Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 10: Adrian's Awakening

Aurelia, overwhelmed by the sudden proposal, glanced at her brother Adrian, who nodded in silent encouragement.

"Thank you for thinking so highly of me. I agree to be your disciple, but I have a condition as well," Aurelia stated as she turned back to Lady Seraphina, her gaze unwavering.

Lady Seraphina nodded gracefully. "You may ask freely. If it is something I can do, I shall consider it."

Aurelia glanced at her brother Adrian, exchanging a meaningful look with him. He raised an eyebrow, silently questioning her next move. Aurelia turned back to Lady Seraphina, her voice firm.

"I would like you to accept my brother, Adrian, as your disciple as well," Aurelia requested, her eyes reflecting both determination and concern.

Adrian, taken aback by his sister's unexpected plea, opened his mouth to protest, but Aurelia continued, "He has been taking care of me since our parents went missing, he is also a genius, graduating from the Royal Academy two years early. If I am to embark on this journey, I would feel much more at ease knowing that my brother would be with me."

Lady Seraphina considered Aurelia's request with a serene expression. After a thoughtful pause, she spoke, "This is indeed an unusual request, but I sense sincerity in your words, Aurelia."

Adrian attempted to interject, "Sister, you don't have to—"

"Allow me to finish, young Awakener," Lady Seraphina gently interrupted, her smile calming Adrian's protest. "Why don't you Awaken first, then we can decide whether I will accept you or not."

Aurelia, with a sense of gratitude, nodded to Lady Seraphina. "Thank you for considering my request."

Lady Seraphina offered a reassuring smile and gestured towards the altar. "Your brother, Adrian, may now take his place on the Awakening Altar."

Aurelia turned to Adrian, her eyes reflecting encouragement. "Go on, brother. You can do it."

Adrian, though still slightly perplexed by the unexpected turn of events, nodded in acknowledgment. He ascended the steps of the altar, standing at the center with a determined expression. The courtyard, still abuzz with the aftermath of Aurelius's awakening, now focused its attention on Adrian.

The crowd hushed, and an air of anticipation settled over the courtyard. Adrian, surrounded by the crystalline formations, entered the cocoon of white light. The onlookers held their breath, waiting for the magical display that would unveil Adrian's innate abilities.

However, as seconds turned into moments, a collective murmur of confusion swept through the courtyard. The crystals on the altar remained dormant, devoid of the vibrant light that signified an awakening.

Aurelius and Aurelia looked at the cocoon with concerned glances, and sensing that something was amiss, they approached the two professors.

"What's happening, Master?" Aurelius asked, a furrow forming on his forehead.

Aurelia echoed her brother's concern. "Why aren't the crystals lighting up for brother?"

The professors, after sharing a brief glance, hesitated before providing an answer.

Professor Seraphelis spoke, "It appears that Adrian has successfully formed his Aether Core. However... The crystals remain unlit because he lacks an affinity with any of the seven elements."

"What do you mean?" Aurelia asked.

"He is... affinityless." Lady Seraphina spoke with hesitation.

"A-Affinityless?" Aurelia muttered in a low voice, her eyes widening, her voice shaking. "N-No, it can't be..."

Aurelia's heart sank as the weight of the revelation settled upon her. The notion of Adrian being affinityless struck a chord deep within her, awakening a sense of despair and fear. In the world of Awakeners, affinity with the elements was the cornerstone of their abilities and growth.

Having no elemental affinity meant a future marred by limitations. It meant being unable to increase Aether Energy, the lifeblood of an Awakener. Without the ability to resonate with an element, the path to higher ranks and the learning of advanced Aether absorption techniques were barred.

This means that Adrian had no future as an Awakener even if he were to awake a Galactic Tier Ability.

"Look! He is awakening his ability!"

"But isn't it already useless?"

"You heard those professors too. He is affinityless."

"Then he is trash."

"Haha, he has now become a loser."

Aurelia, unable to contain the surge of emotions triggered by the derogatory remarks aimed at her brother, turned sharply toward the crowd. Her eyes, usually gentle, now blazed with a fiery determination that demanded attention.

"Enough!" she exclaimed, her voice cutting through the courtyard like a swift gust of wind. "How dare you belittle my brother? You cowards!"

The crowd fell silent, taken aback by the sudden outburst from the newly acknowledged Genius Awakener. Aurelia's passionate defense of her brother resonated with some, stirring a sense of guilt among those who had joined in the mockery.

However, before the situation could escalate further, Lady Seraphina placed a calming hand on Aurelia's shoulder. "Aurelia, words have the power to wound as much as blades. It's not worth engaging in quarrels with those who don't understand."

Aurelia, though still seething with indignation, nodded in acknowledgment of Lady Seraphina's wisdom. The courtyard caught between the tension of the moment, watched as the scene unfolded.

Unaware of the turmoil he had inadvertently caused, Adrian continued his Awakening process on the altar. The cocoon of white light enveloped him, and the Aether Core formation commenced. The professors observed, realizing that despite the lack of elemental affinity, there was still the potential for Adrian to unveil an extraordinary ability.

As the moments passed, a strange stillness settled over the altar. No dazzling lights or visual effects accompanied Adrian's Awakening.

Adrian then looked around as the cocoon dispersed.

'Why is everyone moving slowly? Or is it just my imagination...?' He thought inwardly. And he seemed to be correct as everything returned to its original state. 'Must be the side effect of Awakening...'

Then he looked at the instructor as if asking him what Tier ability he awakened.

The instructor, his face betraying a complex mix of surprise and contemplation, took a moment to compose himself before addressing the courtyard. "A-Adrian Lighthaven has awakened... a Solar Tier Five Star ability!"

Adrian, hearing the announcement of his Solar Tier Five Star ability, couldn't contain the surge of happiness and pride. He descended from the altar, his steps light with accomplishment, and approached his sister with a smile.

"We did it, Aurelia! We both did it!" Adrian exclaimed, reaching out to grasp Aurelia's hands.

However, as he was sharing their achievement, Adrian caught sight of a group of individuals, their laughter resonating through the courtyard. The demeaning words reached his ears, and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.

"Look at him, celebrating as if he's achieved something."


"He doesn't even know anything. Hahaha."

Adrian's joy turned to confusion, and he finally noticed the peculiar atmosphere surrounding his sister. Aurelia, though putting on a brave front, couldn't conceal the pain and discomfort etched on her face.

"Adrian..." she began, her voice faltering.

He looked into her eyes, searching for an explanation. The usual warmth in her gaze had been replaced by a mixture of sadness and unease. It was as if an invisible weight pressed upon her.

"What's happening, Aurelia?" Adrian asked, genuine concern lacing his voice.

Aurelia struggled to meet her brother's eyes, her gaze darting away. The laughter from the crowd continued, intensifying the discomfort of the situation.

Suddenly, as if unable to contain her emotions any longer, Aurelia pulled Adrian into a tight hug. Her body trembled slightly, and Adrian felt a deep sense of foreboding.

"Aurelia, what's going on? Why are they laughing?" Adrian asked again, his concern deepening.

"Or did they perhaps... upset you?" He muttered, his voice and expression turned cold.

"No, it's not that." At that moment, a voice interrupted from the side, and Adrian turned to see Aurelius standing there, his expression one of empathy mixed with a tinge of pity.

Adrian looked at Aurelius with a questioning gaze.

"It's... How do I say it..."


"You are... Affinityless."

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