After divorcing my celebrity wife, I became the world's richest person

Chapter 83: Chapter 83 Going into battle, father and son soldiers

[System notification: The lottery level has changed. Host will need million points for the next draw, currt total points: 885,680]

Ch Yu suddly felt a bit downcast, as if he had regressed overnight.

He had no idea wh he would be able to accumulate million points.

"Why are you daydreaming here again? Everyone has left!"

Tong Ya suddly hugged Ch Yu from behind.

It was th Ch Yu realized, "I was just thinking about how to deal with the wall up front, so we can perfectly connect the shops together."

Tong Ya leaned against Ch Yu playfully.

"Hav't you already handed it over to Master Xie? Why are you still worrying about this?"

Ch Yu turned and held Tong Ya in his arms.

"Can't I worry about my own shop?"

Tong Ya pouted, "Always worrying about your shop, never paying ough atttion to others."

Ch Yu chuckled, carrying Tong Ya upstairs.

At midnight, both Tong Ya and Tuan Tuan had fall into deep sleep.

But lying in bed, Ch Yu wasn't the least bit tired; he felt as though he had dless ergy in his body.

"Is this the limit of human physical strgth?" Ch Yu couldn't help but wonder.

After a short three-hour rest, Ch Yu quietly got up and wt down to the lobby.

However, today he didn't go straight to the kitch to work, but pulled up a table and sat down to plan the blueprint for the new shop.

After today, the expanded shops would be interconnected.

By th, the store wouldn't be as crowded as the past couple of days.

And Ch Yu would also need to gradually introduce new items.

Such as breakfast series and Sichuan cuisine series, which all needed to be added to the schedule step by step.

He would probably need to hire more people at that time.

Yet his mind was now much clearer than before, and just by sitting down and thinking for a momt, everything made sse.

He ev made a rough calculation of the future gross revue and the daily costs.

A smile suddly appeared on Ch Yu's face. He was filled with great expectations for the future.

Just th, his phone rang.

It was a call from Li Lan.

"Hello, Mom, why are you calling in the middle of the night? Is it urgt?"

"We've dealt with everything at home, and your dad and I have bought the early morning tickets to Suzhou City. We should arrive during the day to help you out."

Ch Yu was tak aback, "Didn't we agree to wait until I had bought a house before coming over?"

The voice over the phone suddly became Ch Guang's, "You little rascal, you didn't ev inform me about such a major evt as expanding the store. Can you manage it all by yourself?"

"Don't worry! I've hired a few more waiters here..."

"Waiters are after all outsiders, we need family on the front lines! We will reach Suzhou City in half an hour, free up some time to pick us up."

After hanging up the phone, Ch Yu felt a bit helpless.

Indeed, parts are always the most concerned about their childr.

Without any hesitation, he drove to the train station.

By the time Ch Yu brought Ch Guang and Li Lan back, it was already past four in the morning.

Wang Qingshan and the fourte girls had already started their day's work.

Ch Yu frowned slightly and wt straight to the kitch to pull Chu Hong out.

"Didn't we agree to rotate two people for rest each day? Why has everyone come?"

Chu Hong was somewhat embarrassed, "They all said it would be bad to take a break so soon after arriving! How about we start next week instead?"

Ch Yu shrugged, "Fine, if you guys don't take a break, I'll consider it overtime."

Chu Hong was tak aback, and before she could react, Ch Yu wt upstairs with Ch Guang and Li Lan.

"Dad, Mom, take a break here for now, it's still early!"

"Take a break? Nonsse!" Li Lan chastised, "I'm going upstairs to help prepare the fried rice cakes and vegetable pastries."

Ch Guang also put down his luggage and hurried downstairs.

Ch Yu sighed lightly, but wh he saw Ch Guang's figure, a human anatomy chart suddly flashed in his mind.

He could actually clearly see the location of Ch Guang's rheumatism.

A flood of biological knowledge emerged in his mind at that momt.

Although this knowledge was not up to professional medical level, combined with the simultaneously emerging chemical knowledge, Ch Yu actually had a treatmt plan for Ch Guang.

Ch Yu's breathing became rapid, he originally thought this knowledge was of no use to him.

Now it seemed like a heav-defying skill.

The change in customer flow today compared with yesterday was not significant, and with yesterday's experice, today was well-organized.

Plus, under Wang Qingshan's leadership, the girls in the first-floor kitch became adept at handling pig heads and elbows.

That is to say, Ch Yu was now fully capable of being a hands-off manager.

At noon, Xie Jiang came over for some noodles and braised dishes and directly pulled Ch Yu next door.

"Old Ch, according to the original plan, it would be ready by tomorrow. However, I had some people make a push last night, and you can start using it this afternoon," he said.

While speaking, Xie Jiang pointed to the markings on the wall beside them.

"Just give the word, and we'll knock down this wall, and your shop will be expanded immediately!"

It had to be said, Xie Jiang's work was becoming more and more impressive.

The originally packed and connected five shops, under Xie Jiang's managemt, became a single tity.

The tire shop was spacious and stylish, perfectly blding with the style of the neighboring shop.

Ch Yu took a deep breath, "With decoration like this, fifty thousand might not be ough!"

Xie Jiang smiled, "It won't take that much, just knocked down a few walls and rovated a bit! By the way, do you need any more kitch equipmt? I can arrange a complete set for you."

Ch Yu nodded and immediately produced a list, handing it to Xie Jiang.

"Go by this list. Calculate how much it'll cost, and I'll cover the differce!"

Xie Jiang looked at the list, "No problem, I can arrange some of it for you right now."


In a film crew location east of Suzhou City.

Fang Yuan sat in a nanny van, wolfing down the boxed lunch in her hands.

She looked as if she hadn't eat properly for days.

Han Mintao sat opposite Fang Yuan, watching her with a distressed look.

"Once you finish shooting these ads, come with me to the capital. How will you ever meet the terms of the bet by just staying in Suzhou City?"

Fang Yuan's movemts paused, she remained silt for a long time, th suddly looked up.

"Is running a braised food restaurant very profitable?"

Han Mintao was tak aback, "Why do you ask so suddly?"

Fang Yuan swallowed the food in her mouth, "These past days, I've had people investigate, and Ch Yu's shop expanded again, his daily net profit is several hundred thousand."

Han Mintao sighed, "Stop worrying so much, as long as you fulfill the bet within two years, you'll get three billion! On average, that's several million a day."

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