After Divorce, I Inherited the Game's Fortune

Chapter 24: 24, you can never wake up a person who is pretending to sleep.

Sun Xinyi also ssed her frid's unusual emotions, she leaned over to take a look, and said with a puzzled expression, "Huh, you guys have Micro-message frids?"

Hearing her say that, Yang Hao also leaned over to look at Zhao Yingying's scanning result, th he saw his own nickname noted in the other person's Micro-message, [Divorced with Child BYD].


Yang Hao was stunned for a momt, th thought of the straightforward Micro-message blind date from last night. He oped the chat with Alisa and st a handshake emoji. Sure ough, Zhao Yingying's phone chimed.

"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom!"

This was a scario Zhao Yingying had never ev dreamed of; not knowing how to handle the situation, she chose to flee to the bathroom.

"Yang, I'll go check," Sun Xinyi called out, th quickly followed her frid.

Watching the two wom's retreating figures, Yang Hao just shook his head gtly. He didn't have too many thoughts, he just felt it was too much of a coincidce.

Moreover, Zhao Yingying herself seemed much more thusiastic in person than on Micro-message.

Wom's restroom.

Sun Xinyi looked at her frid with a puzzled face, "Yingying, what's wrong with you?"

"Xinyi, this is so embarrassing!"

"Do you remember the blind date guy I complained to you about?"

"Uh, which one?"

Zhao Yingying had complained about so many blind date guys that Sun Xinyi didn't know which one she was referring to.

"It's the one from last night, the one Auntie Er introduced."

Zhao Yingying said as she oped her chat with Yang Hao, "Look at this."

Sun Xinyi leaned over to take a look, th became somewhat dumbfounded, "The guy from last night turned out to be Yang!"


Zhao Yingying lamted, "This guy just spt over eighty thousand during the day, and at night he pretded to be poor with me on Micro-message, and the worst part is that I believed him!"

"Now he must have the worst impression of me!"

Sun Xinyi felt she didn't have the answers either; this was just like a massive social death sce.

"Auntie Er's introductions are always very steady, so how did she suddly set me up with a rich guy? And she didn't say a word about it!"

Zhao Yingying grabbed her hair, her face filled with regret. If the conversation wt well yesterday, th today's counter could have be a bonus, and she might have ev emphasized the fate betwe them.

Now, it could only be considered a calamitous fate!


As Yang Hao was about to go to the second-floor equipmt area, he unexpectedly ran into someone familiar at the elevator.

"Hey, it's you?"

Wang Xueru, stepping out of the elevator, saw that the man waiting for the lift looked familiar, and th recognized him as the delivery guy who had brought her cake and dealt with the cockroaches a few days ago.

"Miss Wang, what a coincidce," Yang Hao was initially startled, th also recognized Wang Xueru. She was wearing a set of black fitness clothes, a rather conservative style, but fitness attire is figure-hugging, and it still outlined her beautiful curves.

"Are you not working today?" Wang Xueru curiously asked, while thinking that the delivery guy seemed quite willing to spd money - the membership card for this gym wasn't cheap.

"I've stopped delivering for now."

"By the way, is the cockroach spray still working?" Yang Hao asked with a smile.

"It's quite effective," Wang Xueru nodded, hesitated for a momt, th said, "Actually, I have something I want to ask you. Do you have a momt to talk?"

"Sure," Yang Hao responded.

Actually, Yang Hao had be waiting for her to approach him because he had left a hook the day he left; he had no news on Micro-message for the past two days, and didn't expect to run into her here today.

Yang Hao followed Wang Xueru back to the resting area.

Once seated, Wang Xueru started, "The day you left, you mtioned seeing my husband at Inspiration Advertising, but you didn't finish what you were saying. I want to know what exactly did you see?"

"Uh, did I say that?" Yang Hao played dumb.

"You did say it!" Wang Xueru nodded earnestly.

"Just talking nonsse off the top of my head, I forgot all about it..."

"Big brother, to tell you the truth, I'm already preparing to divorce, and I've found a lawyer and ev gathered some evidce of my husband's infidelity, so I hope you can tell me the truth," she said.

After Yang Hao left that day, Wang Xueru began to suspect her husband, who had prior incidts, and while he slept, she secretly checked Sh Mingshan's phone. Although most of the chat history had be deleted, she still found some clues.

Besides, she'd secretly copied the contts from her husband's dashcam, which not only recorded video but also had audio capabilities.

While the camera was pointed outside and couldn't capture the inside of the car, the audio was crystal clear.

From these recordings, she discovered that her husband had dated two differt wom in one day, and ev made a PC transaction inside the car.

The information made her feel disgusted and also led her to give up completely on Sh Mingshan.

Therefore, she sought a lawyer and was ready to sue directly for divorce, and the lawyer advised her to collect as much evidce as possible and to clarify Sh Mingshan's financial situation.

The divorce had kept Wang Xueru so busy she'd hardly be able to come to the gym every day as she used to.

Today, she had arranged to meet her lawyer in the afternoon, and seeing that she had time in the morning, she came over for a workout.

She took great care to manage her figure, especially now that she was planning to start anew.

"Sh Mingshan has a subordinate named Li Manshu, and the two have an ambiguous relationship. That's what I know," Yang Hao said.

As the conversation progressed to this point, Yang Hao didn't conceal anything anymore. After all, he had achieved his goal.

"You actually know their names?"

Wang Xueru was somewhat surprised. She remembered that she had never mtioned her husband's name, and ev she didn't know Li Manshu's name, having only heard "Manshu" in the audio. Only now did she learn that the person's surname was Li.

"Didn't Sh Mingshan ask you last night if you knew a Yang Hao?"

During the accidtal meeting at Starlight City the day before, in front of Sh Mingshan, Yang Hao had mtioned calling Mrs. Wang Xueru, which directly scared Sh Mingshan away. He guessed that Sh Mingshan would definitely ask Wang Xueru if she knew him.

"He asked me if I knew someone surnamed Yang."

"Could that be you??"

Wang Xueru's face shifted from surprised to shocked, she was a quite intelligt woman, and she was beginning to realize that the man opposite her had some connection with Sh Mingshan.

"My name is Yang Hao, and Li Manshu is my ex-wife," he said frankly.



Wang Xueru's eyes wided in disbelief; she felt like her brain was not working fast ough.

After a while, she finally regained her composure, "So, your visit to my house the other day wasn't a coincidce?"

"It was a coincidce."

Yang Hao smiled, "I didn't expect it to be such a coincidce."

"So, you deliberately left your stce unfinished, to give me a hint," she quickly surmised.

"More or less."

Yang Hao nodded, th added, "Actually, I didn't intd to break up your marriage; I just wanted to give you some hints, since Sh Mingshan is not a good person."

"As for Li Manshu and me, we parted on peaceful terms, and I don't want to have any more tanglemts with her," he clarified his position.

Wang Xueru was silt for a momt, th said with sincerity, "Thank you, Yang."

"Sh Mingshan actually has a history of offses. I bore with it for the sake of my child, but this time you've helped me make up my mind!"

Yang Hao shook his head with a smile, "No one can make up your mind about divorce for you; some people will choose to turn a deaf ear no matter what others say."

"It's like that common saying, you can never wake a person who is pretding to be asleep."

"Some prefer to struggle in the quagmire of marriage rather than extracting themselves, while others make a decisive move, cutting through the mess with a swift strike!"

"It's all a matter of personal choice!"

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