After Divorce, I Inherited the Game's Fortune

Chapter 15: 15, I'm looking for a boyfriend, it has nothing to do with you

Feeling Li Manshu slowing down her pace, Sh Mingshan, however, quicked his steps without a change in expression. In fact, whever he passed luxury stores like this, he would inttionally speed up to avoid Li Manshu suddly suggesting that they take a look inside.

Although Sh Mingshan was the Marketing Director at Linggan Advertising, his annual income was only about four to five hundred thousand yuan—for someone with a family, the amount of money that could be spt on Li Manshu was naturally limited.

Moreover, the departmt's income relied largely on commissions, and ev as a director, his base salary was just t thousand yuan a month. So, during times wh business was slow, Sh Mingshan wasn't financially well-off, making the purchase of luxury goods, which could cost ts of thousands of yuan, a considerable strain on his budget.

So, wh he noticed Li Manshu slowing down, his thought was to get her away from there as quickly as possible.

"Mingshan, wait up."

Seeing Sh Mingshan walking faster and faster, Li Manshu quickly called out to him.

"Manshu, there's still a lot to do at the company, no time for shopping," Sh Mingshan said with a frown as he stopped.

Li Manshu felt a chill in her heart—she clearly hadn't made any request, and yet the man was already this alarmed. But now wasn't the time to think about that; she pointed to the inside of the Prada store and said, "That person looks like Yang Hao."

"Yang Hao??"

Sh Mingshan was tak aback for a momt, not immediately recognizing who this person was, as he had never asked Li Manshu about her ex-husband's name.

"That's my ex-husband."

Li Manshu explained.

"Oh, the delivery guy, right."

Sh Mingshan immediately felt a sse of superiority but th suspiciously added, "That's not right, though. How could a delivery guy be in a Prada store?"

"Oh, maybe he's there to deliver food!"

Sh Mingshan quickly came up with a reason.

"It doesn't look like it, look, there's another woman next to him."

Li Manshu pointed out Sun Xinyi as she spoke.

Sh Mingshan followed her pointing gaze, and th his eyes wt wide.

And in his heart, he sneered at Li Manshu's way of referring to the other lady, thinking how she should be called a stunning beauty with a voluptuous figure!

"Let's go in and take a look."

Sh Mingshan took the initiative to suggest, thinking to himself that a delivery guy couldn't possibly have the money to court wom, whereas he could try to woo that beauty. If she was willing, spding at Prada was also worth it, giv that her figure and looks were right there to see.


Li Manshu also wanted to find out what was going on and immediately nodded in agreemt.

The two of them th tered the Prada store.

Yang Hao didn't notice them at all because Sun Xinyi had already picked up the handbag she had tak particular notice of and recommded, "I think this one suits you."

"Miss, you have good taste. This handbag is our main item for this spring season, it suits you very well. Try it on in front of the mirror," the sales assistant said with a smile.

"I was just helping to choose," Sun Xinyi clarified.

"Helping to choose requires trying it on as well, right, sir?" the sales assistant said, while giving Yang Hao a wink, signaling for praise.

Yang Hao smiled and nodded, thinking to himself that the sales assistant was quite perceptive, ev though she couldn't possibly know his real inttion, but at least she realized he was planning to buy Sun Xinyi a bag.

"Xinyi, just try it on and see how it looks," Yang Hao followed up.

"Oh, okay th."

Not long ago, Sun Xinyi had tried on this bag while shopping with a frid. She liked it a lot but found it too expsive.

"Yang Hao!"

However, just th, a voice suddly rose unexpectedly inside the store.

In luxury stores like this, conversations are usually held in hushed whispers, so it's rare for anyone to be shouting like this. Instantly, not only the atttion of Yang Hao and his company was attracted, but also that of the other store assistants.

Wh Yang Hao saw Li Manshu and Sh Mingshan, he was also stunned for a momt, not expecting such a coincidce.

"What are you doing here?"

Li Manshu, all the while sizing up Sun Xinyi and the handbag she was holding, questioned in a huff.

The sales associate was thoroughly confused. She looked at the imposing Li Manshu, who seemed like a legitimate wife who had caught a mistress, which she had witnessed more than once in her five years as a sales associate.

But something felt off today. If she was the legitimate wife, why would there be another man with her?

Could it be that the couple were each doing their own thing and happed to run into each other?

No, that's not right. If they were each doing their own thing, they should act as if they hadn't se each other!

The sales associate's CPU was nearly fried trying to figure out the relationship betwe the two.

However, Sun Xinyi had guessed Li Manshu's idtity. Yang Hao had already told her about his situation during their meal, and she knew that this older brother had just gott divorced and had a five-year-old daughter.

The woman in front of her was so aggressive, the likely suspect was the ex-wife.

But if you're the ex-wife and there's another man by your side, why are you here making a sce??

"Is this Prada store owned by you, or by your Mr. Sh?"

"Can't I take a look a?"

The Yang Hao of today was not the same as the one holding the divorce certificate yesterday, as the saying goes, "poverty constrains the aspirations." Yesterday, all he dared was to spit out some bitterness to air his frustration, but today was completely differt—he was about to become a wealthy man.

Ev putting distant prospects aside, he now had ,000 lying in his card, which was the backing for his spding at Prada.

The balance in one's card truly determines how solidly a man can stand!

"You also know this is Prada, can you afford to shop here?"

Li Manshu scoffed disdainfully.

"Whether I can afford it or not is of your business anymore, Ms. Li Manshu,"

Yang Hao retorted back calmly.

"Brother, Manshu is just afraid you'll embarrass yourself!"

"You, a delivery guy, instead of delivering orders properly, are pretding to be wealthy to deceive this young lady's feelings. Is there any point in that??"

Sh Mingshan took a step forward, posing as if he was about to unmask Yang Hao's pretse.

Through the conversation among the three, the sales associate eating popcorn on the side also managed to piece together their relationships.

It turned out to be a divorced couple running into each other again, except each of them already had someone new by their side.

But what's the deal with delivering food?

This gtleman had a bit of a small-business owner's aura about him and did not seem at all like a delivery guy.

The sales associate thought to herself siltly.

At that momt, Sh Mingshan said to Sun Xinyi, "Little sister, don't be deceived by him, he's just a delivery guy and can't afford the things here to give to you."

While speaking, he rolled up his shirt cuff nonchalantly, revealing the Vacheron Constantin watch on his wrist. This watch was from the Overseas series with a simple three-hand design, and although it was the cheapest series of Vacheron Constantin, the list price was still just over a hundred thousand.

However, Sh Mingshan had bought it secondhand for just over sixty thousand, and it was one of the three prides of his pretsion set.

The other two items were the BMW 55 parked downstairs of his company and the Hermès handbag he was eager to flaunt in front of everyone as soon as he tered the Prada store.

"Thank you for your reminder, but who I choose as my boyfrid doesn't seem to be any of your business,"

"Ev if he is a delivery guy, I'd be willing to sit on the back of his electric scooter and joy the breeze..."

Li Manshu's attitude had already irritated Sun Xinyi, and now with Sh Mingshan coming out to point fingers, Sun Xinyi simply pretded to be Yang Hao's girlfrid and retorted back.

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