Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 18: Alex's POV

Alex's POV:

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"Should I have died then?" I asked feeling weird.

The healer man, who realized what he said, was startled by my question.

"Ah! No, I didn't mean it that way." He quickly apologized and tried to explain the situation. "You see, your situation was complicated. When you arrived here, you were on the brink of death. We did everything in our power to heal your injuries, and barely managed to keep you alive. It should have taken a month or two for you to recover, but here we are.

You woke up after just a week? I've been a healer for many years, but I've never seen such a rapid recovery. It's truly remarkable."

I furrowed my brows, processing the information. A week? That couldn't be right. The injuries I sustained in the alley were severe; I remembered the pain vividly.

"Then... How did this happen?" I asked in doubt. Could it be that I have super regenerative power? Nah, no way. If I really had something like that, I wouldn't have suffered a month ago because of that thief.

Wait... Could it be related to how I recovered my memories?

That is the only answer I can come up with.

"I don't know as well." The healer replied to my question. "Well, we can consider this a miracle. The most important thing is that you are alive and recovering. Isn't that right?"

I nodded, still feeling a sense of confusion and uncertainty. The healer's explanation was plausible, but it didn't fully satisfy the lingering questions in my mind. The events in the alley, the mysterious intervention, and now this inexplicably rapid recovery—it all seemed to be connected, yet the pieces of the puzzle eluded me.

"Thank you for saving me," I expressed my gratitude sincerely, deciding not to press the healer further on this matter. It seemed that some things were better left unexplored for now.

The healer smiled warmly, "You're welcome."

"Ah, one more thing." He added. "You still have to stay here till you fully recover. Only then can you return to the academy, ok?"

"Ok, thanks," I replied but my eyes widened the next moment. "D-did you say Academy? And I have been unconscious for a whole week?"


"Yes. You missed both the orientation and the opening ceremony." He replied. "Alas, I wanted to hear the welcoming speech of the Dark Horse who beat our Princess."

Wait... Is he talking about me?

"Ergh... You know about it?" I awkwardly asked.

"Hoho, who hasn't heard of the Dark Horse who dared to defy the expectations? The whole academy knows about you," the healer chuckled. "But... what happened for you to end up in such a state?"


I didn't know how to reply to his question, so I took the most simple way.

"I... can't remember how... All I remember is the heavy rain pouring down on me while I was lying... in a pool of blood..." I said mixing half-truth and half-lie.

The healer looked at me, his eyes filled with sympathy and pity.

"It's understandable." He said. "It must be the side effects. But don't worry you will recover soon."

"Ah, right. I almost forgot why I came here. Stay still while I check you." He asked and then started a full body examination. He checked my injuries, asking about any pain or discomfort. As he worked, my mind continued to churn with thoughts and questions.

"Ok, I'm done." The healer finally ended his examination. "You are fine, compared to yesterday. As I mentioned, you will be free to leave once you fully recover. For now, take this potion and rest."

"Thanks, doc." I expressed my gratitude.

"Haha, no worries. It's my duty." He chuckled and motioned to his assistant. "We will be leaving now. Take care."

"Mmm." I nodded slightly.

I watched as they made their way toward the exit.


"What is it?" The healer asked.

"C-can you tell me who brought me here?" I asked. "I want to express my gratitude to them once I get out."

"Ah,r right." He nodded. "It was none other than our princess, Miss Aria herself."

"O-oh, I see..." I nodded while being completely dumbfounded at the revelation.

"She also comes every day to check up on you. You are a lucky one." He continued.

"Haha, indeed. By the way, didn't anyone else come to see me?"

"Hmm..." The healer and his assistant pondered a bit before answering.

"No, nobody apart from Miss Aria came."

"Ah, I see. Thanks." I quickly said. "You may leave."

"Ok, take care."

With that, they left the room, leaving me alone.

Alone in the dimly lit room, I mulled over the information I had just received. Aria, the princess of the academy, had brought me here and visited daily. The revelation added a layer of complexity to my already bewildering situation. Why would the princess personally take an interest in someone like me?

Well, I already knew the answer.

I beat her and took first place in the exam, of course, she will be interested in me. And not in a romantic way. I know her character well. It's impossibly difficult for her to fall in love. Not in some extra character guy like me.

I am sure once she discovers everything about me, my abilities, my Awakening, she will lose her interest. Or should I say it will be shifted to another character?

Sigh... Let's stop thinking and take a rest as the doc advised.

I still have a week to sort out my thoughts and prepare for the future.

So, in order to fall asleep, I closed my eyes and tried to think about nothing.

And it worked, I soon fell asleep.

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