Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 8: The Awakening [3]

Aurelius Avondale, the sickly crown prince, began his ascent to the altar with a determined but frail gait. Whispers and sidelong glances filled the air, as onlookers couldn't help but express their disdain or skepticism regarding the crown prince's ability to undergo the Awakening.

"He's not fit for this."

"Why is he even here? This is a waste of time."

"I heard he can barely hold a sword, let alone wield magic."

The courtyard was tainted with the judgmental murmurs of the crowd. Aurelius, however, ignored the audible doubts and the weight of the crowd's gaze. He fixed his eyes on his fiancée, Aurelia, who didn't know how to react. She could only smile awkwardly while hiding behind her brother.

Smiling slightly, Aurelius continued walking.

As he reached the center of the altar, a hush fell over the courtyard, waiting for the crown prince's awakening. To the surprise of many, nothing happened.

Even after a minute passed, there was no reaction from the alter.

A ripple of mocking laughter spread among the spectators, and some couldn't resist ridiculing the sickly prince.

"He's probably faking it to get attention."

"What a disappointment. I expected something grand from the crown prince."

"A loser will always be a loser."

"I pity Aurelia for being married to such a loser."

Adrian observed the Royal Family's expression, and from what he could sense, they didn't seem to care about those who were badmouthing the crown prince. The Queen and the Second Prince seemed to be even enjoying it.

'Ha... It's just as I thought...' Adrian internally sighed while looking at the white cocoon. 'It's not easy for him either.'


However, just as the mockery reached its peak, a sudden brilliance erupted from the altar. The seven crystals embedded in the altar shone with an intensity that surpassed any previous awakening. The courtyard was bathed in a blinding light, and the onlookers, who were moments ago mocking Aurelius, now stood frozen, their jaws dropped in sheer shock.

King Edmund, Queen Seraphina, and Prince Cedric frowned deeply, their composed expressions giving way to visible concern. The unexpected turn of events had caught the royal family off guard.

Aurelia, however, exhibited a different reaction. Instead of disbelief or concern, her eyes widened in pure awe and wonder. There was something extraordinary unfolding before her, and she sensed it.

Adrian, standing beside Aurelia, observed the Royal Family's reaction with a solemn expression. His perceptive gaze seemed to pierce through the unfolding spectacle, and a subtle tension lingered in the air.

As the brilliance subsided, leaving an ethereal glow around Aurelius, the onlookers were left in stunned silence. The courtyard that was once filled with mockery now held an air of bewilderment.

The most astonishing revelation, however, was yet to come.

Aurelius, having successfully formed his Aether Core, stood at the center of the altar. In a moment that defied all expectations, he awakened his magical Ability.

A radiant light enveloped Aurelius, and the magical elements responded with unparalleled grace. In a breathtaking display of power, Aurelius unveiled his Ability - Primordial Arcane Nexus.

Aurelius Avondale remained suspended above the altar, his body bathed in the residual glow of Primordial Arcane Nexus. As the ethereal light danced around him, his once frail form underwent a remarkable transformation. The sickly pallor that had defined him was replaced by a newfound vibrancy.

His silver hair shimmered with an otherworldly luminosity, and his blue eyes sparkled with an intensity that captivated the onlookers.

The courtyard, once filled with mocking whispers, now witnessed a silent revelation. The crown prince, who was previously dismissed as weak and unfit for magical prowess, now hung in the air like a celestial being. The crowd's disdainful murmurs gave way to gasps of amazement, and the atmosphere shifted from mockery to a collective acknowledgment of awe.

Aurelia, her initial awkward smile replaced by genuine astonishment, couldn't help but be entranced by the radiant transformation of her fiancé. Adrian, too, watched in silence, his eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and understanding.

King Edmund, Queen Seraphina, and Prince Cedric observed with a blend of astonishment and uncertainty. The unexpected nature of Aurelius's Awakening had thrown them into a momentary disarray. The courtyard's enchantment seemed to have reached its zenith, and the reality of the situation lingered in the air.

However, as quickly as the transformation occurred, the brilliance surrounding Aurelius began to wane. His elevated form slowly descended back to the altar, and the celestial glow dimmed. The enchanting facade gave way, and Aurelius returned to his original self, gently landing on the cobblestone floor.

The crowd, still caught in the afterglow of the extraordinary Awakening, took a moment to process what they had witnessed. Whispers of amazement and disbelief circulated among the onlookers.

"He... he's not sick at all."

"Did you see that transformation? He looked like a completely different person!"

"Who knew the crown prince had such power within him?"

"Take back what you said. He's no loser; he's extraordinary!"

"I suddenly envy Aurelia now..."

"Who could have expected the crown prince was the most brilliant of all!"

As the crowd continued to murmur in astonishment, the instructor, who had been overseeing the ceremony, stepped forward. He was a middle-aged man with a seasoned aura, and his expression mirrored the collective bewilderment of the onlookers.

A deep voice cut through the lingering whispers, demanding attention. "What... what just happened? What tier is his Ability?" someone from the crowd asked, unable to contain their curiosity.

The instructor, still processing the unprecedented event, quickly composed himself and approached Aurelius. He examined the residual magical energies surrounding the crown prince and, with a hint of disbelief, announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, what we've just witnessed is an unparalleled phenomenon.

The crown prince's Ability has achieved the highest pinnacle our kingdom has ever witnessed – a Solar Tier Five Star Ability!"

A collective gasp swept through the courtyard, and the onlookers were left in stunned silence. The Solar Tier Five Star designation was a rarity even among the most distinguished Awakeners, reserved for abilities of unparalleled strength. There was only one person - the founder of this kingdom who awakened such Tier ability.

The realization of Aurelius's extraordinary power sank in, and the once-mocking crowd now regarded him with newfound respect. Whispers of admiration and awe replaced the earlier skepticism, and the courtyard buzzed with discussions about the crown prince's exceptional prowess.


In the midst of this revelation, a figure suddenly materialized beside Aurelius, appearing out of thin air.

It was a man in his forties, with a regal yet approachable demeanor.

His presence commanded attention, as a sense of authority emanated from him.

The man extended a hand towards Aurelius's shoulder, a gesture both reassuring and possessive. With a voice that resonated with wisdom, he spoke to the crown prince, "Aurelius Avondale. Will you, young Awakener, accept me as your Master and become my disciple?"

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