Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 22: First Class [1]

After waking up early in the morning and doing daily exercise and meditation, I wore my academy uniform and had breakfast. Although I could go to the cafeteria, I preferred to eat it in my room.

Today was the first class for all the first years. The first two weeks had served as introduction weeks. The students entered trial classes for each subject during it. But unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend them since I was unconscious.

So, I will have to choose courses based on the novel knowledge and asking from the instructors.

Since I was ready, I took things that were necessary and put them all in my new inventory ring.

Then I exited my room.

As I stepped out into the corridor, the Academy's hushed morning ambiance enveloped me. The hallway, usually bustling with students, was surprisingly quiet, giving me a sense of solitude. It seemed like the majority had already headed to the cafeteria or their respective morning activities.

I walked briskly, planning to make my way to the classroom early to familiarize myself with the layout. Just as I passed the room opposite mine, the door creaked open. A figure emerged, and my eyes widened as I recognized her.


"Good morning," I greeted, offering a polite smile.

She nodded in acknowledgment but then raised her hand, gesturing for me to stop. I halted, a bit perplexed.

"Are you heading to the classroom?" Aria asked, her tone calm.

"Yes, I am. Is that where you're going too?" I replied, genuinely curious about her plans for the day.

"Hmm," she murmured, her gaze thoughtful. "Do you know where our classroom is?"

My eyes widened, and I felt a tinge of awkwardness. "Uh, no, not exactly. I was planning to figure it out as I go."

"...You can follow me." She said and closed her room. Then she passed before me without stopping.

Left with no choice, I followed after her while maintaining a distance.

We walked in silence through the corridors of the academy, the atmosphere tense with an unspoken understanding. Aria's composed demeanor made it challenging to gauge her thoughts or intentions. The occasional glances she cast my way added an air of mystery to the situation.

As we navigated the labyrinthine halls, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity about the enigmatic girl leading the way. Aria Starlight, the Princess of the Celestial Academy, held a reputation that preceded her. Her actions during the entrance exam and subsequent interactions with me had only deepened the intrigue.

After a brief journey, we arrived at a set of grand double doors. Aria pushed them open, revealing an empty, spacious, and well-lit classroom. Rows of desks and chairs filled the space, and a large podium stood at the front, indicating the instructor's station.

"This is our classroom," Aria stated, her voice devoid of any emotion.

"Thank you," I replied, appreciating her assistance. "By the way, do you know which courses we're supposed to attend today? I missed the trial classes."

Aria glanced at me, her expression unreadable. "Follow me."

With that, she walked towards the front of the classroom, where a bulletin board displayed the schedule for the day. I trailed behind her, my eyes scanning the information. The courses were divided into different subjects, each corresponding to a specific affinity. As expected, the academy placed a strong emphasis on honing students' abilities in alignment with their affinities.

"We have Elemental Manipulation, Aetheric Theory, and Combat Training today," Aria informed me, her gaze fixed on the schedule.

"Got it. Thanks for guiding me," I said, genuinely grateful for her assistance.

She nodded in response, and without another word, she made her way to an empty seat near the back of the classroom. I chose a seat nearby, right behind her. Well, I had a reason for that.

I want to ask a few things from her.



However, just as I was about to call her, the doors opened up again and two students entered the classroom.

'Damn, my luck.'

I cursed inwardly as I instantly recognized the newcomers.

Not wanting to attract their attention, I leaned onto the desk and turned to the windows. I might at least enjoy the morning scenery.

"Hey, Aurelius, where should we sit?"

But damn they are so loud, I can easily you, you know.

"Umm... What about the front row?"

"No, let's sit at the back, the instructor was too theory-based. You know what I mean."

"Oh, ok."


Suddenly, I felt a gaze on me, a very uncomfortable one.

To think she recognized me even in this situation...

"N-no, let's just sit at the front like you said."

"H-huh? Okay."

Then, the gaze shifted away from me.

With a relieved sigh, I lifted my head and turned back to the front.

I sighed inwardly again, contemplating the irony of the situation. The protagonist, Aurelius, and my twin sister, Aurelia, now sat in the front row. They seemed to have improved their relationship during these four months, it seems.

Thankfully for me, after some time passed, other students started to enter the classroom.

As the classroom filled with students, the atmosphere became a blend of excitement and anticipation. Conversations buzzed around me, and I couldn't help but observe the diverse array of races and personalities within the room. The Celestial Academy housed a melting pot of talents, each student possessing unique abilities waiting to be honed.

Just as the anticipation reached its peak, the classroom door swung open, and an instructor stepped inside. His presence commanded attention, and the room fell into a hushed silence. The instructor, with an air of authority, approached the podium at the front.

"Good morning, students. I am Instructor Lyr, and I welcome you to the Elemental Manipulation, your first class at the Celestial Academy," he announced, his voice resonating through the room.

Finally, the first class has started.

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