Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 41: You Gotta Learn How To Survive First [2]

"Huf... Huf..."

"Damn you, instructor..." I cursed in a low voice while trying my best to swim as fast as possible.

Yeah, I was swimming, in a lake. While a horde of small but scary-looking fishes were chasing me.

"Damn you for preparing such a test!"

This was the second test he had prepared. One needed to cross this lake after getting out of the forest. You couldn't bypass the lake either. So the only option was to swim across it.

But to make things harder, he put these fish beasts - Piras.

I used another kind of odor to hide them but it got washed away after a minute. Thankfully, I'm already on the other side.

I just have to hold on for another minute...

As I pushed my weary muscles to their limits, I could feel the relentless pursuit of the Piras hot on my heels. Their sharp teeth gnashed just inches away, their hunger driving them to chase after their prey with single-minded determination.

But despite the overwhelming odds stacked against me, I refused to give in to despair. With every stroke of my arms and kick of my legs, I propelled myself forward with unwavering determination, my resolve unbroken even in the face of imminent danger.

'There is no way in hell that I will let them bite me.' I thought inwardly. 'Not before the third test.'

Though they couldn't deal that much damage or harm me, their bites had a special feature. Your bitten spot would become numb over time lasting for a day and getting number as the time passes.

Just as I neared the shore, my fingers brushing against the solid ground beneath me, a sudden sharp pain shot through my left hand, causing me to cry out in surprise.

"Ah! Damn it!"

I gritted my teeth against the searing pain as I felt the unmistakable sensation of teeth sinking into my flesh. With a burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, I propelled myself forward, my muscles burning with exertion as I lunged toward the safety of the shore.

But even as I reached the safety of the solid ground, I could feel the relentless grip of the Pira tightening around my finger, its sharp teeth digging deeper into my skin with each passing second.

"Gah! Get off me, you little devil!"

With a swift motion, I tore the Pira from my finger, flinging it away with a forceful flick of my hand. Blood welled from the wound, mingling with the cool waters of the lake as I clutched my injured hand to my chest, trying to stem the flow of blood with trembling fingers.

Thankfully, it stopped in a minute.

But I am more worried about its effects which will start a bit later.

Guess, I got a bit overconfident, huh?

But this is nothing compared to what others will experience.

I pity them. They don't even know what is awaiting them.

But you gotta learn how to survive first, you punks! So good luck to you all.

Then I should start the third, final test as soon as possible too.

The final test is rather simple but would have been difficult if I hadn't known the tests beforehand.

After drying my clothes using Aether and recovering my stamina which took about five minutes, I slowly made my way toward the foot of the mountain.

The mountains loomed tall and grand before me, their peaks disappearing into the clouds high above. As I gazed up at the daunting slopes, I couldn't help but curse under my breath at the sheer audacity of whoever had decided to build the hall at the very top.

"Why the hell did they have to put it all the way up there?" I muttered to myself, my voice barely audible over the distant rumble of thunder echoing through the mountains. "Couldn't they have picked a more... accessible location?"

But even as I grumbled about the inconvenience of the hall's location, I knew that the final test was an integral part of the Survival Training Course. Climbing to the top of the mountains by oneself was no easy feat, requiring both physical strength and mental fortitude to overcome the treacherous terrain and unforgiving conditions.

And yet, despite the daunting challenge that lay ahead, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through my veins. This was an opportunity to test some of my skills and abilities.

"Alright, I won't use Aether in this one." I also decided to climb the mountain in a natural way, without supporting myself with Aether.

"Well then, since the preparations are done, let's start, shall we?"

I muttered to myself as I positioned my hands and feet carefully, preparing to embark on the arduous climb ahead.

With a deep breath, I began to ascend the steep slope of the mountain, each step a test of my strength and endurance.

The path was rugged and uneven, littered with loose rocks and slippery patches of moss that threatened to send me tumbling to the ground with every misstep. But I pressed on since it didn't pose that much of a problem for my current body. Had it been my original body... Never mind that.

But... As I climbed higher and higher, the air grew thinner, making each breath feel like a struggle. Sweat dripped down my brow, mingling with the dirt and grime that coated my skin, but I refused to let fatigue slow my progress.

With each passing minute, the summit drew closer, a tantalizing goal that spurred me onward with renewed vigor. And finally, after what felt like an eternity of grueling exertion, I reached the top of the mountain, the hall looming before me like a beacon of hope amidst the rugged landscape.

With a triumphant shout, I collapsed to my knees, my chest heaving with exertion as I basked in the sense of accomplishment that washed over me. I had done it—I had finally climbed this damn mountain.

As I caught my breath and allowed my racing heart to slow, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and satisfaction coursing through my veins.

Well, why not?


My happiness was short-lived.

"Oh, we already have someone? And so early as well?"

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