Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 300

[ 300. Decisive battle (8) ]


“The king of giants. I’m sorry I left you trapped in the castle. I couldn’t afford to go get it.”

Those who heard the savior’s words froze. Irregular flashes of light and roar shook the battlefield. Marya, who was breathing heavily, opened her mouth.

“I fully understand…but what did you just say?”

“They said he was the king of giants. It’s probably what they refer to as ‘He’.”

“I can’t…”

she stiffened again. I thought I heard it wrong, but it seems I didn’t. King, I couldn’t believe that even giants had such a presence. The savior who looked up at the sky clicked his tongue.

“It’s just a pity that I missed Abel. I never thought they would come out with such a bold strategy.”

“Ah, if it’s Abel…Could it be that he also fought the leader of Nebula Clazie?”

“They fought, of course, and even went as far as cutting their throats. My son, who threw off his shackles, did a good job.”

“shackles? Hey…what the hell happened while we were gone?”

Marja asked, widening her eyes. Compared to the time I was away, there was a change that was too radical. She and the other commandos were trapped in the castle and had no idea what had happened.

“Well, you don’t know. So, if we talk about the core…”

The savior shook his head and opened his mouth. Even if it was somewhat cumbersome, it was necessary to clearly convey the situation to these major forces.

He gave a brief account of what had happened during the commando’s absence. From Ronan’s Haeju and the battleship Dainhar’s invasion to the sudden arrival of the giant king and Abel’s escape. Marja kept her mouth shut in shock.

“Oh my god, Ronan has gotten so strong?”

“okay. Judging by the look on his face, he seems to have known about my son’s condition. I can assure you that Ronan will be the strongest being among the creatures born on this planet. Of course, if all the remaining curses disappear.”

“Awesome… In the end, the curse was the problem. There was a reason I clung to it that way.”

muttered Marja. It was a phenomenal situation that couldn’t be better, but at the same time, it was also futile. I don’t know, but he worked really hard.

The thought that all the hardships and efforts so far had been in vain made me smile bitterly. The savior, who was staring at her, shook his head.

“Not necessarily. It would have been impossible for my son to become that strong if it had not been supported by his own efforts.”

“yes? Uh, how can I think…”

“The old man’s few tricks. Don’t you know when you see me and Abel? He has lived through immeasurable years, but he is not up to my son who has just become an adult. The days stained with your sweat and blood are by no means in vain.”

The look on the savior’s face was serious. He actually thought it was a true miracle that Ronan had grown into a hard-working person.

‘Honestly, I expected him to grow up as a bastard.’

A lion is a lion, no matter how much he suppresses his strength with curses in his infancy. Since Kasha was a smart woman, Ronan must have noticed early on that everyone but himself was just a sheep or a deer.

The possibility of living a life steeped in indolence and arrogance was overwhelmingly high, but as a savior who did not know that Ronan was living a second life, he was just grateful. He smiled and concluded his words.

“I just put the capstone on the monumental pagoda. So please don’t be pessimistic.”

“Yes, yes, thank you.”

Marja bowed her head. It wasn’t a big deal, but somehow it made me feel better. Yes, it couldn’t have been in vain.

“…However, I can’t guarantee a match against that one. Even though it is strong, it is too strong.”

At that time, the savior, who turned his gaze to the sky again, let out a drool. Just watching was straining my body. The sight of the king of giants tearing open the magic circle and revealing himself gave an unforgettable shock to everyone.

Abel took advantage of the momentary confusion and ran away. I wanted to chase after him, but the giant king’s attack came right away, so there was no way.

If he had chosen Abel’s pursuit instead of defense at that moment, about half of the allied forces would have been swept away. Marja asked.

“That…isn’t there anything we can do?”

“there is. But haven’t you guys come through hardships? Rest a little and later…gagging!”

Suddenly, the savior coughed loudly. Smack! Dark red blood soaked the floor. Asher, who was next to him, hurriedly approached.

“Are you okay?!”

“Yeah…whoa, not yet.”

The savior nodded. Blood was dripping from under the palm of his hand, which covered his mouth. Mana swayed and rose above Asher’s shoulder, who was flustered.

“Wo is also lacking in strength. A little more…!”

“no. Everyone is doing well enough, so it’s okay. You don’t know when the decision will come, so don’t overdo it and just do it like now…”

The savior raised his hand to stop Asher from trying to squeeze out more mana. Suddenly, Marja realized why the savior had told her and the others to rest.

He maintained the protection of the stars by receiving mana not only from Asher but also from everyone on the battlefield. The savior who wiped his mouth with his sleeve looked back at Adeshan.

“…I owe more to the two of you in particular. Did you say Adeshan? Without you and that child, I would have collapsed long ago.”

Adeshan was sitting cross-legged on a towering pile of rubble. Her long black hair fluttered every time Ronan and the giant king clashed.

The mana of the shadow that controls the psychology of creatures was spreading around her like wildfire. Marja, unable to see the shadow’s mana, tilted her head.

“Come to think of it, what is Adeshan doing?”

“The four people are helping to draw out mana. I knew he was an amazing person, but I never thought he would do something like that to the entire Allied Forces again…”

Asher stammered in reply. According to his words, Adeshan calmed the frightened people and led them into a psychological state where it was easy to deliver mana to the savior.

Although it was said to be within the protection of the stars, the outside was still violent. The giants flew around and threw spears at the defenses, and Schlieffen’s storm was getting bigger and bigger.

In fact, it was no exaggeration to say that it was thanks to her that the mana transfer was carried out smoothly in this chaos. Marja, who looked around, opened her mouth with a determined expression.

“It’s not like this, I’ll move this sister to a safe place as soon as possible. Spend my mana too.”

“Thank you for saying that. Then my daughter…”

The savior was about to say something. Kwaaaang-! Suddenly, something fell from the sky and struck the shield.


“Father Ronan!”

Blood erupted from the savior’s mouth again. It was so powerful that the entire curtain vibrated. Surprised people started to mumble.

“What happened?!”

“Did a meteorite fall…!”

It didn’t look like the giant king’s attack, but I wondered what the hell it was. Suddenly, someone’s voice resounded above the allies’ heads.

“Aagh! This kind of nimi really hurts…!”

“What is this voice?”

The group hurriedly raised their heads. A very familiar young man was sprawled over the tent. Even though it was only from the back, I could tell for sure. Asher exclaimed.

“Ro Ronan!”


Ronan’s eyes widened. He just turned his head as he lay down. I saw my friends running around with their hands outstretched towards the sky.

“What, you all are alive?”

“are you okay? Aren’t you all hurt?!”

“It hurts, but I’m still fine. Nice to meet you all.”

He spat out his broken teeth and grinned. I thought I wouldn’t die because I was a bastard, but seeing him so healthy made me feel relieved.

Judging by the storm, it seemed that Schlieffen was still alive. Suddenly, Ronan looked back at Marya and sighed. Iril was fast asleep in her arms. It was the first time I had seen it since I was kidnapped by Abel.

“Your sister…is sleeping too, right?”

“Ugh. Don’t worry, I’ll treat you right now. If there’s anything we can do to help…!”

“I’m fine, so take care of you guys. with my sister.”

Ronan grabbed the hilt. If I had the same mind, I wanted to go and see my sister and friends right away, but I couldn’t afford that. He was in the middle of recovering his strength while lying down. Suddenly, the center of the dark clouds turned white.

“Damn it!”

It was like looking at the sky just before lightning strikes. Ronan swears at the phenomenon, whose meaning is self-evident. It was the moment he stood up and swung La Mancha. Quaaaaaa-! The clouds parted and a beam of light that could be dozens of meters in diameter poured out.

“oh my god…!”

“Ro Ronan!”

The beam of light was falling precisely towards Ronan. In the backlight, thick shadows were cast for a long time. The friends’ faces went white. They instinctively noticed that it was the same attack as the light spears and arks thrown by the giants.


Marja murmured. It was not something that could be avoided or prevented. However, Ronan did not back down and swung his sword. Chow! Hundreds of sword strikes created a dense net and tore the flash into shreds.

“Queuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu00698 Please do it in moderation…!”

The heat that seemed to bring the sun in front of my eyes oppressed the battlefield. A crack like a cobweb was forming where Ronan was stepping. The people who watched the scene shed admiration.

“I’m blocking that.”


I couldn’t believe it even when I saw it. Thanks to Ronan’s response, there was no damage to the bottom. His sophisticated yet sharp swordsmanship did not allow even a single ray of light to cut through.

Before long, the last fragments of light were scattered into the air. The world, which had been all white, began to regain its original color. Ronan was in the middle of taking a deep breath. Kururureung…! The upper body of the giant king popped out from under the thick clouds again.

“I appeared!”

“Oh my God, that…!”

Consternation erupted from everywhere. This was the first time we saw him in action, as the first blow of the giant king was struck from inside the magic circle, and Ronan intercepted as soon as the savior defended.

The white or bald appearance was similar to other giants, but the size was indescribably huge. It seemed like he could swallow Ronan and all giants in one bite. A total of eight wings were hidden in the clouds.


Suddenly, the savior’s eyes widened. He had seen a being similar to that in the past. A shooting star that changed his life forever. It was strikingly similar to the giant in the abyss.

“You fucking bald bastard!”

At that moment, Ronan, who had caught his breath, shouted in an angry voice. A thick vein bulged on the forehead where the bangs were stuck. La Mancha, which was held in his hand, was dyed in the color of the sunset. Ronan’s aura that drew opponents wrapped around the battlefield.

“Ro Ronan?! It’s dangerous here!”

Seeing this, Braum was horrified. It was good to crash a giant, but if something huge like that fell, I couldn’t handle it. It was the car he was about to shout. Paaa! As the glow of the sunset colored the sky, Ronan’s body was launched into the sky.

“I won’t kill you!”

It was like watching a huge firecracker. At the same time as the giant king disappeared behind the clouds, Ronan, who was shot in the same orbit, disappeared into the clouds. Kwaaang-! The crash sounded again.


Braum was taken aback by the completely unexpected situation. He wasn’t the only one surprised. Zaifa, who had been watching the situation silently, spoke for the first time.

“Why is that bastard moving? Originally, the opponent had to come down, right?”

“My son’s aura seemed to pull enemies within range of the light. But this time the opponent is too strong. The pulling force is running, so you are being pulled.”

“no wonder. It was like an air battle.”

After hearing the savior’s answer, Zaifa laughed. Ronan was competing with the giant king while repeatedly using his aura.

It wasn’t long before they came to their senses, and they were trying to cooperate with the savior in earnest. A horrifyingly familiar dry voice came from afar.

“…was it there? You’ve been looking for it for a long time.”

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