Adventures Of A Goblin

Chapter 168 Orun's Plan

The Wyvern leader is utterly lost and confused. So far, what she managed to understand from how Orun was speaking, is that he wants them to run away, but now he is saying that isn't his intention.

"i don't understand, are you not trying to tell us that we can't win, and should instead take to running from the humans".

"why the hell would I suggest us running from the humans?".

Orun thought hard and long, but he could not figure out why the Wyvern leader would think he wants them all to run from humans.

"seriously, I said let's be smart about it, not run away. What part of that do you not understand".

"stop beating around the bush and tell me what it is you are proposing".

The Wyvern leader tried as hard as she could, but no matter what she thought of, she could not comprehend exactly what Orun is trying to tell her unless he does it directly instead of going about it in a confused way.

"the humans I know of, are a stubborn bunch who are ready to go through extreme lengths and take drastic measures to get what they want at any means possible".

After what happened during his awakening, Orun has had enough time to consider what to do if ever he is caught up in a situation like that ever again.

Aa a goblin who has once lived the life of a human, and has seen how far some humans can go with their obsession, he knows exactly, or rather, he can assume what steps the humans of this world will take concerning the things they loathe.

It is no secret on the hate that has generated between humans and monster kind, the Wyvern leader has further confirmed that for him.

The hate between monsters and humans, will not stop until one of them is gone forever, is what he thinks. In this case, the monsters will be on the losing end if a drawn out battle were to occur.

The one advantage he has seen so far that the humans are blessed with, is their overwhelming number advantage.

The Wyvern pack consists only of sixteen members, and if one were to put into consideration the amount of monsters inhabiting the forest, it still won't be enough to compare to the number of humans that are situated at the border of the forest, that goes to show how superior the humans are in number advantage.

But that is okay, even though the humans have numbers on their side, their strength however is not on the same level as the monster kind.

In a face off involving one average monster kind going up against five average human kind, the monster will no doubt come out victorious in that encounter.

Now, here is when things starts to get complicating and dangerous for the monster kind.

Every being, regardless of what race they belong to, they all have a set amount of mana they can hold, and mana is what fuels their strengths, giving them the chance to carry out fantasy like activities.

The monster kind so far, have demonstrated to have more mana than the humans do.

Here comes the assumption phase. Let's assume there are teb monsters, and ten thousand humans in a box.

One monster equal five ounce of mana, and a single human equal one ounce of mana. Overall, the ten monsters will have a total of fifty mana to use, and the humans will have a total of ten thousand mana to use.

The statistics above already puts the monster kind in a serious disadvantage because in truth, that is just how populated the humans are over the monster kind.

With ten monsters, each having five ounce of mana, we should assume that it requires a monster using one mana to deal with a single human having only one ounce of mana in their body.

Basing our assumptions on that theory, the most a single monster can handle, is five humans, and ten monsters equal to fifty humans in total, leaving behind nine thousand nine hundred and fifty humans left to handle.

There is a saving grace for the monster kind, and it is that unlike the humans who are born physically weaker than the monsters, and have to rely heavily on mana to strengthen their body with before they can stand against monster kind, the monsters on the other hand are already born with that natural monstrous strength, and will only use mana to strengthen it further by choice and not by necessity.

The monsters have the physical advantage over the humans, and can use it against them without having to rely on their mana.

To demonstrate, here is another monster human statistics, putting into consideration the physical advantage the monsters have over the humans.

Ten monsters with fifty once of mana, can deal damage to only fifty human kind, leaving behind nine thousand nine hundred and fifty humans. With the physical strength an average monster kind possess, they can push beyond the limits of their mana count, going at the humans until their body fails them.

This might look like the two race are tied up in a draw, but that is not the case at all. Even as monsters, there is only so far they can go with just their physical strength alone.

Remember, the ten monsters have exhausted their mana, having only their physical prowess left to rely on against nine thousand nine hundred and fifty mana powered humans to go up against.

The fate of a face off like that, can only be determined on how long the monsters physical prowess can hold on for before they crumble.

Using the sixteen Wyverns who are ridiculously bigger than the humans, the highest Orun predicts they will last against that kind of numbers, is up to two to three thousand, and that is assuming the humans do not have on their side, soldiers that can contend against a single Wyvern, like Shakir who did not fall so easily to Orun's Aura.

In Orun's case, he predicts that he can wipe out all ten thousand of them without any hassle, but he knows that wouldn't be the end of it.

The humans are bound to use their numbers to keep on coming, dispatching more numbers until Orun falls, or he abandons the fight and runs away. And that is what Orun is trying to prevent, a situation where the Wyverns will have to choose between continuous fighting until they drop dead, or running for their lives and leaving behind their territory.

If the Wyverns plan on not abandoning their turf to the monsters, they have to do whatever it takes to make sure that the humans will not be able to regroup themselves back to normal to plan another attack after they have been taken down once.

"how do we do that".

The Wyvern leader relates well to the point Orun is trying to make. It is true that humans can be very stubborn, and will not easily give up until they see to it that what they want is theirs.

"that massive group of human soldiers down there, they are nothing but the body. Even if we destroy them, they can heal themselves back one way or another, using magic or other form. What we have to go after, is not the body, but the brain where all information is stored in, or in this case, the place where the human soldiers came from".

"are you implying that".

The Wyvern leader eyes glistened, and for a moment there, one could see the sparkle in her eyes as she understood well what Orun's plan is.

"yes, we take the fight to them directly by attacking the city where they came from".

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