Academy’s Genius Swordsman

Chapter 182

Chapter 182


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

The body, now in seven pieces, collapsed. Blue blood poured out like an explosion, covering Ronan.

Darmans head, rolling down, touched Ronans foot. From his still-breathing mouth came a strained voice.

[You bastard.]

Your resilience is commendable.

Ronan remarked, arching an eyebrow. Despite having been beheaded, his ability to speak seemed better than the original. Darman, glaring at Ronan with trembling eyes, let out a sigh.

Ive lost.

His grandiose voice had returned to its original state. His once paper-white skin was gradually returning to an apricot hue.

The sky-blue blood was slowly turning red, giving the impression that something inherent in Darman was escaping. Something like a soul or life force. With a heavy step, Ronan placed one foot on Darmans neck.

How much time do you have left?

At most, three minutes.

Then tell me this before you go. Why suddenly say that were not brothers?

Though there were heaps of questions he wanted to ask, the one about their shared origin was the most pressing. He didnt expect much. There was no reason for Darman, on the verge of death, to answer Ronans questions. Yet, without hesitation, he spoke.

Do you need an explanation? Its just as it sounds.

Then why do you and I look so alike?

Hmm now that you mention it, it is intriguing. I believed, without a doubt, that you were also the direct offspring of the Leader like me

Darman trailed off. His gaze was gradually fading. Ronan could instinctively sense that his time was running out.

All I know is that youre not the Leaders child Ive never had a younger brother like you.

Thats very fortunate. Its probably the truth.

Rest assured. Although Ive lived a life adorned with lies I want to end it with honesty at least this once

Darman sighed as if resigned. Since he was going to die anyway, he seemed determined to truly reveal everything. Ronan pressed his foot harder against his neck.

You speak well. Then while youre at it, tell me why you came here. Your true purpose.

That wont be difficult.

Oh. Was he really going to tell? Ronan waited with an expression full of anticipation. Suddenly, a faint murderous intent emanated from somewhere in the corner of his vision.

Ronan turned his head. Light particles were gathering in Darmans severed hand, which was rolling on the ground. Realizing the situation, he cursed.

You bastard

Enjoy the fleeting moments of your life.

Ronan tugged at the hilt of his sword. Darmans hand clenched into a fist. Boom! An explosion erupted as a pillar of light shot up into the sky.

Ronan leaped away simultaneously with the explosion. Though smaller in scale than before, it was still powerful enough to cause the already weakened rocks to collapse. It was the moment of his descent. The crack where Ronan and Darman were gradually widened and collapsed.

As the light subsided, the wind blew away the smoke. Ronan, walking to the edge of the crater, looked down. Darmans flesh, which had been torn beyond recognition, was falling down the mountain along with the rubble. He muttered under his breath.

F***ing bastard.

For a moment, he thought he had regained his senses. It was indeed so. He could once again realize that expelling these bastards as soon as possible was the way to save the world. He no longer felt the mana sparkling around him. As the task was completed, his body began to feel increasingly heavy. Suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Ronan! Are you okay?

Phew is everyone alive?

Ronan turned his head. The survivors, including Navirose and Shullifen, were gathered, looking up at him. Except for Zaifa and Allogin, who were leaning against the rocks, everyone seemed well. Ronan pointed at them with his finger and asked,

What about those two?

Theyre both alive. We found potions in the belongings of the deceased participants. If we hurry and move them to the infirmary, they should be fine.

Indeed, Zaifas shoulders were seen rising and falling slightly. Ronan sighed with relief. Shullifen, who had been staring at him intently, spoke up.

So, you finally manifested your Aura. Remarkable achievement.

You bastard is that really important right now?

Ronan chuckled. Shullifens blood-covered eyes remained consistently dark blue. There were quite a few people among the injured wearing bandages made from torn uniforms. Despite feeling both repulsed and proud, Ronan couldnt bring himself to punish them.

Suddenly, Ajie, who had collapsed like a turtle, caught his eye. Whether her wounds had been cauterized or something else, there was no bleeding from the clean-cut edges. Ronan gestured toward her with his chin.

Is she alive?

Yeah. Though it doesnt seem like shell last long.

Try your best to save her. She has a lot of valuable information to extract

Will do. Your complexion hasnt been very good since a while ago, are you okay?

Navirose asked with concern. Ronan responded with a thumbs-up gesture, pretending to be fine. Of course, he wasnt fine at all. She brushed her hair back in relief and continued.

Thank goodness. What on earth was that just now?

Those bastards deserved to have their graves pissed on Yeah, everyone must have seen them.

Ronan looked around. Over ten people stood around, looking dazed. It seemed like no one had missed seeing Darman transformed into a giant.


Ronan chuckled. Now he had a justification to not be called a madman even if he spoke the truth about the future. He had a feeling that many things would change from now on.

Balon would probably be pleased. Or maybe hell start foaming at the mouth and collapse.

Ronan chuckled at the thought of the Emperors reaction. In an unexpected turn of events, he had completed his first mission as the Dawn of the Empire. For his first mission, the outcome didnt seem too bad. He also had the guidance he received from Russell. Navirose gestured to him.

But how long do you plan on staying there? Come down slowly.

Just a moment the view is very beautiful

Instead of descending, Ronan slowly lifted his head. In fact, they were at the summit of Parzan. The landscape of Parzan, including the Holy Land, lay before him. The cool wind tousled his bangs.

The sunset at its peak was beautiful. The sun had already disappeared beyond the western horizon. Violet hues mixed with red-tinged clouds, melting into the sky.

Thousands of swords were lit, reflecting the light. The sound of the wind passing through the blades sounded like a requiem for those who had fallen in this battle. Faces of those he had briefly known flashed before him. Russell, Riley, Fox Knight, Madame Olga. And

Suddenly, Ronans gaze fell on the sword clenched in his hand. The black-and-white blade, like the others, reflected the color of the sky. Ronan, turning the blade in the sunset, spoke.

Well done.

There was no response, but he could feel Lynn nodding. Ronan looked back at the sunset and smiled wryly. Thud. His body slowly slumped backward.



Eyelids quickly closed. A sensation of sinking into deep water enveloped his entire body. In the darkness, Navirose and Shullifen were shouting something. He wanted to tell them to come closer since he couldnt hear well, but no sound came out.



[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

Join our Discord for release /invite/dbdMDhzWa2


Ronan opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the white ceiling. Somehow, the comforting white finish seemed familiar from somewhere.

This place

He slowly raised his upper body. Rows of beds and various medical equipment came into view. Ivory-colored curtains fluttered through the partially open window, letting in the breeze. It was undoubtedly the infirmary at the Gallerion Pavilion in Philleon.

Shit. How long have I been asleep?

Ronans eyes widened. It took a whole week just to travel to Parzan, and he couldnt grasp how long he had been asleep. The breeze tickling his nostrils carried the scent of acacia. There was a warmth in the air that he hadnt felt in Parzan.


Suddenly feeling something heavy on his thighs, Ronan lowered his head. Contrasting with the white blanket, dark hair caught his eye. A familiar woman was lying face down, using her arm as a pillow.


Ughh just a moment

It was Adeshan. Ronan lightly tapped her cheek with his index finger, and she blinked, slowly waking up.

Adeshans face, just waking up, looked quite haggard. Her skin was pale, and dark circles under her eyes made her look like someone who hadnt slept for days. Silently, Ronan reached out and removed the strand of hair stuck to her mouth. Adeshans eyes widened as she blinked, still half-awake.


Did you stay up all night?

Y-you finally woke up! Are you okay? You didnt have any injuries, but you wouldnt wake up, so I was so worried

Adeshan hurriedly explained what had happened during Ronans unconsciousness. Today marked the ninth day since Ronan returned to Philleon unconscious from Parzan. She, Elizabeth, and their friends from the Elite Adventure Club had taken turns visiting him, and as if to prove it, there were piles of letters and what looked like nourishing food stacked on the bedside table.

Ah, jeez. Ive been lying there for so long.

Still, Im really glad that youre safe. Ah, right. What did you just

Adeshan suddenly stopped herself mid-sentence and the corner of her mouth. The corners of her mouth were moist. Realizing that what she had seen wasnt a dream, she blinked her eyes wide open.

I-I dont know! So, this is

Her face turned noticeably pale. She frantically gestured and tried desperately to explain why liquid was flowing from her mouth. Watching her, Ronan chuckled. Slowly reaching out, he pulled Adeshan into an embrace without a word.


Adeshan took a sharp breath. Since there were only two of them in the infirmary, even without paying attention, she could hear the intensified sound of her heartbeat. Ronan spoke.

Thank you.

Wh-What do you mean, thank you? F-First, this

In many ways. Thanks to you, my Aura has finally manifested.

Adeshan, flustered, squirmed, but Ronan didnt let her go. He spoke to her about how his Aura blossomed on the summit of Parzan just as he held her. The scent of snow and mountain flowers emanated from Adeshans hair, which maintained its black color even in the light. She stopped resisting at some point and buried her face in Ronans shoulder.

Thats good.

The two of them stayed like that for a while. The warmth radiating from their bodies through their clothes was comforting. As Ronan felt at ease again, he started to doze off. From somewhere, a low and raspy voice was heard.

Oh, are you awake?


It was a familiar voice. Startled, Adeshan quickly pulled away. Ronan turned his head in the direction of the sound. Zaifa, leaning against the wall of the infirmary, stood there.


Its nice to see, hmm. Reminds me of my younger days.

It was undoubtedly Zaifa. Confirming that Ronan had awakened, she smiled, baring her fangs. Thick bandages were tightly wrapped around Zaifas chest which seemed like they could even stop an elephant from bleeding. Seeing her munching on a melon as if it were an apple, Ronan chuckled.

Youre alive?

Yeah. Its quite embarrassing, but its true. For the first time, I understand how that snake mustve felt.

Zaifa sighed. She explained that she had fully recovered within a day of being transferred to the infirmary. Ronan remembered seeing her shedding so much blood that it seemed like her heart had been cut in half, but anyway, she was an impressive figure. Zaifa continued.

Anyway, its fortunate that youre safe too. We have a lot to discuss.

Thats true.

Disturbing someone who has just woken up is a bit rude, so lets leave that for later. But still, have a little chat with this guest.


Ronan raised an eyebrow. Zaifa silently gestured for someone outside the room to enter through the partially open door. Creak! The door swung fully open, and another figure cautiously entered. She was a beautiful Werelioness with cream-colored fur. Ronans eyes widened.


Long time no see.

The Werelioness bowed her head slightly. She was Lieutenant Nemea, the sole survivor of the Dawn Brigade massacre. Zaifa patted her on the shoulder and said.

Yeah. My subordinate has something to say. Its about what happened that day related to the incident.

[TL/N: Finally some wholesome time between Ronan and Adeshan now only if theyd just start making some babies :3]


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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