Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 25: Combat Training Class [1]

The tension in the room had reached a breaking point as Emeric continued his taunts, and Adrian's cold challenge hung in the air like a storm waiting to unleash. Just as the confrontation seemed on the verge of escalating, Instructor Lyr intervened.

"Enough!" The instructor's voice resonated through the room, cutting through the rising tension. He stepped forward, a stern expression on his face. "This is not the place for such disputes. Save your disagreements for the appropriate forums. We are here to learn, not to entertain unnecessary conflicts."

Emeric, begrudgingly, backed down under the instructor's authoritative gaze. Adrian, showing no change in demeanor, resumed his seat. The students exchanged uneasy glances, and the room fell into a tense silence.

Instructor Lyr addressed the class, his voice firm, "We will not tolerate disruptions during our lessons. Now, let's focus on Elemental Manipulation. If there are any further issues, they can be resolved appropriately, not in my classroom."

After the first class concluded, the students dispersed to their next sessions, the unsettling atmosphere lingering in the corridors. Emeric, however, wasn't ready to let the matter rest. As the students shuffled out, he approached Adrian with a determined look.

"Adrian, we're settling this. The third class, Combat Training. You and me," Emeric declared, his tone challenging.

Adrian, meeting Emeric's gaze with the same indifference, replied, "If that's what you want."

Emeric smirked, confident that the duel would expose Adrian's supposed weaknesses. The challenge was set, and the word quickly spread through the academy corridors, creating a buzz of anticipation for the impending clash between the fourth-ranked and the first-ranked students.

Adrian was sure it was Emeric's doing without a doubt. But he didn't care.

Since he was confident in his current strength. Although he wasn't sure whether he could defeat Aria, he was sure other first years weren't his much, even the protagonist, Aurelius. Well, till the end of this semester that is.

The second class, the Aetheric Theory went without any disturbances or incidents.

Maybe everyone was waiting for the impending clash between him and Emeric.

And soon, it was time for the third class.

The students went to the Combat Training Hall which was located at the back of the previous building they took the first two classes.

The hall was built with high ceilings and spacious enough to accommodate various combat scenarios. The air inside was charged with anticipation as students gathered, creating a circle around the training area. The duel between Adrian and Emeric had become the talk of the academy, and now the time had come for the class to start.

The Combat Training Instructor for the first years, Instructor Valeria, strode into the training hall with an air of confidence. She stood taller than the average person, her athletic body exuding strength and agility. Valeria's sharp gaze surveyed the students, capturing their attention with a presence that demanded respect.

"Good day, first years," she began, her voice firm yet resonant. "I am Instructor Valeria, your guide through the world of combat. Today, we will focus on the fundamentals – basic combat techniques that will form the foundation of your training here at the Celestial Academy. Remember, combat isn't just about your affinity; it's about strategy, adaptability, and swift decision-making."

She proceeded to explain the various combat techniques they would be covering in the first lesson. "We will start with the basics: stances, footwork, and defensive maneuvers. These are crucial elements that will enable you to respond effectively in any combat situation. Once you master these, we'll progress to offensive techniques and later, more advanced maneuvers."

Instructor Valeria emphasized the importance of a strong foundation before delving into complex combat strategies. She demonstrated the proper combat stance, highlighting the significance of balance and flexibility. Her movements were precise, showcasing the fluidity of a seasoned warrior.

"Remember, the key to a good stance is flexibility and stability. Your stance should allow you to move swiftly while maintaining a solid defense," she explained, her words carrying the weight of experience.

Next, she shifted to footwork, illustrating the importance of controlled steps in and out of combat situations. The students watched attentively as she demonstrated how well-timed movements could provide an advantage over an opponent.

"Your feet are your foundation. Learn to control your movements, and you'll control the battlefield," she declared, her eyes scanning the attentive faces before her.

Instructor Valeria then moved on to defensive maneuvers, showcasing blocks and parries. She emphasized the need for precision and timing, underscoring that a well-executed defense could turn the tide of a battle.

"Defense is not a sign of weakness; it's a strategic move to gain an upper hand. Master these techniques, and you'll be able to deflect attacks while planning your countermove," she asserted.

The training hall echoed with the sounds of practice as students paired up to practice the stances, footwork, and defensive maneuvers under Valeria's watchful eye. The instructor circled the room, providing individual guidance and corrections to ensure that each student grasped the fundamentals.

'Sigh... They don't even know how to properly make a stance or defend themselves, not to mention their footwork.' Valeria sighed as she watched students practice. 'I wonder what have they been doing till now...'

'But, there are also some promising students as well.' She muttered inwardly as she eyed a few students. 'Student Aria's footwork and stances are nearly perfect, though her defensive skills are a bit lacking. Though I am sure she can improve it with my help. And there is that guy, what was his name? Aurelius?'

'Although he was bad at first, his learning speed is certainly awesome, he already mastered a perfect stance in such a short time.'

'There is also...'

She analyzed the students who were performing well one by one.

'Hmm? What is that boy doing?' She mumbled inwardly as her eyes caught a strange scene. A boy with short brown hair was practicing, but not the things she just taught.

"Hey, student. What are you doing?" She called him out, she also didn't know his name since she didn't see him in the trial classes. "Why aren't you practicing the things I showed you just now?"

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