Adopting and Raising the Male Lead and the Villain

Chapter 12 - Don’T Cry (3)

Zhong Yuhuan paused for a second. She thought she now understood why they had refused to say a word. Mostly likely they didnt want to soil the bed sheets, or wasted food, or were just embarrassed. Boys this age definitely have a strong ego.

Zhong Yuhuans heart ached when she thought about this.

She had a good family in her previous life as well. After she had fallen ill when she started high school, her family was even nicer to her than before. She had never experienced hardship like this.

Before long, both Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming puked everything out.

Let me give them some fluid to help them replenish faster. They will be a little bit dehydrated after they have vomited, said the doctor.

They walked toward the side of the chair by themselves and sat down.

They were quiet but, after a while, Li Jinyuan suddenly said to Zhong Yuhuan, Dont cry.

Huo Chengmings face was all cringed together. He looked up quickly at Zhong Yuhuan but finally didnt say a thing.

Zhong Yuhuan got up and walked in front of them. Squatting down in front of them, she looked up and asked, Do you still feel sick?

Li Jinyuan shook his head slightly.

Huo Chengming was probably still too embarrassed to answer her.

Boys this age and their egos!

Zhong Yuhuan blinked slowly at them.

Her eyelashes were so long, like that of a doll. And they sparkled like stars in the sky when she blinked, thought Li Jinyuan to himself.

You must speak up when you feel sick, said Zhong Yuhuan tenderly as she poked the back of their hands with her fingers.

With a barely audible voice, Li Jinyuan responded, . En.

Huo Chengmings face was still cringed and he still did not make a sound.

Zhong Yuhuan was not upset over that.

He was the boss villain after all; naturally he would be a little quirky.

Zhong Yuhuan finally stood up and sat down next to Huo Chengming and started to talk slowly, When I was a kid, I loooove strawberries. Once, I had a bowl this big! As she was talking, she gestured in the air with her white and slender fingers.

After I was done eating, I felt so sick I wanted to cry. But thats strawberries, and I loooooove strawberries, so I refused to puke them out. Finally, I had to be taken to the hospital. Sighed Zhong Yuhuan. You two, dont be like me, okay?

The nurse was now approaching them with the IV fluid.

Zhong Yuhuan turned her head slightly and took a look at the nurse before she continued, See? Now you are going to get stuck with a needle and that really hurts. She even wrinkled her nose after she said that.

Both Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming coudlnt help but stare at her.

She was so nice.

She only told them the strawberry story because she didnt want them to feel ashamed from vomiting from overeating!


It was the winter break and Zhong Yuhuan didnt have a lot on her plate so she decided to stay at the hospital with the two boys before they went home together after they have had their IV fluids.

After the whole fiasco, the two boys felt much more relieved and the aftermath of not getting much sleep was catching up to them. The two of them started dozing off in the car.

When they returned to the mansion, Zhong Yuhuan received a phone call.

It was a call from her cousin.

In the original owners memory, this cousin hasnt always been that friendly to her.

The reason being that this cousin was the only child in his family and he became independent at a very early age. He joined the corporation early and had already have a somewhat successful career.

In contrast, the original owner had always been rebellious and impulsive.

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