After Divorce, I Inherited the Game's Fortune

Chapter 44: 44, the Great Sage and the demon

Learn, everyone, come and learn!

Look at how other people chat!

All you lower-ranking wom just know how to take and take, not realizing that as long as the emotional value provided is sufficit, you don't need to say anything, and the man will be willing to dig deep into his pockets.

Actually, m don't need much—an couraging word wh they're feeling down, a warm hug wh they're tired, and a hot dinner after work.

Th, this man can fully recover, continue to carry the burds of life, and forge ahead with determination!

Yet the words many wom oft have on their lips are "So-and-so's husband makes so much money" "Marrying you was a complete mistake" "Why can't you learn from someone else"...

Though they give their all at work, wh they return home, they're met with nothing but complaints and nagging.

The fatigue of the body will pass after a rest, but such psychological stress will only build up and deep, evtually leading to a breakdown!

So, wh you see a man walking alone in the pouring rain without an umbrella, he isn't being foolish; he just wants to have a good cry.

Because with the rain on his face, others can't tell that he's crying.

Therefore, for Yang Hao, who has be battered by a failed marriage, there's nothing wrong with "gre tea bitches." They're empathetic, speak nicely, and can provide emotional value.

The downside is that they have clear motives, they won't develop real feelings for you, and you are heav in their eyes wh you're valuable to them, but once you lose value, they will discard you like an old shoe.

From Yang Hao's perspective, he doesn't mind if someone approaches him for money because that's normal—you can't expect them to be interested in a divorced man with a child, can you?

It's like the line from the TV drama "All is Well": Are they after you for your age, or because you don't bathe?

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The reality is, in interpersonal relationships, every type of relationship is motivated by something, ev the relationship betwe parts and their childr oft involves the notion of raising childr to provide for one's old age.

The truly selfless, without desires or demands, are indeed a rare breed of saints.

And as for affection, Yang Hao needs it ev less; he's not looking to marry someone and bring them home.

Therefore, he doesn't mind someone like Mg Yuyu, a "gre tea bitch," who could provide him with emotional value and help him shoot short videos to gerate income. Why wouldn't he be happy with that?

As for what she wants, Yang Hao will also give accordingly, not allowing her to give in vain—after all, he is not the kind of person who joys getting things for free.

In this way, wh the day comes that they siltly part ways, there will be no debts owed to each other.

Such a relationship is, in fact, more relaxed and not tiring.

However, at this momt, Sun Xinyi's feelings are extremely complicated. Mg Yuyu, this vix with ill intt, seems like a demon adept at disguise, and it seems Yang, this Tangsg, has already be bewitched by her.

Ev though she, this "Sun Dashg," has the Fiery Eyes, she cannot interfere without just cause. If she were to forcefully interve and gage in a "thrashing of the demon," her own "Sun Dashg" might be banished back to Huaguo Mountain.

Therefore, Sun Xinyi could only stand still and continue to give Yang Hao lessons as before.

Mg Yuyu, on the other hand, diligtly took up the shooting task but played her own little games—she filmed only Yang Hao, avoiding Sun Xinyi.

She had already se the Kuaiyin post Yang Hao made yesterday; nearly all of the twty-odd commts were about filming more of the fitness coach.

Although Mg Yuyu admitted to being somewhat less attractive than Sun Xinyi in reality, she was confidt that she could beat Sun Xinyi on Kuaiyin.

This was reflected in the number of followers on Kuaiyin—Mg Yuyu had over thirty thousand followers, while Sun Xinyi had only five thousand.

So Mg Yuyu planned to film some videos featuring herself later, to first get her presce into this Yang's Kuaiyin posts.

After the aerobics session was half an hour of equipmt training, where Sun Xinyi instructed with her usual seriousness, but Yang Hao was somewhat distracted, mainly because Mg Yuyu, the tea ceremony master, was far from behaving herself, striking seductive poses on the adjact equipmt or just watching him with a smile, occasionally cheering Yang on.

Mg Yuyu wasn't wearing the traditional gym clothes today. She wore a strapless top with black and sports shorts below. Whether it was the top or shorts, both had slightly risqué features. Ever since she arrived at the equipmt area, several male members would glance over at her from time to time.

After watching her, a guy doing bch presses was so ergized he loaded another twty kilograms onto the barbell in one go!

Though she covered everything that should be covered, she somehow seemed ev more alluring than if she hadn't!

She didn't ev need to do anything seductive; just sitting there, she had already hooked the souls of a bunch of m.

The normally warm and chatty sister had all her atttion on this "unremarkable" looking, slightly overweight man lying on the equipmt with a noticeable bulge below his waist.

Was it just because he was, well, protruding??

Data shows that protruding alone is useless; playing cards is a profound study requiring diligt practice and constant exploration and discovery.

Since every target is differt, a tailored approach is needed!

Yang Hao felt that a demon like Mg Yuyu indeed required the cudgel of Sun Dashg to be subdued.

So much so that after watching Mg Yuyu, the temptress, he always wanted to say: If heav hadn't created me, Yang Dashg, the path of the cudgel would be as long and dark as the night.

Bring on the cudgel!!!

MD, if one cudgel doesn't work, use two; if two don't work, three!

She shall be utterly vanquished~!

"Yuyu, it's almost lunchtime, how about we have a meal together?"

Having bought fifty lessons from Mg Yuyu, Huang Zhichao could no longer restrain the palpitations inside him and took the initiative to invite her.

"Sorry, Huang, I've got plans today."

Mg Yuyu politely declined, with a smile.

"You've got plans?"

"With him?"

Huang Zhichao pointed at Yang Hao, who was not far away, doing post-workout stretching.

"Yeah, I promised to help Yang shoot a video," Mg Yuyu admitted frankly.

Huang Zhichao frowned; Mg Yuyu always called him "Huang", but she called that other guy "Yang". This single word conveyed a significant differce in closess, and he too wished to be called "Big Brother Huang" in Mg Yuyu's sweet voice.

"Yuyu, didn't you post on your Momts that you liked an LV bucket bag? How about we go to Starlight City for a meal and th check out LV afterwards?"

Huang Zhichao was not giving up. Just like the song in "Red Rose" said: What you can't get is always stirring.

He had be hopelessly hooked by Mg Yuyu, and today, with her extra seductive allure, he really wt head over heels. So much so, that he was willing to spd a few ts of thousands on a bag just to clinch this little temptress.

In the past, Mg Yuyu would have likely agreed to accompany Huang Zhichao for the meal and incidtally secured the LV bucket bag she liked.

But thinking a bag would trick her into a hotel was impossible; Mg Yuyu, the tea art master, knew exactly what her most precious asset was, as well as what m valued the most.

Therefore, before meeting a really big fish, she wouldn't give herself away.

Now, the big fish she had be waiting for was right in front of her; naturally, she wouldn't abandon the chance to catch it for a small shrimp like Huang Zhichao!

Thus, she politely smiled once again and rejected him: "Huang, you know, Yuyu is a person who keeps her word. Since Yang and I already made plans, I won't change my mind!"

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