Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 16: I Am A Harbinger Of Echoes

"I will kill this bastard myself!"

Just as one of the masked assailants was closing in on the mysterious figure, preparing for a final, fatal blow, an emergency signal echoed through the alley.

"Be quick! We have an emergency!" the leader's voice commanded through the communication devices.


The remaining masked figures looked at each other and then the lying figure.

"Let's go, he will die anyway." One of them said and quickly started moving.

The others followed suit, only after giving a quick glance at the dying figure.

As the remaining masked figures hastily departed, leaving the alley in the wake of the emergency signal, the rain persisted. Its rhythmic cadence seemed to intensify, becoming a requiem for the figure lying on the wet ground. With each drop, the rain cleansed away the dirt and grime from the masked figure's face, revealing features that were eerily familiar.

The figure, no longer concealed by the hood, was none other than Adrian. His once vibrant brown hair clung to his forehead, soaked by the relentless rain. Adrian's face, now visible, bore the marks of the struggle. Blood trickled down from a wound on his forehead, mixing with the raindrops.

"At least... managed to save them... save her..." he muttered in a weakened voice, his words almost drowned by the ongoing downpour. Slowly, his eyelids began to close as if surrendering to the inevitable.

The surroundings fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of raindrops hitting the pavement. The alley, which had witnessed a fierce confrontation moments ago, now cradled the motionless body of a young man on the verge of death.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning tore through the stormy sky, illuminating the alley with a brief, stark brightness. The electric charge crackled and descended, hitting Adrian's lifeless form. For a few seconds, the world seemed frozen in time, the raindrops hanging mid-air.

Then, the masked figures returned. Their dark silhouettes appeared beside Adrian's seemingly lifeless body, the glow of the lightning revealing the contours of their masked faces. Checking for any signs of life, they hit Adrian with their legs, but there was no response.

"Is he dead?" one of them questioned, uncertainty in their voice.

Another suggested, "Check his face. Let me see this bastard's face who ruined our task."

One of the figures knelt down and, with a swift motion, removed Adrian's wet hair from his face. As the light from the fire flickered nearby, his features became visible.

However, just as the masked figure leaned in for a closer look, Adrian's eyes abruptly snapped open.

The masked figure recoiled in shock, stumbling backward. Fear gripped them as they stared into Adrian's eyes, which now glowed with an otherworldly intensity.

The rain-soaked alley now bore witness to an unexpected turn of events.

Adrian, seemingly resurrected by the lightning's touch, slowly rose from the ground.

His gaze, fixed upon the masked figures, carried an enigmatic and almost ethereal quality. The atmosphere crackled with unknown energy as the figures, now standing before a living paradox, struggled to comprehend the weird turn of events unfolding in the stormy night.

"Huh? Wasn't he dead?"

"Does it matter? Attack!"

The masked figures, shaken by the surreal turn of events, hesitated for a moment before preparing to launch an assault on the seemingly revived Adrian. However, before any of them could move, the atmosphere shifted.

One of the figures collapsed into the wet ground, a lifeless thud echoing in the alley.

The remaining masked assailants exchanged startled glances, struggling to comprehend what was happening. Panic seized their minds as they realized the danger they were facing.

Before they could react, another one of their comrades crumpled, joining the first in a motionless heap. Fear spread among the remaining figures as the masked assailants quickly stood side by side, forming a defensive line.

The leader, a Lunar Adept Two Stars Awakener, surveyed the scene with a mix of confusion and growing apprehension. He had noted Adrian's disappearance whenever one of his subordinates fell, a realization that sent a chill down his spine. A Nebula Acolyte Four Stars Awakener should not possess such power and finesse.

But confidence lingered in the leader's eyes as he assessed the situation. He believed in his own strength, assured that he could handle this mysterious adversary. After all, he was a Lunar Adept, and his enemy was merely a Nebula Acolyte, two ranks lower than him. However, that confidence was soon about to shatter.

As Adrian materialized behind the masked figures, the leader attempted to counter his movements. But it was futile. Adrian's speed was beyond their comprehension. He moved like a phantom, a blur of motion that left no room for counterattacks. It looked as if he was continuously teleporting.

The leader swung his weapon, aiming to intercept Adrian, but the Nebula Acolyte effortlessly sidestepped the attack. In a seamless motion, Adrian struck back, his blows landing with precision and deadly efficiency. The leader's attempts to defend were feeble, his movements sluggish in comparison.

A series of strikes unfolded in the blink of an eye. Adrian darted between the remaining masked figures, leaving chaos in his wake. The alley reverberated with the clash of steel, the masked assailants desperately attempting to fend off their unseen assailant.

However, Adrian's movements were too swift, his strikes too accurate. One by one, the masked figures collapsed, their bodies unable to withstand the onslaught.

"Venomous Eclipse-!"

The leader, now realizing the gravity of the situation, attempted to channel his Lunar Adept abilities.

But it was too late.

Adrian moved faster than the leader could react. The Nebula Acolyte's blade found its mark, and the leader staggered, a mixture of shock and pain flashing across his masked face.

The masked figure, once confident in his superior Awakener status, now stood at the mercy of his relentless foe.

Adrian, his dagger piercing the leader's heart, gazed right into the leader's eyes.

It was then the leader noticed the strangeness of his enemy. There was no emotion in Adrian's eyes as they glowed in deep silver color.

Adrian withdrew his dagger from the fallen leader, the rain washing away the blood that stained the blade. The eerie glow in his silver eyes remained unchanged, casting an otherworldly aura upon his visage.

The masked figure clutched his chest, gasping for breath. As he stumbled to the ground, the remaining three masked assailants watched in horror, their confidence shattered in the face of this enigmatic adversary.

Adrian, his movements fluid and graceful, approached the fallen leader. The alley, once filled with the sounds of struggle, was now plunged into an ominous silence. The rain continued to pour, a solemn accompaniment to the unfolding events.

The masked figure managed to rasp out a final question, his voice filled with terror. "W-what are you?"

"I am a harbinger of echoes," Adrian's voice cut through the chilling silence, his silver eyes fixed upon the fallen leader. The rain continued to cascade, each drop resonating with an otherworldly rhythm.

The masked figures, still reeling from the unexpected turn of events, exchanged bewildered glances. The leader's eyes widened in terror, his breath fading and finally, his heart stopped.





As the last masked figure crumpled to the ground, Adrian stood amidst the fallen, the eerie glow in his silver eyes diminishing. The rain continued its melancholic descent, washing away the remnants of the fierce struggle that had unfolded in the dark alley.

"I am... back," Adrian whispered, his gaze turning toward the stormy sky above.

The next second, the silver glow in his eyes faded completely, and the enigmatic aura that had surrounded him disappeared. It was as if the otherworldly presence that had seized control of his being had retreated.



The alley fell into a profound silence, broken only by the relentless patter of raindrops. Adrian, his once-vibrant brown hair now soaked and matted, remained standing. The weight of the recent events seemed to settle upon him, visible in the weariness etched across his face.

As the masked figures lay lifeless around him, Adrian's strength waned. The toll of the battle, the strange resurgence fueled by the lightning strike, and the subsequent clash with the masked assailants had drained him. His legs grew weak, and the ground beneath him seemed to sway.

With a shuddering breath, Adrian collapsed to his knees, then to the wet ground, his body finally succumbing to exhaustion. The rain, unrelenting in its descent, now embraced him like a cool, soothing embrace. The alley, once fraught with tension, now cradled Adrian's unconscious form in its quiet solitude.

The surroundings seemed to blur as Adrian lost consciousness. The rhythmic cadence of raindrops faded into a distant lullaby, and the masked figures, now reduced to lifeless forms, bore witness to the aftermath of a supernatural struggle.

For a while, the stormy night retained its hold on the alley, the rain continuing to wash away the traces of conflict.

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