Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Chapter 707

Chapter 707

If I had gone through the process of listening to an explanation and understanding it, I would have been able to organize my thoughts in my head.

But the reality was that I was the only one who understood what Sanyeom was talking about just by his words, and I felt suffocated in my unorganized thoughts and emotions.


It was just one word that I couldn’t even tell how I uttered, but Sanyeom nodded and added:

“Dragon tribe”

If someone who didn’t know heard these words, they would have been considered a wise answer, but to me, they were shocking answers that felt like a blow to the back of the head.

The reason why the elves who experienced thousands of years ago no longer appear in the world, and the reason why the dragons disappeared one after another at some point, is because they are aware of the shackles of that balance?

“Do you think God is perfect?”


Omnipotence does not exist. Omnipotence may be possible, but omnipotence is impossible. So even gods cannot be perfect. When Epha had already confirmed the results while talking to him, Sanyeom nodded.

“Since the gods themselves are not perfect, they did not expect perfection from their creations. They simply wanted to carve out a destiny where they could stand alone and be healthy. Because of their excessive desire, the dragons, the first living creatures, were granted great power and long life, while the elves were granted a life that was difficult to endure.”

So each time a race gained new life, the gods also gained enlightenment…

As a result, a ‘balance’ was created.

The words of Mr. Sanyeom, who swept the cover with his palm as if caressing the sunlight pouring down on the closed book, continued.

“Even the creators don’t know how the balance works. Knowing means understanding the structure, and if you can understand the structure, you can interfere, so even if you knew, you would have to erase your memories. It was just certain that it worked properly, so there were things that no one wanted to know.”

Then, the thought that we shouldn’t give power to those who are no different from evil spirits rose to my throat according to my instincts, but was suppressed by my reason and went down.

I understand that the standard for judging balance is not made up of good and evil.

The gods, who desired the autonomy of mortals, did not instill absolute standards or rules in the balance.

“Because there was balance, even the mightiest dragons with unsurpassable powers were eventually put to death by mortals. Even though they were drunk on arrogance because they had received so much, their wisdom was not a lie, and the dragons quickly understood the balance and hid themselves. They chose to maintain the status quo, knowing that the moment they eliminated a threat, it would surely return as a greater threat.”

The dragon tribe that dominated the era disappeared into their own hideout, leaving only a few dragons that were close to being watchers.

The evil gods, unaware of this, continued to abuse their power and eventually fell to the combined attacks of the manifested good gods and mortals.

It is not clear whether the elves are aware of this fact, but it is clear that at least some legend has been passed down. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why elves like Lumings did not appear in the world.

“At first, there would have been only fights against those who were the same person but far beyond your capabilities. However, as you became entangled in countless events, the enemies you defeated would have become beings that were far from ordinary. Creatures derived from the remnants of evil gods, like dragon demi-liches and ancient vampires.”

After hearing Mr. Sanyeom’s words, my doubts about the soldiers showing strange growth rates as they get closer to the battlefield were also resolved. If you think that all of this is ultimately a result of balance, it is a very natural process.

“The evil spirits you have defeated have given you strength. I too have the potential to give the same strength to the evil spirits that seek to oppose me.”

So when the time comes, you are ready to face death.

Without any resistance

“I hope you don’t look so serious. This is only an extreme case. The enemies might not target me, and even if they do, they might not be able to achieve their goal. This is just a warning in advance, assuming the worst case scenario.”

Even though he had decided to die, Sanim smiled calmly and clapped his hands again to release the sanctuary.

After that, I politely greeted Sanyeom-nim, who asked me with his eyes as if he had said everything he wanted to say, and as I walked away, my mind was still in a state of confusion. It was only natural that I had one more reason to question the Demon King’s sudden use of the Master.

As Sanyeom said, I didn’t know that my half-hearted response would actually make me stronger, so I did useless things. But what if I found out through some kind of opportunity? And then suddenly took out a Master-level weapon and tried to kill me in a short battle?

Even the time he took action was after I discovered Sanyeomnim. Is it really possible to say that all of this was just a coincidence?

“Oh, warrior, are you done talking?”

As I approached the entrance of the library, shaking my head to clear away the deepening confusion and distrust, the Half Laughing Bell gang, who had just finished talking and devising a plan among themselves, reacted to me.

“Oh, have you made any plans?”

“Since the library is in the main building and we are not the only ones guarding this area, I don’t think there will be any major difficulties. If there is a problem with the internal structure, we can just take him and move him to the conference room nearby.”

“Good. After this work is over, let’s start naming you guys.”

“···It’s not like it’s just Laughter Bell 2 and 3, right?”

“First of all, you are number 2. You are in charge here.”

The other guys are giggling at the guy who makes a shit-eating expression even though he’s wearing a hat. I try to force a smile while watching him, but it’s not easy.

At other times, it would have been okay to just manage my expression, but now the problem was that Cheryl was right next to me.

“What are you worried about?”

As much as I know about him, he knows me too. Cheryl’s gaze as she leaves the escorts behind after a light joke and asks softly is not a question to test them out, but closer to ‘tell me quickly’.

“I have to protect you, but I don’t know if I can do it well.”

At first, I was going to just blurt it out, but then I thought it was really necessary to do that to him, so I decided to be honest.

Of course, Cheryl’s eyebrows were strangely twisted because she couldn’t understand the situation from the beginning where she had to ‘daringly’ protect a piece of the god who was active in the past, so I had to add a little bit of additional explanation. Even so, all I could say was that she absolutely could not fight the enemies due to the circumstances of the Master of Thought, but fortunately, Cheryl didn’t try to dig any deeper than that.

“Even a warrior has only one body.”

Instead, he looked at me as if I was very pitiful and started to act as if he was telling me something great.

With all my heart,

“Why are you saying such an obvious thing as if it were something new?”

Thanks to that, a rebuttal came out of my mouth as a spinal reflex, but my retort only made Cheryl’s gaze grow colder.

“I’m saying this because you’re worrying about such an obvious issue. How many allies are there here? Are you trying to protect them all by yourself?”

“No, but Master level···”

“There are master-level ones here too. Soldiers are everywhere on the ground, and dragon knights are flying in the sky. I don’t know how many of them could sneak in like rats, but a master-level one is only one body like you, so what are you worried about?”

Look at it simply, simply, Cheryl teaching me with her arms crossed arrogantly was very annoying…

“I know you don’t trust others. I also know you try to solve your problems on your own. But the existence of a fragment of a god who once dedicated himself to protecting the continent from evil gods is not just your problem. Even if you were afraid of making his existence known, you couldn’t make it public. He is someone everyone must work hard to protect.”

···There was nothing wrong with what he said about what he ate wrong, so I couldn’t say anything in return.

“If it’s really not good enough, I’ll stay. There’s no way I can win against a master-level player, but I can try for just one chance.”

“In that case, I should just···”

Taaak! Cheryl’s foot flew into my shin and hit it with a loud sound. But her surprise attack did not penetrate the greaves made of dragon scales, and Cheryl had to shed a few tears.

“Wake up. Since when have you been waiting here sucking your thumb until trouble comes? Instead of that, you should go around the city one more time and chase after the heads of the Demon King’s army that are hiding. That’s something only you can do.”

It was exactly right.

Until the end of the meeting, I asked Asili to patrol with Laika in case of any terrorist attacks, but that was only to catch booby traps or people with suspicious behavior, and Asili had no way of tracking magical power.

“···That’s right. I have to do what I can at this moment. I was so impatient that I forgot the obvious.”

Waiting is not my style. If there are really guys in Levien, I’d rather strike first and destroy them. That’s my style.

That was exactly what I had to do.

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