After divorcing my celebrity wife, I became the world's richest person

Chapter 88: Chapter 88: The Bone-Setting Sage

The park was still bustling with people, grandpas and grandmas fishing along the river also gaged in thusiastic conversations there.

Wh they saw Ch Yu and Tong Ya running by, they all stood up and crowded a.

"Ch, I heard you set Old Wu's bone yesterday, is that true?"

"Take a look at me too! My back has be feeling off lately."

"I took a fall a while back, and my elbow has be hurting. Is there anything that can ease the pain?"


One question after another left Ch Yu somewhat bewildered, as he was after all not a professional doctor.

But these elderly folks were neighbors from the vicinity and regular customers at his shop.

It indeed seemed inappropriate to just turn them down.

With no other choice, Ch Yu could only pick out a rock to sit on.

From a biological perspective, every person's body has certain proportions.

Once there is an issue with the skeleton, those proportions can start to deviate.

Ch Yu had now mastered all the biological knowledge known to man, so just by glancing at them, he could tell where their skeletal problems were.

As the sound of bones being set continued to crack and pop, each grandpa and grandma treated by Ch Yu expressed feeling great relief.

There was ev a grandpa whose chronic lumbar disc herniation was cured with just a push from Ch Yu.

In no time at all, more and more grandpas and grandmas gathered a Ch Yu, treating him like a professional bone-setting doctor.

Before long, Ch Yu had treated a of local siors.

Just th, a grandpa with an exceptionally pale and haggard face approached Ch Yu.

"Boss Ch, lately the doctor keeps saying that I'm too weak to befit from tonics, and of the many medicines I've tak seem to work. Can you take a look at me?"

Ch Yu was tak aback. He only had some biological and chemical knowledge.

Setting bones and handling simple cases of fever and the common cold was one thing, but for these more complex conditions, a professional doctor was needed.

Just as he was about to decline, Tong Ya suddly checked the old man's pulse.

"Old man, your body is depleted. Moreover, there's too much congestion inside you, prevting normal circulation."

Her words instantly lighted Ch Yu, his mind rapidly piecing together his biological and chemical knowledge.

"Old man, how about this: come to my shop tomorrow at three in the afternoon, I'll prepare a medicinal meal for you that should improve your condition."

The old man immediately became excited and started shaking Ch Yu's hand vigorously.

By this time, the sky was growing dark, and the siors who had come to fish and exercise began to head home.

Ch Yu also jogged back to the shop at an ev pace with Tong Ya.

After washing up, just as they lay down in bed, Tong Ya suddly turned to face Ch Yu.

"I've noticed you seem to know how to do everything. You ev know how to cook medicinal meals."

Ch Yu didn't directly respond but instead turned to the side and caught Tong Ya's chin.

"The man you've set your eyes on is very capable!"

Suddly being flirted with, Tong Ya's face instantly turned red.

She felt that keeping up with a conversation with Ch Yu was becoming somewhat difficult.

In the past, she could occasionally tease Ch Yu, but now she felt utterly outsmarted in every way by him.

"Of course, I have very good taste."

No sooner had Tong Ya spok these words than she felt they fell flat, as if she couldn't showcase her intelligce at all in front of Ch Yu.

However, seeing Ch Yu's handsome face so close, she didn't overthink it and simply snuggled into his arms and drifted off to sleep.

At four in the morning, Ch Yu got out of bed quietly and headed to the kitch.

Today, there were some new items added to the mu, and he had to make them himself for the first time.

Just as he was about to start, Wang Qingshan had already arrived at the shop.

In the last couple of days, Wang Qingshan had become fully capable of managing the braised foods section on his own.

Moreover, after observing for two days, Ch Yu found that Wang Qingshan's character was also excellt.

Not only was he diligt in his work and serious about learning, but he also ran the shop as if it were his own family's business.

Therefore, Ch Yu had already handed over the recipes and detailed methods of preparing the pig's head and knuckles to Wang Qingshan.

Now that there were new items on the mu, Ch Yu did not hesitate to start working on them together with Wang Qingshan.

Before long, fourte young wom arrived at the store, chatting and laughing.

As soon as they tered, they got into work mode because the raw materials for the fried cakes and vegetable pastries had just arrived yesterday, so today they still divided half of the staff to go upstairs to prepare the semi-finished products.

Chu Hong was already adept at making these types of arrangemts.

Being the oldest and most cheerful among all the girls, she had become almost like a hall manager.

An hour later, fifty pressure cookers all started to hiss as steam burst forth.

The fragrance quickly filled the tire shop.

The delivery workers, upon tering the shop, were attracted by these scts.

They saw that Ch Yu's shop had introduced a new mixed offal item and marked it at thirty yuan per pound, which immediately excited them.

Usually, wh delivering orders, they hardly had time to eat, and they gerally resolved their meals at familiar restaurants.

The food at Ch Yu's was indeed delicious, but at fifty yuan per pound, the braised pork was still somewhat expsive for them.

Yet, the tempting aroma still made them unable to resist having a couple of ounces of braised dishes to go with a bowl of noodles.

However, there were some families who were indeed struggling, and they would just spd three yuan to buy a bowl of noodles.

After all, the noodles at Ch Yu's were gerous in portion, cost-effective, and chewy.

As time wt on, Ch Yu, in consideration for these delivery workers, would give a spoonful of braising broth for free to those who only bought noodles.

Now that the mixed offal was introduced, it meant they could spd fifte yuan to buy half a pound of it, and th spd six yuan for two bowls of noodles.

That solved both of their daily meals.

In less than five minutes, orders for various mixed offal and noodles exceeded two hundred.

All of them were made by these delivery workers.

Seeing this, Ch Yu ev considered whether to take the opportunity to introduce some chick and duck offal.

After all, in the braised food series, there were also ways to prepare these two kinds of offal.

These two kinds had lower costs, and their prices could be kept ev lower, aimed specifically at delivery workers.

These delivery workers braved the elemts and led tough lives.

After Ch Yu passed on the methods and details of preparing the new braised items to Wang Qingshan and Chu Hong, he wt to sit on the side.

With their experice making pork braised dishes, they learned how to make these new items very quickly.

In cooperation with each other, they were extremely quick as well.

By eight in the morning, the shop was almost full, and they had ev received orders from t kilometers away.

Just th, a nanny van suddly stopped at the front of the shop.

A tall woman wearing sunglasses hurried into the shop, flanked by several bodyguards.

She was very polite and found an empty table to sit down. After that, she had her bodyguards go and place the order.

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