Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 44: EEEH?

To the surprise of everyone, including the PET itself, Aurelius didn't flinch or cower in the face of danger. Instead, he stood his ground with a quiet confidence that spoke of his fearless spirit and unshakable resolve.

Sensing the lack of fear emanating from Aurelius, the PET growled in frustration, its attempts to intimidate the group falling flat in the face of the MC's unwavering presence.

Unwilling to back down, the PET reared back on its hind legs, towering over the group with its massive frame as it prepared to unleash another bone-chilling roar.

"Rooar! Roaaaaar!"

But Aurelius remained unfazed, his gaze steady and his stance firm as he met the PET's challenge head-on.

"Guys, stand still and get ready for anything." Aurelius encouraged his companions.

'Sorry, Mr Monster. You really met your arch-enemy this time. This boy won't fear you just because of your looks and voice.' I thought inwardly.

"Grr..." The PET growled in frustration, its confidence waning as it realized that its usual tactics weren't working against this fearless group of humans.

With a frustrated snarl, the PET turned away from them and left the group with heavy steps.



While leaving Aurelius and the others dumbfounded.

'Sigh... Mr. PET lost.' I sighed inwardly since I knew the PET couldn't attack as its mission was to only scare and chase the test takers not to fight them.

Well, unless the humans were the first ones to attack.

Usually, most humans it met would faint on the spot, run, or try to fight and end up getting beaten.

But, unfortunately, it met our MC.

Aurelius and his group only wanted to defend themselves, making the PET unable to fight them.

"Oho, finally a batch who passed, huh?" the instructor chuckled, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the observation room. "It seems you were correct. They are really geniuses. Fearless ones. Especially..."

"The silver-haired one, right?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"Yes, that silver-haired boy!" The instructor exclaimed. "It has been a decade since I saw someone as fearless and courageous as him. That kid will be worth teaching! Hell, I am gonna make him the king of survival!"

Woah, calm down, old man.

You are being overly enthusiastic.

"I am gonna prepare a special survival training program for him. Hehe, this is gonna be fun."

My poor friend Aurelius. This is for all your sake. I hope you will survive through all this, especially the "Special Survival Training".

"Ah, right. I forgot there is another person suitable to be paired up with this boy!" The old man exclaimed again.

"Eh, there is?" I asked confused. Who is he talking about? Ren? Possible.


Why am I feeling a sense of unease all of a sudden?

Before I could ponder further, the instructor continued, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yes, there is! And I think you know who I'm talking about, don't you?" he said, his voice tinged with a hint of mischief.

"N-No, sir."

No way!

I furrowed my brows, trying to make sense of his words. Who could he be referring to? Please don't be me!

But why did his words fill me with a sense of dread?

"Come now, don't play dumb," The instructor chuckled as if he could read my thoughts. "I'm really talking about you, Adrian boy!"


Me? Paired up with Aurelius for the special survival training? The idea sent a chill down my spine, filling me with a sense of apprehension.

But before I could protest or even respond, the instructor continued, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"I can see the potential of a fearless warrior in you as well, boy," he said, his eyes locking with mine with an intensity that made me squirm uncomfortably. "You have the intelligence, the resourcefulness, and the determination to survive in this world. But you lack experience and a little bit of courage. That's where that silver-haired boy comes in. Together, you two will make the perfect team!"

"Hehe, it seems this year won't be so boring after all!"

To you yes! But for me, no!

"Em... But Sir, I don't have affinity and it is said that I can't go beyond Nebula Tier in my path as an Awakener. So, I think this special training you spoke of is not really suited for me," I stammered, trying to come up with a valid excuse to get out of the situation.

But the instructor merely chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.

"Bah, who cares about that! Listen, boy, survival training isn't about affinity or awakening tiers," he explained, his voice calm yet firm. "It's about honing your instincts, sharpening your mind, and toughening your spirit. And from what I've seen today, you have the potential to excel in all these areas. So, it is decided.

You and that boy will learn how to survive in this world together with the Great Me, and whether you like it or not."

I could feel a sense of resignation settling over me as I realized there was no escaping the instructor's decision. Despite my protests and attempts to wriggle out of the situation, it seemed that fate had other plans for me.

Damn it.

"U-Understood, sir," I replied, my voice tinged with defeat as I accepted my defeat. "I will do my best to learn and improve."

The instructor's grin widened at my response, a gleam of satisfaction dancing in his eyes.

"Good. That's what I like to hear," he said, clapping me on the back with a force that nearly sent me stumbling forward.


Damn it! Not again!

"Come on, let's continue to watch. The tests aren't over yet."



(Author Note: Hi readers. I am planning to go premium from the next week. Write your thoughts on this. And I hope you support the story in any way you can.)

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