After Divorce, I Inherited the Game's Fortune

Chapter 33: 33, aren't you the delivery guy?

Yang Hao nodded to Sun Xinyi with a smile, th walked straight to the cashier and swiped his card to pay with flair!

"Sir, may I have the last few digits of your phone number to add points to your account?"

The sales associate asked with a beaming smile. In her eyes, this gerous spder must undoubtedly be a regular at their LV store and likely a member.

"I don't have a membership," Yang Hao replied indiffertly.

"Let me get one for you th."

The sales associate was somewhat surprised, but quickly responded with a smile.

"Sure, that's fine,"

Yang Hao nodded, thinking that the membership would come in handy in the future.

So, with thusiasm, the sales associate helped Yang Hao sign up for a membership: "Yang, do you mind if I add you on WeChat? If you want to buy LV in the future, just contact me directly. Don't worry, I won't sd you ads to bother you."

"Sure. The phone number I just gave you is also my WeChat ID."

This sales associate was thusiastic in her service and had a good eye for clits. Yang Hao's WeChat list certainly had room for someone like her.

"Okay, I'll add you now."

Seeing that Yang Hao agreed, the sales associate's smile grew ev brighter.

Like her, the sales associates of luxury brands harbored a similar mtality to Zhao Yingying's, aiming to reel in a wealthy husband as their ultimate goal.

And Yang Hao, discreet yet gerous with his spding, was considered a prime target.

"Yang, you and the two ladies can wait in the lounge area for a momt while I go to the storeroom to get the items."

"Xue, please take care of these three customers."

The sales associate instructed another employee, before she hurried towards the storeroom.

The employee named Xue th took Yang Hao and his companions to the lounge area, where she offered them beverages and snacks with great warmth.

A momt later, the previous sales associate returned.

She placed two bracelets on the coffee table and said with a cheerful smile to Sun Xinyi and Zhao Yingying, "Ladies, please inspect the items."


Sun Xinyi looked at Yang Hao with a face full of shock and conflict, knowing that Yang Hao had already paid and guessing that he intded to give the bracelets to her and Zhao Yingying.

But wh the sales associate handed the bracelets to her, it all seemed too unreal.

The shock was mainly because of his nonchalant demeanor in paying over a hundred and t thousand for the bracelets, as if there was no differce betwe that and spding t yuan.

"You gave Xixi gifts. I can't just accept that without any gesture in return," Yang Hao said lightly, while internally urging them to inspect the gifts quickly so he could settle his task reward.

"Thank you, Yang!"

Zhao Yingying, uncumbered by Sun Xinyi's hesitance, thanked him with a beaming smile and th carefully examined the gold bracelet she picked up.

"Thank you, Yang," Sun Xinyi also said thanks, th picked up the rose pink bracelet. It was impossible for her not to like it, but she felt the gift was too valuable and was reluctant to accept it.

"Ladies, I've applied for two bottles of perfume for you as a gift, and I have also included some LV perfume samples."

After Zhao Yingying and Sun Xinyi finished inspecting the items, the sales associate passed over a shopping bag with a smile, filled with two 0-milliliter bottles of perfume, and several -milliliter perfume samples.

"Thank you."

Zhao Yingying gratefully accepted, her knowledge of luxury brands telling her that LV was notoriously stingy with giveaways.

However, the sales associate had giv them two bottles of perfume, and considering the retail price of each was ,500, the total value of the two bottles nearly matched the belt from Qin Fg!

Of course, the reason for such gerous gifts was first, Yang Hao's spding had exceeded a hundred thousand, and second, the store wanted to retain a big customer like him.

Zhao Yingying used the same approach wh selling: if she felt the customer was a big spder with pottial to make future purchases, she would give extra gifts to make a good impression.

"Don't mtion it," the sales associate replied politely.

"Ladies, feel free to contact me if you need anything in the future."

"If it's convit for you, we can add each other on WeChat."

The sales associate was polite, viewing Sun Xinyi and Zhao Yingying as pottial clits – ev if they might not have the spding power themselves, the m with them, like the discreet Yang, probably did.


Congratulations to the host for completing the task [The Rewards of Wealth].

Reward distribution in progress...

As Sun Xinyi and Zhao Yingying were exchanging WeChat contacts with the sales associate, the system notification also sounded in Yang Hao's mind.

The next second, 565,000 in cashback rewards tered his ICBC account.

In his virtual system backpack, a "Study Card" was now prest.

Yang Hao immediately checked the attributes of the Study Card: Use this card to acquire a super learning ability that allows you to remember everything you see for 4 hours!

Remembering everything I see?

That does seem very powerful!

Yang Hao, who was middle-aged, had already shown signs of memory decline, and his learning ability was nowhere near what it had be in his youth. This Study Card was undoubtedly an excellt learning aid; after using it, he wouldn't forget anything he saw within the next 4 hours.

So long as he had ough Study Cards, he could easily make up for his insufficit knowledge reserves and cultural cultivation.

In fact, in most industries, what it ultimately comes down to is cultural depth, and it must be emphasized here that culture is not the same as education.

An academic diploma is just a piece of paper, a stepping stone to opportunity.

A high educational level can only prove that you are in a leading position on the track of exam-orited education.

But cultural cultivation is a reflection of a person's comprehsive quality, including cultural knowledge, language skills, social skills, learning ability, artistic appreciation, moral education, and so forth...

Therefore, there is a saying on the Internet: College filters out the academically challged but fails to filter out the morally bankrupt.

And if used correctly, the Study Cards can improve Yang Hao's cultural cultivation, which is very important for a wealthy man.

Those nouveau riches with low cultural attainmts can only ever be nouveau riches; they won't go far.

The sales associate warmly saw the three of them out of the LV store.

Meanwhile, Qin Fg was still outside the store, pretding to be on the phone. Seeing them come out, he grunted into the phone and th ded his "call".

"Xinyi, I'm so sorry, there was a customer dispute with an instructor in the store, and as the head of personal training, they insisted that I handle it..."

Qin Fg said with a look of regret and th his gaze fell on the LV shopping bags in the hands of Sun Xinyi and Zhao Yingying.

The shopping bags held by the two wom were small; they likely contained accessories, perfumes, or the like.

"Xinyi, Yingying, what did you buy?"

Having used the phone call ruse to run off earlier, Qin Fg had also tried to peek into the store but couldn't see anything clearly; he didn't know that Yang Hao had bought two bracelets.

"It's the bracelets we tried on!"

Zhao Yingying replied proudly and added, "Yang bought them for us, saying it was a thank you for buying clothes for Xixi with me and Xinyi!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Fg was instantly dumbfounded, his gaze turning to Yang Hao, filled with shock.

No, ar't you just a fucking delivery guy?

And now you've bought two bracelets worth over fifty thousand each??

What kind of international joke is this!

"Yang, Yingying is joking with me, right?"

Qin Fg asked, unable to believe what Zhao Yingying had said.

"What do you think?" Yang replied with a smile.

"I think... she is messing with me..." said Qin Fg.

Yang Hao simply smiled and didn't continue the topic, but lightly patted the younger brother's shoulder, "It's getting late, I need to pick up my daughter from school, see you later."

"Xinyi, Yingying, do you want to continue shopping, or shall I take you back?" Yang Hao turned to ask Sun Xinyi and Zhao Yingying.

"No more shopping, we'll catch a ride with you back!"

Zhao Yingying replied immediately; she wanted to spd more time with her "old man", ev if it was just for t minutes.

Sun Xinyi nodded as well; the experice had be too surreal and she needed to digest it.

"My car is also in the underg parking lot, let's go together."

Since Yang Hao didn't directly answer his question, Qin Fg took it for granted that Zhao Yingying had be joking.

After all, two bracelets cost ,000, and Yang Hao absolutely didn't seem like someone who could shell out that kind of money!

Especially the reason Zhao Yingying gave was bullshit, claiming that Yang Hao gave the bracelets as a return gift, but the childr's clothes bought by Sun Xinyi and Zhao Yingying totaled only a a thousand yuan. It might be plausible if he bought two bottles of perfume as a return gift.

The group took the elevator to the underg parking lot, and Qin Fg took the initiative to say, "Xinyi, Yingying, let me take you back."

"That way Yang won't have to waste his time picking up his child."

Whilst speaking, the show-off little brother pulled out a car key with four rings from his pocket and gtly pressed the unlock button; right away, the headlights of an Audi A4L not far away flickered twice.

Qin Fg's Audi A4L was a 03 model that he had bought for eighty thousand yuan. It was a fourth-hand car, but usually ough to bluff some people who recognized the brand but didn't understand cars, after all, four rings did have some prestige in the eyes of ordinary people.

"No, it's fine, we'll go with Yang,"

Zhao Yingying decisively refused. With a million-dollar luxury car at her disposal, why would she ride in an Audi passed through eight hands? What was he thinking!

"Okay th, Yang, where is your car parked?"

While asking, Qin Fg's gaze inadverttly swept over the parking lot, th he saw a BYD Tang parked not far away with its domineering appearance. His pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "Holy shit, someone actually bought this car!"

"Spding over a million on BYD, his brain must be fucking deranged!!"

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