After Divorce, I Inherited the Game's Fortune

Chapter 30: 30, my scheming old man!

"So, what did Yang do before?"

Qin Fg was still very cautious, wanting to probe into Yang Hao's backg a little, in case his previous job was amazing and he was just taking a break for a while.

"I delivered food."

Yang Hao replied truthfully.

"Oh, that must have be tough."

With a sigh, Qin Fg felt a sse of superiority well up within him, his chest puffing out by an extra two ctimeters.

He couldn't compare himself to successful people, but against a food delivery guy, he undoubtedly had overwhelming strgth.

Listing to their conversation, Zhao Yingying couldn't help but siltly scoff in her heart:

Here he goes again, he's at it again!

This rich guy's sick pleasure in pretding to be poor!!

Ask him if he has a house? He tells me he doesn't!

Ask him if he owns a car? He tells me BYD!!

And the result...

You casually spd over eighty thousand in a day, driving a BYD worth more than a million!

And still delivering food?

I believe you, my ass!

The old man is wicked!!

Zhao Yingying ranted internally for a while before looking at Qin Fg with a hint of sympathy, wondering what he would feel wh he found out the truth.

"Yang, I've heard that delivering food can actually be quite profitable, some people can make twty thousand a month, I heard."

Qin Fg spoke again.

"That kind of income is very rare, you have to work at least twelve hours a day without taking any days off in a month to possibly make it."

Yang Hao, having delivered food for a few months, was familiar with the real income of delivery drivers. In a provincial capital like Jiangchg, there indeed were delivery guys making over twty thousand a month, but they were working day and night, practically trading their lives for money.

The most he ever made in a month was elev thousand, which still counted as quite diligt among the delivery community.

Actually, Yang Hao's original career plan was to deliver food for a while to save up a few ts of thousands as startup capital, th rt a small and out-of-the-way shopfront to continue in the catering business, starting with snacks, or maybe running a food cart.

But the arrival of the system meant he no longer needed to struggle like that.

"I thought delivering food could really earn that much, almost catching up to me."

Qin Fg took the opportunity to show off.

Yang Hao laughed, "That definitely can't compare to you, Qin!"

"You can't say that, we fitness coaches also earn our money through hard work!"

Qin Fg humbly added, th he also picked up a slice of tripe with the communal chopsticks for Yang Hao, pleased with his role as flatterer, "Try this, Yang, it's quite tasty."

"Thank you, but I can do it myself."

Yang Hao was quite satisfied with this little brother, finding him well-mannered.

"By the way, Xinyi, can you eat this?"

Yang Hao now completely treated Sun Xinyi as his nutritional advisor, asking her before eating anything.

"A little bit should be fine." Sun Xinyi replied.

Yang Hao nodded, immediately dipped the tripe Qin Fg picked for him into the sauce, th chewed it slowly and thoroughly.

For someone on a diet, this meal was an indulgce. After finishing, Yang Hao couldn't help feeling a bit guilty, thinking he would have to work hard to lose what he had eat today.

Qin Fg, overhearing their conversation, chuckled to himself, thinking that this old man had his dieter's role down pat, not forgetting it ev now.

"Xinyi, I might be getting promoted to store manager soon. If you're not happy working at Bolli, come to my store. With me there, you'll definitely be more comfortable than at Bolli."

Qin Fg said to Sun Xinyi.

"Mhm, okay."

Sun Xinyi replied noncommittally.

Seeing her lack of thusiasm, Qin Fg turned to Yang Hao, "Yang, have you ever thought about switching to become a fitness coach? Actually, you're quite suitable for it, just need to lose about thirty or forty pounds and th bulk up with some muscle."

"Being a fitness coach has got to be more lucrative than your gig delivering food, and you'd have a great chance of meeting wealthy ladies, maybe ev turning your life a!"

Yang Hao nodded, th asked with a smile, "Have you met any wealthy ladies yourself?"

"I've met them, but I'm not the type to depd on wom's money, I still want to strive on my own!"

"The things you want can actually be obtained through your own efforts. I just got a mortgage for a place in Hongshan last month, it's the fruit of my years of hard work!"

Qin Fg boasted and showed off the fact that he now owned a house.

"Qin, you really are a promising young man!"

Yang Hao praised sincerely, knowing that with Jiangchg's average house prices a fifte thousand per square meter, it was indeed impressive for someone Qin Fg's age to have mortgaged a house.

"How can I be considered a promising young man?"

"I still have a long way to go!"

Qin Fg smiled modestly, feeling more and more satisfied with Yang Hao's flattery.

But Yang Hao had no inttion of showing off or taunting, not feeling the need to compete with a younger person, especially since it would be a hollow victory.

As the saying goes, "Let others boast, for the breeze plays along the hills; let them show off, while the moon shines over the great river."

Everyone's be young, and what's youth without a bit of showing off!

Watching Qin Fg inadverttly assert his superiority, Yang Hao was reminded of his younger self.

Wh he was Qin Fg's age, he already had two hotpot restaurants.

A modestly successful businessman in his twties, Yang Hao also had a phase of showing off every day to frids or wom.

It's just doing what's expected at that age, I suppose!

However, Yang Hao didn't suppress Qin Fg mainly because the latter wasn't being aggressive or sselessly mocking to draw hatred.

If Qin Fg had really be maliciously belittling him, th Yang Hao wouldn't have minded teaching the young fellow a lesson.

But Zhao Yingying's thoughts were totally differt from Yang Hao's. In her eyes, her old man was incredibly scheming. You're blatantly more financially powerful than the other, yet you pretd to be worthless, th quietly watch as the other boasts about trivial things in front of you, and ev egg them on.

Is it a loss of morals, or a distortion of human nature?

The old man being scheming is truly frighting!

He must have had the same mindset the day he saw my reply, saying "We're not suitable, I hope you can cooperate."

But since my old man likes to act, I must play along!

So, Zhao Yingying asked, "Yang, wh you got divorced, did you give the house to your ex-wife?"

"We sold the house, divided the money, and I used my share to pay off debts," Yang Hao replied truthfully.

However, upon hearing Yang Hao's reply, Zhao Yingying couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth violtly. This old man really knows how to climb the ladder he's giv!

Selling the house and splitting the money to pay off debts??

You're really something!

Qin Fg, who heard their conversation, was stunned. He had not expected Yang Hao to be not only an unemployed older man but also a divorced man in debt; he was nearly a walking stack of negative buffs!

For a momt, he started to feel sorry for Yang Hao.

No wonder he's setting up a frugal image to save money, the guy is guinely broke!

People are oft like that, always hoping to one-up those on the same level but td to magnify their goodwill wh facing someone much less fortunate, feeling sorry and willing to help them out.

At that momt, Qin Fg felt this way and turned to Yang Hao, comforting him, "Yang, getting divorced isn't necessarily a bad thing, because you've regained a whole forest!"

"As long as you work hard, one day you'll surely have another thriving tree like the one you had before!"

"Someone as outstanding as Yingying, right, Yingying?"

After speaking, Qin Fg ev winked at Zhao Yingying, hinting for her to play along and comfort the dishearted older man.

This unexpected assist from Qin Fg made Zhao Yingying beam with joy as she nodded repeatedly, "Right, right, right, Qin's absolutely right!!"

While concurring, Zhao Yingying couldn't help but sd Qin Fg an admiring glance, siltly praising to herself: Qin, you're damn well worthy of ancestral worship!

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