this weak I would’ve held back."

"..." The Elder opened his mouth but nothing came out, clearly speechless.

"Alright, never mind, come with me," Xuefeng ordered, putting that matter aside.

He wouldn’t cry over spilled milk since he knew that place would be in ruins the moment his wives come over. They seemed to be already finishing with the guards as if they were jealous he gets to have fun first.

As Xuefeng flew past the barrier, he could already see hundreds of people rising up from under the debris. The shockwave was enough to destroy houses but not enough to kill the Cultivators.

He didn’t pay them any attention as he hovered above the black tower.

"Hey! City Leader! Come out so I don’t need to go get you myself. If you take longer than ten seconds, I will destroy this City with my next punch."

His voice reverberated throughout the city and it didn’t take long for the City Leader to make his decision. Too bad, it was the wrong one.

A man in a black cloak teleported out of the tower and sped up in the opposite direction. He didn’t hesitate to burn his Ether Qi as he teleported every other second to create a gap against them.

Xuefeng couldn’t help but grin.

Who did he think he played against? There wasn’t anyone in the Heaven Realm that matched Xuefeng’s speed. He was readying himself for the chase when Mona suddenly smacked him with her tail.

"Allow me," Mona said sweetly as her eight tails wiggled in front of him. Its tips connected only to create a ball of light in between them. Xuefeng has never seen Mona fight or use any of her abilities so it was quite a surprise.

"Mona, you—"

He paused midway when the ball of light suddenly expanded and exploded.


A laser-like beam of light shot at the escaping man. He couldn’t even react when it passed right next to him and slammed into the distant mountain. Xuefeng gawked with his eyes as the mountain literally evaporated, killing all living together with all the stones.

"Are you sure you want to run away?!" Xuefeng called out after the City Leader who paused his escape while staring at the moon-shaped mountain.

"I don’t know who you are but you are making a mistake attacking this place!"

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